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[OOC] Fate/Full Moon


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Btw, the full Moon occurs on June 16th 2030 (if we're going by the Japanese timezone), so in two days for them ~ I used this website to check: http://moongiant.com/full_moon_calendar.php

(I just mentioned that 'cause of the title, lol)

And I'll just say that Maria's accomplice is someone in the Mage's Association.

Edited by Bfroger6
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By the way, how well known is the second function of Command Spells? That is, not only forcing a Servant to obey, but also providing them with a massive amount of prana to fulfill a command with given they agree with it?

Related: if F/Z's Berserker could use his

Black Fog to appear as Rider

then could Saber of Red do something similar with Secret of Pedigree?

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Berserker from Fate/Zero case is not that. He can't use For Someone's Glory to appear as another Servant as Berserker. He has to be forced to use it with a command spell. Basically, if summoned under another Class, Berserker could have easily used the ability, but Under Mad Enhancement it is degraded. ((only being the fog that obscures his identity.)) So the command spell was used to force him to use the other function of the ability. ((basically under Mad Enhancement his thinking is not clear enough to use it on his own, so he has to be forced to with a command spell. It has nothing to do with giving him prana.))

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Berserker from Fate/Zero case is not that. He can't use For Someone's Glory to appear as another Servant as Berserker. He has to be forced to use it with a command spell. Basically, if summoned under another Class, Berserker could have easily used the ability, but Under Mad Enhancement it is degraded. ((only being the fog that obscures his identity.)) So the command spell was used to force him to use the other function of the ability. ((basically under Mad Enhancement his thinking is not clear enough to use it on his own, so he has to be forced to with a command spell. It has nothing to do with giving him prana.))

I know, but those were separate questions. The wiki mentions that Servants being able to go beyond their normal capabilities if their Master uses a command spell in conjunction with their own desires.

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What they're referring to there is stuff like giving servants the ability to teleport to any given location. Most servants can't normally do that but the command seal makes it possible. Pretty sure I covered that.

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Nadia would technically be Chaotic Neutral, it most closely aligns with her character. Though I understand she probably seems evil lol. Like she doesn't randomly kill people, she wouldn't do that. However, she doesn't mind killing mages because of now she isn't very fond of the MA, so she kills them off. Basically, she rails against the organization, because she can. So, she isn't evil. ((at least in my head....she is twisted, but not evil lol.))

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To be honest, I'm not sure what I consider Hels. I mean, he's a sadist and an obsessive priest outside of public but all he really wants in the end is what the church wants. An easy mind to mold I guess considering his life. I guess for now, he's Chaotic Good? No idea how the D & D system works.

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It isn't D and D related persay, D and D is just the most common example and place it is most seen. And he may be considered Lawful Neutral, with the Church being the law he follows to the letter. I could post a little video on alignments is you would like me too. ((it is in the Graterras thread already, but you might have to dig for it...not sure how buried it is off the top of me 'ead.))

Basically, Good = biased towards helping Others, Evil = Biased towards helping one's self. Neutral = Indifference or for an Organization ((like a church.)).

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Siegfried is one of those characters with a set of traits that tends to mess with the system. . . he doesn't care much for the opinions of others and defies the laws set by others, but at the same times tries his damnedest to live by his own code. He's also rather selfish and focuses on the acquisition of personal power, but it's ultimately for a good cause.

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so True Neutral then? ((jk, but really though every character has this, when I say Nadia is Chaotic Neutral I mean she has a high alignment with this, however as a true character she has inklings of them all within her. She most easily aligns with Chaotic Neutral because she likes to rail against established order, and doesn't like to adhere to it so she ACTIVELY rebels against it. However, she doesn't do it to further the needs of others, and doesn't do it to further herself. She does it because she just likes it. She gets no benefit out of it, and just does it for the kicks.))

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He probably is, since you say he actively rebels against order, however, since he has his own code it could be argued he is Lawful Good, just he follows his own subset of rules. ((codes are very very much the territory of Lawful charaters, so if he has a personal one, it is the law of his society. [even if it is just him that belives it.]))

He is most definitely a good character overall, more of one of those I must become powerful so I can bear the weight of everything type of guys. ((which is very very bad for a character's health and tends to end in a short life span XD.))

and this shows you why the alignment system is broken in the end when it comes to in-depth characters. It cannot fully apply to them otherwise they don't seem as real. It is best to keep in mind what I call their Tendencies. Nadia tends towards Chaotic Neutral actions. This I keep in my head to help me make decisions as her, but in certain situations she may have entirely different outlooks. Same with any character.

((also I should point out Gilgamesh is apparently listed as Chaotic Good by the way.....this is definitely not true in the slightest at least in the case of the Fate Series. XD Just find that funny.))

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((also I should point out Gilgamesh is apparently listed as Chaotic Good by the way.....this is definitely not true in the slightest at least in the case of the Fate Series. XD Just find that funny.))

Do you think he is evil? I don't. He was a ruler just like any other, and he was a surprisingly good one, he was very good to his subjects. He's just very selfish and has a very accepting outlook on both good and evil.

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Honestly I don't think Gil is evil at all(and Hukuna's mad because of who he kills) For the most part he is definitely on the chaotic side of things. he never did anything straight up evil. He just choose not to do anything(because one person was more interesting then the other). But i won't deny that he is a glorious basterd.

Edited by rustytengo
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that's why i chose this avatar because it was of a Caster.(and because I decided to play though Fate/Extra again this time with Caster and not Red Saber,{good thing i had a clear save for it too Caster is tricky to use})

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