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NPs are difficult for an Assassin...

Here's what I have so far:

Spirit: Cleopatra

Class: Assassin

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Strength: E

Agility: B

Endurance: D

Mana: C

Luck: C

Noble Phantasm: D

Class Skills

Presence Concealment (includes her servants) B

Personal Skills

Charisma: B (Only to control her servants)

Disengage: B

Seduction: A (Her beauty allows her to manipulate others)

Poisoning: A (Her main weapon. Deadly, Paralysis …)

Noble Phantasms

Queen of Egypt: Allows her to summon servants for different causes; a scout, a warrior, an archer or just someone to feed her when she’s bored. Rank: E ((Max 5 at a time and mainly used for scouting or to escape from battle))

I'm not sure about Queen of Egypt because she'll be doing it all the time. Maybe I should turn it into summoning poisonous snakes / Nile crocodiles or something.

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Cleo could possibly have a second NP. ((the number of NPs is unlimited however, it is super rare for Servants to have more than 3. As you will notice a lot of ours have around 2, while Sheep's Archer has 10.))

Keep in mind Assassin tends to be the weakest in one on one combat and presence concealment instantly drops when you are attacking, so no you can't just kill a master instantly. ((keep in mind a lot of master's are trained to fight, so they aren't going to be pushovers or easy to kill, easier than servants yes, but they could defend themselves.))

Also I should note, Nadia is a Melee Mage with a tinge of mid range attacks, so even she isn't really ranged lol. ((she actually is trained in Sword fighting and tends to harden darkness into Swords for fighting.)) so even Berserker's Master isn't Ranged lol. The MA team gets even easier to kite.

((and I am going to note here, that Chim if you really want to be in the MA you can have my spot or Murdoc's, since I am not attached it and I don't think he is either. Hell, Assassin will be sups scary in the MA team and will make them super dangerous.))

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NPs are difficult for an Assassin...

Here's what I have so far:

Spirit: Cleopatra

Class: Assassin

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Strength: E

Agility: B

Endurance: D

Mana: C

Luck: C

Noble Phantasm: D

Class Skills

Presence Concealment (includes her servants) B

Personal Skills

Charisma: B (Only to control her servants)

Disengage: B

Seduction: A (Her beauty allows her to manipulate others)

Poisoning: A (Her main weapon. Deadly, Paralysis …)

Noble Phantasms

Queen of Egypt: Allows her to summon servants for different causes; a scout, a warrior, an archer or just someone to feed her when she’s bored. Rank: E ((Max 5 at a time and mainly used for scouting or to escape from battle))

I'm not sure about Queen of Egypt because she'll be doing it all the time. Maybe I should turn it into summoning poisonous snakes / Nile crocodiles or something.

Hehey, I played with Rusty's version of her in the other RP, surely a great character! I liked that new Noble Phantasm you made as well, so good luck with that!

(Oh, btw I've found a pretty badass pic of Cleopatra back then... I'll try to send it to you)

Also guys, your Masters and Servants are all looking great, congrats!

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throw runes

How do you mean? As I understand it, runes are ephemeral things that a magus draws to create an effect, not something that can really be moved around. Still, it make sense for him to be close quarters as runes are at their most powerful when drawn on the intended target.

As far as Cleopatra goes, I have some suggestions. I like her high agility take on the three physical parameters, but she was also considered by many to be the avatar of Isis. This should be more than enough to net her a divinity ranking of at least D, probably C as it's similar to how Alexander's works. With that in mind, perhaps you could come up with a noble phantasm representing a powerful blessing of Isis, or something of the like. If it were me, I'd probably make the blessing an offensive one (it is Assassin after all), and make it akin to being able to use some sort of poison-thaumaturgy cross mix. There is a (very underdeveloped) character on the wiki who uses something like this already, but I think it fits Cleopatra quite well.


That's Assassin of Red, who uses a similar thing. She got it through some weird sort of double summon, rather than the blessing of a god though. She also uses doves as information gathering agents rather than your presence concealed Egyptian warriors. As for how the magic would work, perhaps a sort of poisoned water magic that can seep through armour and skin to poison through contact? Sounds cool in theory.

