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two random Questions!
This popped in my head at work...

1. What is your image of reborn... meaning what do you think reborn looks like? as if it was a real place...

2. What do you think i look like, not in real life, but what i personify myself on the forums and chat room... what about *insert person who posted after me here*

ok that was kinda 3 questions... but hey lets use or show off our imaginary skillz :P
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1) Reborn in my opinion is a Hell hole full of trolls, nazis, drama ,lovers (IkaruXAme~), and don't forget choas~ Choas makes me happy!

2. You look like my mind slave , YOUR NAME IS STEVE NAO BITCH!!!! Muhahahahaha and bring me some Tea on the double maggot!
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1. Reborn is a high tech Army Base HQ thingy, with the great Overlord Nyu controlling the entire place and can kill us all with just the push of a button.

2. I don't know what you personify yourself as, haven't seen you talking in a while. Geo is a tea-drinking ass-trollin' British...troll, yeah that.
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1.) Reborn looks [url=http://i970.photobucket.com/albums/ae189/SupahFish/Infinitas-RebornMap.jpg]as it is portrayed in [u][i]+Infinitas[/i][/u] (shitty version is shitty)[/url], which is also shown in [url=http://www.pokemonreborn.com/rebornmap.png]Storm's map.[/url]

2.)You look like the guy in your avatar who likes coffee, and Storm looks like how he's portrayed in [u][i]+Infinitas[/i][/u]

[b][i][color="#008000"]420[sup]th[/sup] post. Obligatory pot leaf is obligatory~[/color][/i][/b]

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  • 3 weeks later...
partially its cause Mael knows me in real life, and though i take the compliment, i am more of a evil and sly bastard who uses more of a "float like a butterfly and sting like a bee" to reck your house (mael was also the one who introduced me to the forums)

when it comes to being Rough and Tough, thats more Mael's Department, he is the muscle and i am a the trickster (and we are dam good at what we do XD)
some comparisons;
Mael= Super Mario, Cloud Strife, Would be a warrior or Gladiator in a RPG
Me= Luigi, Squall Leonheart, Would be a Rouge or Assassin in a RPG

but again, the topic was how do I portray myself, to some people, i am a sly stealthy asshole, to some people i am a dog or werewolf, to some i am tough, and to some i am Godot Apparently XD

in forums;
I think of Mael as a bit of a musclehead who acts first, asks questions later type of guy

Neku is a stereotypical anime protagonist who proudly shows off his troll badge

Dragonz is a guy in a fancy uniform with an ego complex

Ame is always in a purple tux being all admin-y and stuff

Will looks like how he does in his Trainer sprite, always thinking of what to draw carrying around a sketch book and giving May a piggyback ride

and Winter is a Green haired young dude who seems to be idolizing me recently, so i assume he attempts cosplaying as me from time to time XD
i plan to draw you guys, but i seem to be caught up recently in life and school and work, Ect.
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