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[OOC] Fate/Full Moon


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The world of magi is taken by surprise as Command Spells reminiscent of the Fuyuki Grail war appeared on a wrist of a 12 year old girl, 12 years after the end of the 5th Holy Grail war and the apparent destruction of it. The girl, coded as "patient 0" was immediately retrieved by the Mage's Association in order to undergo tests to prove the credibility of the Spells. The operation was led by Rin Tohsaka and her team comprised of 5 top rank magi (you can be one of those if you want to, but be reasonable with the age, and by that I mean don't make your pc too old or too young).

After the MA had determined that the Command Spells were indeed genuine, they decided the best course of action would be to begin making preparations straight away. In case something went terribly wrong, they had to be the ones to win the Grail so they could insure the safety and secrecy of the world of magi, as something wrong was clearly going on. And so they began tracking and gathering Masters. In the end, 4 Masters were in their possession, riled up and combat ready, geared up with Mystic Codes and powerful catalysts to help ensure their triumph as well as lots of funds donated by the MA. On 3rd of June, 2030, they set out for Fuyuki, along with a new moderator appointed by the Holy Church, who was sent to stand by during the war in the Kotomine church. The name of the priest was Father Aaron, a young and clumsy lad from England. He was an ideal puppet for the Church because of his naivete and blind loyalty.

However, during the flight, a certain magus did the unthinkable. Using a particular catalyst (obtained outside of MA), she managed to summon her Servant while on the plane and escape along with her newfound partner, causing the destruction of the plane. The others survived with the help of the Association, but the damage had been done. The girl was no other than "patient 0", Maria Lockeheart.

Now, on June 13th, all of the Masters are making final preparations for the war, including the summonings of their Servants.

However still, nobody knows how or why a new Holy Grail war is about to begin, but everybody is blazing with dtermination to win for their own sake.

And now, before we begin, there are three more problems need to be adressed.

#1 The Applications

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#2 Information

I'll just post what Sheep posted over at the Interest Check thread, in case somebody missed that or doesn't understand something.

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-Fuyuki City

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#3 Rules

-no bunnying unless the other person allows it

-respect others

-no god mode

-no spam

-no profanity, I am against such display

-various NPCs are under my control and my control only

-have fun ~

I'll arrange the Master and Servant duos here once people begin posting their PCs ~

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note: It might be better to discuss first about who wants and who doesn't want to be in the MA team. There are only 3 open places there, and we don't want to argue around here ~
If I missed something, I'll add it later. It's difficult to crank everything up in a signle post in only one go!


Edited by Bfroger6
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Name: Siegfried Einar

Age: 38

Appearance: Tall and dark haired with light blue eyes. Somewhat harsh facial features, with strong lines, angular but not gaunt. Prefers to stay clean-shaven. Neatly kept, medium length hair that already has a streak of gray on his left. Tends to dress in a rather archaic fashion, with his greatcoat making an appearance whenever the climate permits (and often when it doesn't, via a small bit of magecraft.) If he absolutely must blend in, he'll revert to more modern dress, usually dressed like a businessman of some sort. He carries a simple-looking knife reinforced with runes and owns a full-sized sword similarly enhanced, though the latter rarely makes its way into public for obvious reasons.

Personality: Rather cynical. He possesses strong principles, and considers himself above most people because of this. He will hold himself to these until it is absolutely impossible for him to succeed in his current goal, and then act as if they never existed in the first place. He has very little respect for the ideas of other people (and lacks it for others in general), but will not willfully insult others. He is not above sacrificing another if it moves him closer to his goals. The only set of principles he holds to outside of his own is the set governing the behavior of mages with respect to non-mages, and that is loose.

Nationality: American, with a mostly Northern European ancestry.

A trifle of trivia: He is a distant relative of the Edelfelts, though he doesn't possess anything special other than simple magical ability for this.

Elemental Affinity and preferred Magecraft: Earth+Wind, and rune magic

Command Seal: Three concentric circles with a total of twelve lines going through them, located on his right hand.

MA: Yes, but working toward his own goals primarily.

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Name: Andrew "Whitey" Whitcombe.