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I meant drawing runes on things at range using some wind magic trickery, but it wouldn't work all that well. (The wiki is super vague about how drawing runes on things at ranges works anyway so I made something up.) I just said it to be funny.

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I have some questions about how Caster's noble phantasms work Rusty.

Is hysteria like a bounded field that you have to set up in a particular location before it'll work? Is it more of a spontaneous thing that she can turn on and off at will? Does it affect everything inside it's radius without her doing anything, or does she have to be consciously aware of the target's presence, and actively trying to use it against them? How would it work on creatures of lesser intelligence like animals or familiars?

What exactly are the specifics on witch hunt? How does she activate it? How does it kill/weaken opponents? Can it be used on anyone within the radius of hysteria or is Caster's presence required to use it?

of course you would ask me this questions...lets see if i can explain it well.

Hysteria is a bound field that must be set up within the area that Caster designates as her territory(honestly i think i need to give her a higher rank in Territory Creation because of that) which is about five to seven square miles. Once it is set up she can turn it off but it would reset it to its weakest stage so its a very big disadvantage for her to do that. it does effect all within it, for the most part it grows on its own though she can control to some extent(best way i can describe it that she provides the initial spark of it and lets the fire grow on its own. though she can fan the flames of it if need be so to say).

It in it self is a subtle thing that normally would go undetected by most. if she is actively trying to have it grow or target something its a lot more noticeable.(the only reason she can target it on berserker is because his madness is the same thing that Hysteria proliferates in its area any other kind of madness it wouldn't have much of a effect if that makes sense). If she makes someone a target with in Hysteria they feel the effects of it but they them self become the target of other hysteria.it really don't effect the mind of things of lower intelligence like animals and familiars(though she would sense the familiars once they enter it). Though animals could become the target of the hysteria of those within it. I hope that explains the things its hard to describe mechanically and such.

Other then that is works like a normal bound field would with being able to sense when others enter it an such.

Now the other one. I wish it was called Witch Hunt then its effect would be different but it called Witch Trial for a reason. She activates it by the utterance of four words "You are a witch" at the target of it. How it kills varies given that just in Salem people died at least three different ways(hanging, crushed to death with stones, and died in prison) though people have been killed in witch trials other ways as well(burnt at the stake, drowned, beheaded and more that i don't know...what i think there's one with getting put in a bag with poisonous snakes and getting shaken.) How it weakens a major drop in parameters of the target(similar to if they where thrown in prison and deprived food water and the such and tortured daily to get a confession) most people did not survive being accused of a being a witch.She can target anyone within Hysteria though to bring out its full power she must be present to "accuse" the target.

how it judges if they are killed or weakened....great more tricky explaining time. It judges a target based on what belief of a witch was.Which could really be for almost any reason(Even one such a Joan of Arc was condemned as on at the time). its actually really hard to explain basically if you could think of a reason why someone was one you basically condemned that person to death. The more Hysteria grows the more likely hood of death vs weakened is raised. Though things like what time was the person from, where they a pagan, did or do they you Magecraft, did they get killed by a being called a witch at the time (and yadda, yadda yadda, i think you get it know) change that as well.

Hope you understand all that if not i will try to make it clearer to the best i can.

Edited by rustytengo
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Does magic resistance affect either of them?

With Witch Trial, it sounds like the ability itself judges them in an impartial manner after Caster accuses someone. You say it takes into account their history and their abilities when this occurs. Does it automatically know all of the accused's noble phantasms/skills or only the ones that have been used in the war? Or even only the ones that have been used in the radius of Hysteria?

Finally, is Caster the only one that can make use of this or is it possible for someone else to work out how it works, and then use it against her? I'd imagine she's the only one as it's her noble phantasm, but you've gotta admit that'd be a pretty funny way to die.

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Cleo could possibly have a second NP. ((the number of NPs is unlimited however, it is super rare for Servants to have more than 3. As you will notice a lot of ours have around 2, while Sheep's Archer has 10.))

