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[OOC] Fate/Full Moon


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OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOhhhhhhh, I misread that....welp i feel stupid, I thought he was just preparing for a counter...I didn't know he attacked.

Begin Operation: Hukuna is Dumb. Have to edit this in a way that is reasonable...give me a bit.....XD

And remember kids, this is why you don't skim read, it never ends well.

Don't want to double post, but I need to so Murdoc knows I have Edited the Post, carry on with the battle good Sir. ((and sorry, I really am an idiot.....XD))

E: hukuna pls

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A note for those less educated about medieval weaponry and combat styles for those that know a bit less than I: There's a reason huge, two-handed swords never saw broad use beyond the ceremonial. To maintain an effective assault, one swings it much as you would swing an axe or a hammer; in what amounts to a double loop, preserving as much momentum as one can between swings. This is brutally effective if you're facing undisciplined troops or someone not focusing on you, but the timing is fairly simple for a trained swordsman. It's why lighter weapons like the small sword and rapier rose in popularity; it doesn't matter how heavy your blade is, if you poke an internal organ, your opponent dies; shearing him and his horse in half is unnecessary.

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Yea, He is going to have trouble with other Servants now. Against Berserker he doesn't need it since well it doesn't hurt him anyway, and Berserker is almost as short ranged as he is. ((Berserker is probably bigger, so he has further reach...not sure if he is actually slower...need to look, but Saber can get close to him it is harder for him to get him away.)) Basically, Saber has an advantage aginst Berserker so long as he is in stage 1 rage, an even match more or less when he is in stage 2, and might totally lose if the curse triggers. ((since I don;t know if Saber could get away form him very easily if it came on.)) basically....Berserker need a crap load of things to go his way to win, but otherwise their battle wold stall out for bloody ever, with Saber probably winning, probably. ((they might even double down each other if Stage 2 Rage for Macbeth is triggered.))

However, ever other servant it is not going to be fun without his sword. ((especially Archer XD.)), but hey, at least Berserker can't use your Sword against you really! NPs only really work properly for their owner.

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Well yea, XD. Honestly.......I have to wonder how bloody op Lancelot would have been under the Saber class.....

Like his abilities under that class would have been suuuuuuuuuper op XD. Can look like anybody else, and use any weapon or improvised weapon.

What is with the Spirits being summoned under Berserker, like the worst class they could ever be summoned under? ((like same thing with Fate/Stay Night's Berserker, any other class he would have been mad o.p. XD.))

Oh and sweetness.....that is actually horrifying for Saber then....Since Berserker is like an 7 ft Giant. ((pretty much over exaggerating his size.)) gives him a bit more of an edge. ((the match-up would still be bloody close though.))

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pls, he's used to fighting huge monsters with unnatural speed and strength that swords cannot touch

enjoy your arm while you have it, though this talk leads to another topic: if Siegfried dies (highly likely at this point) and Saber lives, would anyone take up his contract?

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The creator said the most ideal class for Stay Night Berserker is Archer but yeah both Lancelot and Hercules would probably be a match for Gil it they actually could think more then just attack, attack, attack.

Maybe it would highly depend on how and where his master died. (Josh totally would just for fun anyway....if he didn't cause the death anyway)

Edited by rustytengo
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Maybe she would lose the ability to use the full power of her sword, though her fighting style fits in it a bit better. Honestly I think Macbeth is a really good Berserker since he really doesn't lose to much by being in the class like others would.

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I think the main problem with the Berserker class is that it like seals a lot of stuff, so I am sure She would lose something pretty significant since it always seems to happen.

Macbeth actually gains more from being Mad and it was part of the reason I tried fleshing out the idea, since it was a super important part of his legend, or at least the play that ended up being the most well known version of him. I alos thought it would be interesting to have a Berserker who benefited from being Mad rather than tarnished by it.

((also, i am sure Nadia would pick up Saber if she was there at the time, but she isn't following lol. She would rather have one she could directly influence, or at least talk to XD.))

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