Age: 40.
Appearance: 178 cm tall, weighs 80 kg. He once had thick brown hair but by this point in his life it has turned grey. He's lax about maintaining routine and can therefore often be found with stubble on his chin. His eyes are green, with both wisdom and intelligence hiding behind them. He's accustomed to the hot Australian sun and so often wears light clothing, but on arriving at Japan he's had to acclimatize. You'll often see him wearing a brown leather jacket, with a rough shirt on underneath and jeans of some description. Usually blue or black. He'll also never be seen without his whiteish brown Akubra hat, complete with a single line of string dangling a piece of cork from the right hand side. He is a strong, well built man.
Personality: Empathetic and kind, Andrew is a man who values honesty and respect. He helps those in need of help, but is not naive enough to be fooled when they aren't. He is a well liked man, and blends in perfectly in a society that is none the wiser as to his true abilities. Do not mistake a kind heart for a weak one though, as he's accumulated a large amount of experience dealing with his own kind across his life time. The Mage's Association in Australia knows of his family's existence, but considers him to be nothing more than an ordinary mage who, while not part of their order, has done little outside of their rules. A trustworthy outsider if you like. They are blissfully unaware of his now 3 year old command seals.
Nationality: Australian, with a British convict family backstory.
A trifle of trivia: The cork dangling from his hat has an amusing charm cast on it to ward away flies and other pests. He has 23 magic circuits of reasonable quality, his terminally ill 16 year old son has 35 and they are of the highest quality in the history of his family. His son is Andrew's reason for entering the war.
Elemental Affinity: Water and Earth. Has devoted his own life to learning healing magecraft, but there is a large amount of water magecraft (to a master level) and a smaller amount of earth magecraft stored in his magic crest. His preferred style of magecraft is simple thaumaturgy.
Command Seal: Three ribbons intertwined running down the back of his left hand, starting at the wrist. Each branches away from the others just below the thumb joint, splits in two and a single thread runs up each finger/thumb with the last curling around to end on his palm.
MA: Is not working for the MA.
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Spirit: Arjuna Pandava.

Class: Archer.

Alignment: Lawful Good.


Strength: A
Endurance: C
Agility: B
Mana: C
Luck: C
Noble Phantasm: EX
Class Skills:
Independent Action: A
Magic Resistance: C
Personal Skills:
Charisma: D
Divinity: B
Eternal Arms Mastery: A
Military Tactics: C
River Blessing: A
(River Blessing: A: Arjuna was blessed by a Naga princess to be invincible in bodies of water. This manifests itself as Arjuna’s ability to walk on water, and while doing so his endurance parameter ranks up).
Noble Phantasms:
Gandiva: (Anti Unit) B
Mohini: (Anti Army) C
Sammohana: (Anti Army) E
Maheshwarastra: (Anti Unit) A
Varunastra: (Anti Unit) D
Varunapasha: (Anti Unit) A
Vajira: (Anti Unit) B+
Indraastra: (Anti Army) A
Brahmaastra: (Anti Country) A+
Pashupatastra: (Anti Divine) EX
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Gandiva: The moon bow created by the Brahman given to Arjuna by the god of water Varuna. Every time it is fired it makes a sound like thunder, and comes with two inexhaustible quivers of arrows. The bow is indestructible, and has up to 100 bowstrings, depending on how quickly the user can fire.

Disclaimer on divine weapons: These are powerful noble phantasms without form of their own. Arjuna does not carry them with him, and instead they are like blessings. He can invoke one at any time by uttering its name. For dramatic effect they can be used in conjunction with weaponry, which will transform the attack into the divine weapon or imbue it with the weapon's properties.

Mohini: The divine weapon of the god of love Mohini. It dispels any thaumaturgy of an equal rank or lower in the area of effect.

Sammohana: The divine weapon of an unnamed god. It induces sleep in all lesser beings inside its area of effect. Unlikely to work on heroic spirits.

Maheshwarastra: One of the divine weapons of the god of destruction Shiva. It embodies the power of his third eye, and fires a fiery bolt of energy at the intended target, inflicting heavy damage.

Varunastra: One of the divine weapons of the god of water Varuna. It summons a torrential volume of water to the battlefield in a rush.

Varunapasha: The other divine weapon belonging to Varuna. It sends ropes capable of binding gods at the intended target.

Vajira: One of the divine weapons belonging to the god of weather and Arjuna’s father Indra. It takes form as an electrical strike of B+ magnitude.

Indraastra: The other divine weapon belonging to Indra. It calls down arrows of light from the heavens over the target area.

Brahmaastra: One of the divine weapons of the god of creation Brahma. It is essentially an enormous explosion of energy.

Pashupatastra: The most powerful divine weapon in the Mahabharata, belonging to Shiva. It manifests itself as an explosion more powerful than the Brahmaastra, and is fully deserving of its Anti Divine rank.

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Name:Nadia "Umbra" Darke

Age: 27

Appearance: Long Jet Black hair, usually done up in a sloppy ponytail. Has deep emerald green eyes, that have a sinister look to them. Around 5'7 with a lithe athletic form. Typically wears a Suit, Black with a Green vest and tie. ((same color as her eyes.))

Personality: Distant, aloof. Nadia, preferring to go by the name Umbra, tends to be a distant person. She doesn't really attach to people and is known to be a loner by nature. She doesn't like wasting time and gets restless when nothing is going on, but can manage it. Can work in a team, but tends to be the mind of the group, she isn't a leader but has a talent for strategy and and tactics. However, she has a weak moral fiber, thinking of people in the team like weapons or objects to complete a goal and doesn't mind sacrificing a few if necessary. Has a no nonsense attitude, She doesn't like wasting time and gets restless when nothing is going on, but can manage it. SHe likes things to go as efficiently and smoothly as possible.

Nationality: Seems to be British, however it isn't certain.

A trifle of trivia: Is known for her ability to "harden" darkness into objects and weapons. She also has a talent with using Lightning as well. She is also known for her ruthless efficiency and overall no nonsense approach to problems.