Keep in mind Assassin tends to be the weakest in one on one combat and presence concealment instantly drops when you are attacking, so no you can't just kill a master instantly. ((keep in mind a lot of master's are trained to fight, so they aren't going to be pushovers or easy to kill, easier than servants yes, but they could defend themselves.))

Also I should note, Nadia is a Melee Mage with a tinge of mid range attacks, so even she isn't really ranged lol. ((she actually is trained in Sword fighting and tends to harden darkness into Swords for fighting.)) so even Berserker's Master isn't Ranged lol. The MA team gets even easier to kite.

((and I am going to note here, that Chim if you really want to be in the MA you can have my spot or Murdoc's, since I am not attached it and I don't think he is either. Hell, Assassin will be sups scary in the MA team and will make them super dangerous.))

I was looking for a second offensive one. And the wiki said that the presence concealment doesn't drop when you try to poison someone, but that shouldn't be a problem since I'll follow the 'hit and run' strategy.

My character would side with the MA, but if there isn't a spot left I'll figure out something.

How do you mean? As I understand it, runes are ephemeral things that a magus draws to create an effect, not something that can really be moved around. Still, it make sense for him to be close quarters as runes are at their most powerful when drawn on the intended target.

As far as Cleopatra goes, I have some suggestions. I like her high agility take on the three physical parameters, but she was also considered by many to be the avatar of Isis. This should be more than enough to net her a divinity ranking of at least D, probably C as it's similar to how Alexander's works. With that in mind, perhaps you could come up with a noble phantasm representing a powerful blessing of Isis, or something of the like. If it were me, I'd probably make the blessing an offensive one (it is Assassin after all), and make it akin to being able to use some sort of poison-thaumaturgy cross mix. There is a (very underdeveloped) character on the wiki who uses something like this already, but I think it fits Cleopatra quite well.


That's Assassin of Red, who uses a similar thing. She got it through some weird sort of double summon, rather than the blessing of a god though. She also uses doves as information gathering agents rather than your presence concealed Egyptian warriors. As for how the magic would work, perhaps a sort of poisoned water magic that can seep through armour and skin to poison through contact? Sounds cool in theory.

Thanks! I'll take a look at the Avatar of Isis thing. I believe Rusty used something that had to do with that as well with his Cleopatra.

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I need to apologize for not being here yesterday... My dog kind of decided to sleep in my room that night so we had to keep the doors open and I was unable to stay up late because of that.

I'll arrange the profiles today then

I'm going to change Maria so she's from Germany cuz would allow me to use a friggin' awesome and fitting incantation for one of her spells.

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Or she could just know German.....like....you know Rin who is Japanese ((I assume....it is hard to tell in anime....)) just so happens to know.

I should note you rarely want your magic words to be in your native tongue, because it brings pictures of the things attached to those words into your mind, ruining your concentration. That is just a general magic thing, not in particular from Fate. It is used in a heck of a lot of Magic systems. ((and it is why Spells Incantation's tend to be in nonsense words, or in a another language.))

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Oh, I've just realized that alignment can be neutral in the first slot. So it can range from any combination of Lawful/Neutral/Chaotic and Good/Neutral/Evil. Yes, even the highly sought after Neutral Neutral is potentially possible, but in that case I'd just say they're Neutral.

So anyone I talked to before about alignment, keep this in mind and change it if you want.

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Sheep that is known as True Neutral in terms of alignment.

In fact Neutral Good is know as True Good, Neutral Evil is known as True Evil, Lawful Neutral is true Lawful etc..

This is because they have no ties in the other spectrum of alignment and there for are truly devoted to whatever they are.

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Your personal character or Beowulf? Because your personal while he isn;t exactly one ((no true character is alignments are too simple to classify people.)) he is closest to Neutral Evil. This is because he seems to truly care about himself first and above all others. This is a key feature of a Neutral Evil Character. This is because Good tend to be Selfless and giving.

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Allow me to contest that idea. I don't think that's the way it works in the Fate universe.

The reason for this is the character of Stay Night Assassin. His alignment is Neutral Evil, though surely he's not "True Evil" as you describe it? He doesn't seem that way to me at least.

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