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Favourite nuzlocke comics?

Ojama Yellow

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I've recently started reading nuzlocke comics, and I loved them. Some, like the original nuzlocke comic, are made humorous, others focus on completely making you tear up when your favourite mon dies. There are a lot of comics I did like, but I'm fairly sure that I missed a lot of good ones too. So I made this topic to see what nuzlocke comics you liked, and to help people discover new and good ones. Starting off, my list:

- The original nuzlocke comic. Does this even need an explanation? Nuzlocke made nuzlocking a thing. He's my hero.

- A Petty Leaf Green challenge. Oh goodness. Shipping, emotions, humor, and the best, sunglasses! This comic has it all. The creator started making a Heart Gold challenge too, but it's only being updated slowly.

- Hale: Emerald Hard Mode. This guy. The amount of humor he put in his comic was incredible, as was the May in his comic. Quite a...disturbed person. Again, he started a Diamond comic, but disappeared as well. Sadly.

- Tales of Sinnoh and Myths of Unova. Two nuzlocke comics from the same creator. Myths of Unova is still being worked on, but it's godlike, at least in my opinion. I have never felt the feels I did with this one. The creator actually didn't disappear. That's the first of this whole list.

- Locke's Emerald Hard Mode. Ducks are what's really important in life. That, and a lot of other very interesting quotes. A lot of humor, but less emotions. Still, it's an awesome comic.

- Kit's nuzlocke comics. A serie, containing a Sapphire, Platinum, Black 2, and even a Soul Silver nuzlocke, which is still being worked on. Also a Distortionlocke, but that one was derpy. The amount of deaths in these runs is abnormal. Still, his drawing skills are very good imo.

- Chiaki's nuzlocke. A Sapphire nuzlocke. It starts out a bit goofy, but the art gets better quickly. Also, the plot is great. The feels will be there too. This nuzlocke is still a work in progress, but worth checking out.

- Castle's Diamond nuzlocke. I don't know whether or not this one will still be updated, but whatever. The comic is very original, and you will have a story that you would never expect. Our protagonist will be accompanied by...that's for you to find out.

- Nonchalant: a Ruby nuzlocke. Oh. My. God. This. It's great. Feels, story, art... Every and all of it is incredible. It is currently a work in progress, but check it out. Seriously. You won't be disappointed.

- Pi and Pea's nuzlocke. This nuzlocke is one of Black (or was it White?). Imo, great plot and such. It was abandoned for almost a year, but the artist returned, and new pages are being made! Yay!

- The Crimson Virus. An Emerald nuzlocke with a twist. The art and story are pretty to very good, imo, but the comic is discontinued. Sad life.

And that was my list. I hope I didn't forget anything. Also, idk if I can post links to the runs or not. I guess I may...but I'll just wait for that until I get proper clarification.

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I've been meaning to read some more, however I have read Petty, Ky-nim, & of course the original. Those are all the ones I have read/keep up with, I am wanting to read more & they have inspired me to at least try a Nuzlocke, still need to do one as well. lol.

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For me:

1) The original (of course ^_^) very good but he's slow with the updates (veeery slow)

2) Pitch Black Nuzlocke (not the ROM) it's a Nuzlocke of Pokemon Black and it's very (like a lot) disturbing (so if you don't like gore/violence this one is not for you) but at the same time captivating, i literally couldn't stop reading till it was finished (well the author stopped updating)

I tried to read some other Nuzlocke but they were all boring, now i'll try the ones you recommended

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Most of the nuzlockes I follow are already listed, so... I will put these two up:

- Land-walker's Yellow Nuzlocke: Although he, sadly, couldn't finish it, the plotline that he devised is amazing (he summarized the rest of it in 4 plot summaries with many details). Elements of real life and the manga version of Pokemon are incorporated in this story. You might need to read his original Sapphire nuzlocke (simply called Landwalker's Nuzlocke) in order to get the complete picture though. Both are enjoyable to read for me.

Link here: http://land-walker.deviantart.com/gallery/29972549/Yellow-nuzlocke

- Kittengoo's "Judgment" - A Heartgold Nuzlocke: I found her a long time ago when she worked on her first nuzlocke, but she took it down and replaced it with this one. Her art style is very unique and she isn't shy about addressing controversy and pushing the envelope.

Link here: http://kittengoo.deviantart.com/gallery/38508873/Judgement-A-HG-Nuzlocke

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The original, and Myths of Unova are my favorite. One being mostly humorous while the other is more on the serious side. I should've read Tales of Sinnoh before Myths of Unova buuuut my friend introduced me to the Unova one first.

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