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Grass mono


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I was just going to comment that if you got wrecked and didn't even see her Cradily, I had no hopes for you. Happy to be proven wrong this time. Berryl Ward is made for Grass monos. You can get: Tangela, Tropius, Nuzleaf (ableit later), the green monkey, Gourgeist, and more!

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Yeah, I came here after my third try because I knew I wasnt going anywhere the first 3 times haha. it was a lot better with the super potions. even though my tactic used was quite boring. :P

Ill come back if I have trouble with corey too haha

Edited by UgandaPanda
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It's probably too late to suggest this, since bulbasaur is available before and after your current point (starter and previous episode), but a sunny day pokemon (say, Sunflora for the hell of it) and a chlorophyll Venesaur may be enough to crumble cities into ruin. I have been running a drought Ninetails and chlorophyll Venesaur and it's honestly the biggest powerhouse I've ever seen! Get sleep powder and growth on Venesaur and just boost for days before going for a terrifying sweep. Ice types, fire types, psychic types,... basically anything but steel and Venesaur just doesn't care... it's going to steamroll them.

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thanks, how do i start this event? i just searched library or gothitelle on the search bar but couldnt find any information

nvm, found it. thanks :P

Hi, I have another question.

I got the root fossil for cradily recently and I was wondering if I could get giga drain onto it since it doesnt seem to be a tm or breedable onto it at first glance on bulbapedia. also what kind of move set would u guys recommend? I would really like to breed it and train it before I take on serra as I feel like it will be a challenge.

Thanks in advance.

Edited by UgandaPanda
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