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[OOC] Fate/Full Moon


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Wasn't is stated somewhere that a serious Gilgamesh could have ended the Grail Wars in one night? I swear I read that somewhere.

Also, I know this has nothing to do with anything but it's bugging me to say it, being that Hels' last name "Kurgis" is pronounced "Krujis". The name originates from the middle east...

Originally, I was going to pick Saber, being Fergus Mac Roich with Caladbolg. That sword is beast.

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Nothing like a Yandere Love Triangle, amiright? Poor Josh..I feel like he is going to be horribly dead by the end of this XD.

But yea, it is going to be an interesting thing I am betting, so much intrigue is already bieng sown. I can't wait for the MA alliance to just turn on it's head.

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Yeah he is probably in more danger from his servant then anyone else.

Gil could end a war in one Night since he has a anti-world NP but he is so well Gilgamesh about things that he would never use Ea like that.(also Lancelot is a really big Gil counter just look at what he does as a berserker, then give him a mind that thinks normally he could easily beat Gil in a fight)

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I had Odysseus as Lancer in the one I tried to do. yeah he was a lot of fun. i really don't like him as assassin though but hes one of those heroes that could fall into many different classes.

though Murdoc she wouldn't be able to fight that well in terms of strategy so she would loss that as well(and she probably would take up quite a lot of mana as well)

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Back in the very early days of planning this I was considering using Samson as Berserker. That would have been a pretty monstrous servant, though probably not as OP as my Archer.

Plus with a strength ranking of EX the instant mad enhancement is turned on the master's probably gonna kark it in around 5 minutes or so.

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I'm actually still imagining Rand as a Servant despite the fact that I'll probably never use him in one of these, lol. Let's just say summoning him as Berserker would be downright suicidal, as you would have a Servant that would have to be specifically commanded to not kill their Master that was still capable of absolutely spamming magical attacks (and he would actually freely use Callandor and Balefire if he was crazed; that's why he would refuse to use them under another class) and would basically suck a Master dry in an instant. He'd leave a pretty crater, though.

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Oh and just a heads up for the up coming fight Flynn. If you want an idea of Archer's skill level in melee combat I'm going to try and write it as if he's equivalent to Karna, seeing as in the legend he was considered Karna's equal in skill at just about everything. For reference on how good Karna is check here for a short fight between Karna and Siegfried: http://forums.nrvnqsr.com/showthread.php/1451-Fate-Apocrypha-Translation-%28no-spoilers%29?p=1300452&viewfull=1#post1300452

Archer won't have the advantage of reach like Karna does, but his skill is undeniable.

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Mmkay. I never really thought being summoned as Archer lowered your skill in melee combat after what we saw with Gil and F/SN Archer. Gil took on Proto-Saber pretty handily and well, F/SN Archer held up against Cu.

Also, I took the liberty of adding a mannerism to Lancer to kind of embrace how Fate/ often "reveals" aspects of historical characters we didn't really know, so the garlic thing is just there to be there.

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and well, F/SN Archer held up against Cu.

Depends on when you're talking about. Well, actually no it doesn't. The first time they fight Lancer is inhibited by a command seal lowering his abilities, the second time it is a one sided massacre. I just read that part in the VN, Lancer slaughters him.

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Honestly, I didnt think people would do anything on day one, lol... if I did, I would have sent Rider to pick up groceries in Shinto so he'd be present during the conflict xc

I can give him an avenue in. Even if Rider can't sense the conflict from there (which we can probably say he can if you want to show up) if Archer is pushed to the point at which he feels the need to pull out Gandiva the whole city is going to know about it.

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First reference is Fire Emblem - Awakening being Owain and his glorious Sword Hand, second is from Fairy Tail being Bacchus (which has gone incredibly downhill and is such a shame. Really crappy anime now) and the last is from a book called the Night Angel Trilogy. I'm really glad you didn't assume I'm just psychopathic.

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I can give him an avenue in. Even if Rider can't sense the conflict from there (which we can probably say he can if you want to show up) if Archer is pushed to the point at which he feels the need to pull out Gandiva the whole city is going to know about it.

Lol, you plan on killing half the city?

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What? Hell no, Archer isn't the type to kill innocents. Gandiva has the unfortunate side effect of giving off the sound of thunder every time it's fired. I'm gonna specify clear skies if I do need to fire it, that should be enough right?

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Double post but I've gotta get this out there. Dunno if you understood my previous post Flynn but I'd already taken Archer past the point that I think you're writing at. Did I move too quickly? I can edit mine to make it fit if you want, but I've gotta go for now. Domestic issues.

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I understood it as Archer rushed past Lancer, using a flick of his sword to prevent Lancer from attacking directly as he went past him, then went back in. So after he went past Lancer and came back, Lancer ducked low and swung the lance at Archer's feet. I guess saying "as his opponent raced past him" was a little misleading since I also didn't follow through. My bad, I'll edit.

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