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[OOC] Fate/Full Moon


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My last post is kind of massive for an action post. Most of the length comes from descriptions and the like, but if I've gone too long without giving you a chance to act then by all means, call me out on it.

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Noticeable doesn't have to level a city block you know XD.

Hopefully the Curse activates on somebody from Berserker sometime, it would be kinda hilariously dangerous.

Yes it does ~ cx

And Maria's highly likely to activate it once she actually gets to see Berserker in action cuz she would be able to identify him without some major problems because of reasons. I was actually counting on that happening at some point.

... I can post in the IC thread now, yay ~

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Normally, I would have had Archer follow you as you retreated, but as long as you don't have a problem with my post, it all works out. Also, Saber followed by Rider should be arriving soon too.

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Normally, I would have had Archer Lancer? follow you as you retreated, but as long as you don't have a problem with my post, it all works out.

I thought you might have, but I feel like Lancer wouldn't have been able to keep up with Archer anyway. If he moves to pursue him then he's knee deep in water while Archer's running over the top of it, and Archer's faster to begin with. That's my justification anyway. Quick question, at the time of your post was Lancer in the water? Or is the fire keeping him completely dry? I must admit I didn't expect it, seeing as Varunastra is a noble phantasm as well, it's not like this is ordinary water. Still I do need to make some compromises. As he moves to find Hels is he in the water then? Or is he able to move while staying out of it? The reason I'm asking is I'd like to release Vajira into the water, resulting in an attack of B+ magnitude that will target anyone in the water, masters and servants. I don't want to kill anyone though, so if you can find a way to reduce the damage Lancer takes, and get the two masters out of there that'd be great. Otherwise I won't do it as B+ is generally enough to kill an ordinary servant. At the same time, Archer is mainly here to get Assassin's attention and convince you MA guys that he's the real threat, so I need to finish this with something flashy.

Also, those attacks you sent my way, are they gonna be neutralized by the water and just act as a kind of smoke screen or do I need to dodge them?

Also, Saber followed by Rider should be arriving soon too.

Mhm. That's why I'm looking for a flashy finish now.

Final question, and this is for everyone. I was reading this resource (http://www.chakranews.com/powerful-spiritual-and-physical-weapons-from-ancient-hindu-texts/2762) for more info on the weapons Archer is slinging around and I found one that I'd previously missed. It's called the Brahmashira, and I missed it before because Arjuna had it, but never used it because it's too powerful. It is approximately four times as powerful as Brahmastra, so it would definitely be EX ranked, though it probably still wouldn't be as powerful as the EX ranked Pashupatastra, which reputedly has enough power to destroy all of creation. My question is whether or not it would be okay to go back and edit Archer's profile to add this weapon to his arsenal. Honestly it likely won't affect the story one way or the other, as I can't imagine a scenario with the servants you guys have summoned in which Archer would ever want to use something so horrendously overpowered. It would no doubt destroy the entire city if he did. I'm mainly just asking for peace of mind, because I'd like to represent him as accurately as possible.

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Yeah, he's kind of like a less powerful version of Gilgamesh with a better personality.

Gandiva is less powerful but similar to Gate of Babylon.

Varunapasha is less powerful but similar to Enkidu.

Pashupatastra is less powerful but similar to Ea.


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I was typing something different and forgot to replace "Archer" with "Lancer" when I re-wrote it.

While Lancer wouldn't be able to keep up right at your face, he would still be able to put on pressure enough to prevent the bow with the flame projectiles or stream. Lancer is completely dry as Luin cannot be extinguished by anything other than the vat of venom created with it. He's running through the water unhindered and will get to Hels relatively quickly. At this time, Luin's flames are very powerful and would be able to meet the attack, although it wouldn't be able to completely stop it since the fire hasn't grown THAT much. That would prevent Hels from taking damage while Lancer would be able to lessen the damage. Also, standing in front of Hels, while it might be unbearably hot, the water would part around them in a cloud of steam. As long as Lancer has Luin ignited, the steam will continue to grow as the water evaporates, which is also completely covering Hels. I understand he can't exactly get out of the water, but that's where Luin comes in.

Also, the projectiles aren't aimed towards you, but it might seem that way with a flurry of fireballs being sent at you. They're being used a smoke screen. I was going to write about Hels exiting the area, saying he's been moving out of range of the battle for a while, but I wasn't sure if that would be taken as doing too much.

Edit: God dammit, I was going to use that steam.

Edited by Flynn
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Can I reckon that even if he did own this weapon, if he never once used it, it shouldn't be a NP even if he owned it. Owning a weapon, and being the defacto user of said weapon are 2 very different things. ((I just personally feel that way....obviously you are going to point to GIlgamesh, but remember he is pulling those weapons out of his Gate of Babylon so they are not really his NP, in fact he doesn't really even use them, he fires them at high velocity at people.The Only Weapon that is truly his NP is Ea, the sword he personally used. The Gate just has every NP in it since it holds the infinite wisdom and dreams of man, therefore it would hold any NP ever to exist. But I don't feel those NPs truly belong to Gil.))

also need to catch up on the reading.....took 2 days to hardcore play some Dragon Age: Inquisition. XD

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If you shoot in the water, the lightning will lick him at best and won't do much, shooting it directly at him will force him to meet the attack and take some damage, but he's currently in thick steam since Murdoc only cleared the steam around him. Still, you'll be able to see Luin glowing in the fog, but at the time you shoot, he'll probably be back with Saber, Hels, and Siegfried.

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don't worry Bfroger it happens. Josh just kinds of meander around a battle until he needs to actually do something. So its kind of hard to keep track of him.(and my bad writing doesn't help that well either.)

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Yea, it's cool Bfrogs. XD We all mess up now and again. After all we are only human. ((except me...I am a Cthulhuian horror beast))

And Rusty, you can fix the stuff going on in your posts, it just takes time and practice. Hell, I would help you out if I could do it in Real Time, but it would be much too hard over the forums. You really will improve if you keep at it though.

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Hmmm, going to start posting what rank Luin is at the end of every post it's ignited so it's easier to compare.

On an unrelated note, I finally passed 100 posts!

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