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[OOC] Fate/Full Moon


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Yea, I did XD. Not sure yet. ((and when did the MA guys summon their Servants, I meant for Nadia to summon hers a little early, since she is planning to look for her boy toy in the midst of things lol.))

I will say me and Rusty are working on it, so it is more up to me when she arrives I think. ((since Josh probably has no diea she is even there...he might not even remember her all that well XD.)). I would say soonish, but stuff may happen in-between her getting things in order.

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The Mages Association are summoning their servants on the 14th.

If I reconstruct the timeline so far (assuming you're summoning Berserker on the 14th and Rusty's summoning Caster on the 14th) it looks something like this: Sometime between the 3rd of June and the 13th of June Rider is summoned and their plane is destroyed -----> 13th of June afternoon Archer is summoned --------> 14th of June 12:00 AM Caster is summoned -------> 14th of June 2:00 AM Berserker is summoned -------> 14th of June afternoon Andrew and Archer arrive in Fuyuki ------> 14th of June night MA servants are summoned.

And sometime Nadia is standing on a tall building (I assume) in Shinto.

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Yea, sounds about right. Keep in mind that scene was probably super early morning. So, we are going to assume that scene took place at around 7 AM for sake of convenience. (( I reckon she wasn't super far out of town during the summoning.)), she is probably going to sit on her heels for the time being and hide in a hotel or something until Night falls. As somebody who uses darkness, night is preferable. ((she can still use her powers during the day by the way, it just takes more power to manifest the same result. She can do it with next to no effort in pitch black darkness, and pretty easily on most nights.))

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So she was standing on the rooftop in the early morning of the 14th? That works out nicely actually as the sooner we can standardize all of our timelines to the night of the 14th the better from my eyes.

Could you edit your posts to reflect the date?

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Activity ^^

Anyways, I'm in school now, but I'll try answering some questions ~

First off, yup, I'm serving as the supervisor. In my next update, I'll write somewhat of a monologue by her explaining what they should do.

Rusty, you can go do whatever you want ~

If you wanna, I can link a picture of Fuyuki from the wiki page when I come home. That, coupled with sheep's explanation should give everyone a clear view of the city.

And sheep's timeline is correct, yup ~

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It would be grand if you posted the Map on the OP, it would make it easy to find. Also, I have edited the posts to reflect when they happened. Also, I imagine a lot of the beginning stuff will jsut be flexing around seeing what is up etc. rather than full blown power. Also, Battles don't have to end in death right out the gate. ((keep in mind it took like until halfway through Fate/Zero for any one to Servant/Master to die. Plenty Died, just no Masters or Servants lol.))

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Also, Battles don't have to end in death right out the gate.

Yes, this part is particularly important. We're all here to have a bit of fun with this and no-one wants to leave early after putting so much work into it. I expect everyone was already aware of this though.

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I figured just making sure. Mostly with Chim......since he is trying to go after Masters....who while not useless, are easier to kill than servants. Besides, if you guys offed Nadia you won't get to see her torture Josh. *winks, or hell other intersting interactions between the other characters, I have a feeling he MA guys are going to be interesting to watch, along with whatever Maria and Rider are planning. And I expect Archer to be more of a loner, but I am curious as to what he and his master are going to be doing lol.

((it is actually bloody horrifying how qualified all these masters are lol, there aren't any people in this war who are flat out novices, or weak mages))

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I figured just making sure. Mostly with Chim......since he is trying to go after Masters....who while not useless, are easier to kill than servants. Besides, if you guys offed Nadia you won't get to see her torture Josh. *winks, or hell other intersting interactions between the other characters, I have a feeling he MA guys are going to be interesting to watch, along with whatever Maria and Rider are planning. And I expect Archer to be more of a loner, but I am curious as to what he and his master are going to be doing lol.

((it is actually bloody horrifying how qualified all these masters are lol, there aren't any people in this war who are flat out novices, or weak mages))

While I'm going after Masters, I don't expect it to be easy to kill them. I even expect there to be a few occassions where my attempts fail. Not to mention my character will try to get the others in the MA do the dirty / dangerous work.

And he'll probably stay away from the most troublesome ones unless they are weakened somehow. At this point I think he would go after Rider's master first...

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I see lol, but yea, it also makes the most logical sense...since they probably have the biggest leads to go on for her. ((since Maria was supposed to be helping them, but absconded with a Catalyst.)) so I imagine they would go after a target they know something about, rather than ones they don't know anything about.

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And I expect Archer to be more of a loner, but I am curious as to what he and his master are going to be doing lol.

This is sort of what I'm thinking of aiming for too. Having my character originate from Australia is not only nice from a personal perspective, but it also give me a good avenue of playing the lone wolf with the most suitable class for that. Also, looking at the various masters arrayed here I can't see a single one that "good guy Andrew" would really get along well with. Fortunately Archer is renowned as a hero of purity and goodness so the master servant duo shouldn't clash much (which is probably easier on me from a writing perspective). I'd be lying if I said I didn't already have a plan going into this as well so you do have something to look forward to.

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Oh trust me, he won't like Nadia much, she is not persay evil, but her world view is a bit skewed. She would probably also find him super boring, and therefore not pay any attention to him. ((unless she had to.)). Like her sole goal in this War, is really just to win, she actually doesn't really care about that either though. She kinda just wants to watch some people squirm as she wrecks their dreams, and in the MA's case, as she messes with their plans.

((also 3000 Posts hype.))

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I see lol, but yea, it also makes the most logical sense...since they probably have the biggest leads to go on for her. ((since Maria was supposed to be helping them, but absconded with a Catalyst.)) so I imagine they would go after a target they know something about, rather than ones they don't know anything about.

Her Servant was supposed to be Julius Cesar. That was the catalyst the MA had prepared for her. The others don't really know much about her new Rider, except maybe the fact that he rides on a giant bird, lol :P What they are supposed to know is her Wind affinity and her usage of paper in battle. Yup, paper. Like thousands of tiny notes she carries around in a bag.

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I mean, there has been weirder magic lol.

Oh yea, and that is totally German Nadia uses for incantations, though it isn't really transated entierly well. ((I think on the second one it is technically not formatted correctly, but Nadia is not a native speaker, so I think it kinda doesn't matter.)), and I just think German sounds interesting as a Spell Language lol.

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Haha, I guess you're right ~

Maria's spells are in Latin, but don't expect gramatically correct sentences, lol I'm using Google Translate. But yeah, I already have 3 verses ready for one of Maria's stronger spells, and it actually sounds good when I try reading it ^^

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What they are supposed to know is her Wind affinity and her usage of paper in battle. Yup, paper. Like thousands of tiny notes she carries around in a bag.

so ever seen a anime called R.O.D. because hello Agent Paper.

anyway I am going to say this the area that is Caster's territory is most likely a the more residential part of Shinto area i guess(i am jsut guessing that is a thing.)

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Yeah that is a thing. It'll also put you close to the Kotomine Church.

Also I just realized this but anyone using runes for magic probably won't need to go to a new language to generate them. The runes used are the real life runes from ancient Scandinavia. There's a wikipedia page about them here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Runes and you can find a list of already used ones on the type moon wiki.

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All the other Masters are in Shinto, right? I think I'll let Assassin track Caster for now since she already activated a NP.

Edit: I'm going to wait for MA to respond before Assassin returns. Also, Rusty, I'm assuming Hysteria is close to the church?

Edited by Chimchain
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Uh Chim, Lancer hasn't been introduced so there's no way your master could have known that. Also, I can't help but notice that you didn't actually introduce the others to your servant, not sure if that was intentional or not, but all they know right now is that he's Assassin.

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