Elemental Affinity (one or two elements tops!) and preferred Magecraft: Air((specifically Lightning)) and Void ((I don't really know what to put for Darkness, as that is what she manipulates. So I just put Void.)) Preferred Mage Craft: Materiel Transmutation

Command Seal (design and location); A Dragon, on her left shoulder. ((typical heraldic design, wings being 2 of the spells, with the Dragon's body being the last.))

MA (is or isn't working for the MA): Is with the MA.


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(hehe lots of stuff happens well i was at work)

Name: Josh Elders

Age: 24

Appearance: About 5'9" and around 150 pounds. He has dirty blond hair with blue eyes, usually wares blue jeans and louse green hoddie with white socks and blue black tennis shoes. He as light skin from getting some sun but not enough as he should. He clean shaven though his hair is usually a mess.

Personality: Josh is a smart yet lazy individual who for the most part responds sarcastically to people more so if he knows them well. He likes to keep people he just meets oblivious to his intelligence by acting the idiot. He is basically unaffected by insults and things thrown at him and most likely would insult himself as well since he doesn't care what people think about him. He doesn't have much care on the outcome of the war for he is more then happy to even be able to take part in one. Well he doesn't like to harm people not involved with the war he is able to rationalize it as necessary if it need be. He as no problem killing or harming those who threaten him or those he considers a ally. If he is betrayed he will take it as part of the war though the betrayer would find themselves as the target of his ire. He usually has a good humor (which is sarcastic and a bit off to some people). He tends to act cautious about things, but at times he forgoes that part (usually to play the idiot) and acts what seems to be rashly but is actually well thought out. Well he usually remains calm do to his faith in himself (and his servant) he can become angry and woe to anyone who truly makes him such.

Nationality: American (the north west) for the most part his ancestors are European(talking about almost every where) but it has a bit of others here and there though that doesn't really get seen in is appearance.

A trifle of trivia: He likes to eat sweets and is rarely seen without them. His family is unique as mages for they have no continuous line of mages since in there past a curse back fired and causes magic potential to skip generations so all there collected knowledge is actually stored as books (or as Josh as them now on a jump drive) varying from a bit on ever category of Magecraft. He also carries a bat with that he has used witchcraft on so it curses those it injures with wounds that take longer to heal.

Elemental Affinity and preferred Magecraft:(i really want to say the imaginary sixth element since curses but i won't) Water and Witchcraft.

Command Seal (design and location): Three circles within each other on his left shoulder

MA (is or isn't working for the MA): He is independent


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Chim if you want to see what i had for Cleoptra just ask

Edited by rustytengo
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i actually think that falls under the imaginary sixth element though Sheep would probably know better then me.

also going to point out Hukuna your character and mine are both working for the MA(joy, joy hehehehehe) and funny enough have the command seals in the same area.

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  On 10/28/2014 at 3:29 AM, Hukuna said:

Should point this out ahead of time, but Nadia has an affinity for magic using Darkness as an element. I put Void under her Elemental Affinities but I am not sure that is entirely right. What do you guys think?

I think it fits under Void quite nicely.

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  On 10/28/2014 at 3:55 AM, King Murdoc said:

Changed to working with the MA, unless someone else wants.

cool that means i can free up my pair. since its a bit more fitting not to have them working for the MA(especially if berserker is there.)

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Now that I think about it, I can see my character working with the MA. Slowly, patiently, biding his time until the moment is opportune. I know this sounds spoilerish but it'll be pretty obvious (and might be already) that his loyalty is to himself.

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  On 10/28/2014 at 4:13 AM, Hukuna said:

^ you should hold that one for a sec, until we know what everyone else wants to do. ((I don't actually want to be in the MA either, but I figure somebody has to be.))

okay changed it back to what i originally had.

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  On 10/28/2014 at 4:17 AM, Hukuna said:

Well yea, but so is Umbra's in the scheme of things. We just have a big amount of super independent people lol.

As is fitting of the Mages Association if Kayneth is any representative. Honestly both of your characters do seem as if they could have come from the Mages Association. Siegfried seems like a harsher version of Tokiomi, whereas Nadia seems like she could have walked straight out of one of their more "specialized" divisions.

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  On 10/28/2014 at 4:17 AM, Hukuna said:

Well yea, but so is Umbra's in the scheme of things. We just have a big amount of super independent people lol.

thats actually just how mages are. though mine guy is just kind of there for the fun and probably the free food.

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Sorry if I'm intruding on the Sign-up ground here, but I'm not really familiar with the source material at all aside from what I read at the top. I was wondering if all possible "slots" have already been taken up or if there was still the possibility of joining this. Once again, I really hope I'm not intruding on designated Sign-up only space with this silly question, haha.

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Na, it is totally fine Wala, it is just pretty much every servant has been claimed already. If you want a bit more stuff to see on the Fate Universe, definitely go find Fate/Zero. It is an anime that is in this universe, and explains it decently enough. ((it is an anime that really doesn't feel really anime, as I typically hate anime and I love it XD.))

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Ahh, alright! Thank you very much Hukuna, haha. So there isn't perhaps some kind of non-master character spots that could be filled? Then again, there wouldn't be much point to such a person in this, would there?

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