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[OOC] Fate/Full Moon


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Probably not, but they won't affect Berserker either lol, so it doesn't hurt to fire them. How is Saber to know they won't hurt him?

((should note they have the properties of Real Swords, like other than the fact they are made by magic...they aren't really magic. Like it is a Longsword in every way other than it's creation, so I am not sure that affects Saber or not.))

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well yea, but they are quite literally real swords, the only magic being used here is that to throw them, the sword itself isn't actually magical in anyway. ((other than creation....)) This is why I am not sure since the attack itself is not magic, in and of itself lol.

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er. . . idk.

they're made of magical energy, so i would assume that whatever force blocks other kinds of magic would cause them to dissipate upon striking Saber. Even if they did affect him, however, it wouldn't be a very significant one due to how friggin strong Servants are compared to humans.

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Magecraft can harm servants if it powerful enough even from a Master.

heres the info on it form the wiki

Magic Resistance (対魔力, Tai Maryoku?, localized as Anti-Magic) grants protection against magical effects. Differently from the Resistance effect that merely rejects prana, this ability cancels the spells altogether.[1]

  • EX: In addition to the Magic Resistance of the Saber Class, Joan demonstrates high Magic Resistance due to her unwavering piety. However, since it is just averting (evading) the Magecraft, only Joan will be saved against a wide-range magic attack. It cannot cope with the sacraments of the Church either.
  • A: Cancel spells of A-Rank or below. In practice, the Servant is untouchable to modern magi, so it would not be an exaggeration to title the Servant a "Magus Killer".
  • A: In the case of Elizabeth Bathory, this ability exists as a hidden skill that the Servant herself isn't really aware of -- active due to the actual presence of draconian blood in her ancestry, rather than as a phenomenon generated by Innocent Monster. Renders a Magic Resistance comparable to that of the Saber of Fate/Stay Night.
  • B: Cancel spells with a chant below three verses. Even if targeted by High-Thaumaturgy and Greater Rituals, it is difficult for him to be affected. (As Saber Alter, Arturia suffered a rank-down in this skill due her corruption)
  • C: Cancel spells with a chant below two verses. Cannot defend against Magecraft on the level of High-Thaumaturgy and Greater Rituals. (Because she herself does not have any Magic Resistance, Nero boasts a low level that is unbecoming of the Saber Class)
  • D: Cancel Single-Action spells. Magic Resistance of the same degree of an amulet that rejects magical energy.
  • E: Cannot cancel spells, but magic damage is reduced somewhat. (Lancelot's originates from a magical ring, however its powers received a rank-down due to Mad Enhancement)
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Uh, it sounds like Nadia is using projection magic. That's the stuff Shirou uses to make something out of nothing, seeing as it's its own branch of magic I don't think Nadia would be able to access it through her darkness magic. It's more likely that she would be able to fire swords made of mana, in which case magic resistance would counteract them.

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I guess they are technically made of mana. ((the sword has all the properties of an actual sword, but it shape is held by the mana, therefore I guess they would unravel upon hitting Saber. Basically she shifts the proprieties of the Darkness itself to warp it into a different object. SO she isn't really creating...more of changing darkness into another shape temporarily.)) so yea, they would not damage Saber I guess lol.

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Yea, completely. He is Berserker after all, until he feels some sort of pain he probably won't even recognize he is going to be hit. ((cause keep in mind, Macbeth was sure he couldn't die, this is why I am making him fight like this, since he is under the impression Saber can't do anything to him.))

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I remember reading something on this exact topic in the visual novel. At that point in time they were comparing a C rank noble phantasm to being approximately equivalent to an A or maybe A+ rank normal attack. Don't quote me on it because my memory's pretty hazy so I can't remember which it was but an A++ ranked normal attack is probably hitting up the area around an A rank noble phantasm.

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Remember, for now Berserker is just ignoring any attacks until one lands that hurts him. If I don't mention your attack feel free to let it connect.

((should also mention, I am rolling a D6 every single post and on a 6 Banquo rage triggers. That way no one has any clue when it is going to happen, and I also can't prepare for it myself. Unless Caster finds out who Berserker is and directs it herself, there is no way for it to be planned to go off. and trust me, it is almost more dangerous to Berserker himself when it goes off than it is for others. [at least Saber, Saber and him are probably on very equal footing when it goes off, unless he triggers the Curse this fight might not get anywhere fast lol.]))

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