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[OOC] Fate/Full Moon


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is it bad that I want to see a duel between Siegfried and Nadia?

I read this like Beowulf and Nadia and was like "o_o is he gonna go easy on her or is he just gonna smash her into the ground?"

Quick question directed at Rusty while I'm here, is Caster planning on restricting the effects of hysteria to the masters/servants or is she letting it run rampant among the populace in order to build it up more quickly?

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Not to answer for the man....but I think it is affecting the residents as well. His caster strikes me as the type to do that.

And also...Nadia wouldn't stand a chance in hell against Saber. She could probably get away but even that would be hard XD. (( then again, it is mostly impossible for a Master to defeat a servant by one's self, no matter the servant.))

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Siegfried is equal parts magus and swordsman, essentially. He doesn't rely on exclusively magic or sword technique, he uses them in combination. Someone who has practiced in killing mages would probably have the advantage, but it wouldn't be something amusingly one-sided like Kayneth vs. Kiritsugu. His sword (that I can't come up with a decent name for, all the good ones are taken) is reinforced with runes and such to the point that it might be able to take a swing or two from a Servant, though the condition its wielder would be in after those swings is another question. (basically, no, he wouldn't be able to take on a Servant 1v1, but he could last a bit longer than the time it took for said servant to swing their weapon at him.)

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Oh heck no, I know that for sure. Kayneth mostly loses due to his hubris. I still think Nadia would probs bet him. ((remember, i did say it would ba a fantastic fight lol, rarely are fantastic fights super one-sided. The only reason that fight in Fate is so good is cause I kinda wanted Kayneth to get his ass kicked....not going to lie. To be fair though in anime you can see it happening, therefore much more cool. In writing, one-sided fights tend to go by super quickly and not be all that interesting.))

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I just had a thought and so now it's important question time. Frogs, do you have a vessel picked out for the lesser grail? Or does this grail not work like the main series ones?

Don't worry, I got it covered ^~^

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Don't worry, I got it covered ^~^

Ah good. I'm approaching the end of Heaven's Feel in my journey through the visual novel, and let me tell you I've learned a lot about how the whole system of the holy grail war works. In short it's really complex but I should (in theory) be able to guide us through the technicalities if the system is the same this time around.

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@Sheep: Any and all info is welcome so, even though the grail is different in nature this time, I'd appreciate it if you would tell me what you've found out. I wanna make it as accurate as I can and with new info I should be able to build up on the idea I currently have in mind.

Pm me when you got the time ~

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SO to answer sheep Caster kind of can't control Hysteria like that it effects all in the field. She can make someone feel the effects of it more then others but it will always effect everyone in the field(why she picked the area she did for it. Was because it was a heavily populated area and it would grow more with more people.and people can leave work but they always return home)

and Josh is asleep if anyone was waiting for me to post something. unless Hukuna wanted to add more then i can post again if need be.

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Only if either Caster or Josh need to talk to Nadia, otherwise she is done for the night. Nadia won't be pressing anything with Caster of her own violation right now though, she kinda knows she pissed her off a lot. ((it was her plan to begin with.)). However, she is probably going to try and make up for it, at least a little later on lol. She knows she does actually feel something for him, so she might actually back off a little, or just straight up pursue Caster now. ((I should mention, Nadia, is totally a Pan. She kinda goes for any person she finds interesting, not really caring what gender they are. She is typically draw to people that are strange or outside the norm, or that she feels are broken like her in some way.))

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Ah i see then welp hopefully someone will post to start day two then.

Also Sheep i found someone on Fanfiction.net who used the same archer as you though theirs is a lot weaker, and the rest of what i found it in is kind of annoying.(its just someone who is writing a what the servants of the first three wars where lets just say he breaks rules that apply to those ones)

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I did read the Noble Phantasms thing recently by the way....apparently it is unheard of for them to have more than 6 by the way. ((apparently Perseus is known to have the most ever awarded to 1 hero in the canon. He had six...I think....well he had the most of any Greek Hero anyway I know that much.)) Not that we can change it now, just thought I would plop that here.

If you want me to come up with something I can try, but I really have nothing else in-character for her to do other than set up her room to her liking. ((mostly fussing over Blank.))

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Yeah normally that is true but i kind of let sheep get away with it because Bfroger said he could. though with his archer it makes some since to have that many since he actually did have all of them. lets just chalk it up to a aberation of the grail like other weird things that happen it makes it funner.

and don't worry hukuna i really have nothing else other then having Josh do research on the spirits he knows of but that would be kind of boring to read(and a pain for me to write.)

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So this one had a fun thought. The first ending of Fate/Zero had a scene from each of the servants story as ending played. So this one was wondering what scene would each of you chose for some thing like that.(its mainly out of curiosity it anything.)

For Caster this one would probably have it of her accusing someone of being a witch at one of the trials. well either that or her having a "fit" well the trial was going on.(that's was one of the ways she "proved" someone was a witch.By acting like she was trying to be possessed by a spirit the person sent at her.)

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There are plenty I could draw on.

Arjuna shooting a fish through the eye while it is hanging from a string, looking only at its reflection in a pool of water and shooting behind him (with a divine bow that only the greatest of heroes could wield) at the tournament to win the hand of Draupadi.

Arjuna receiving Gandiva after invoking Varuna alongside Krishna and Takshaka.

Arjuna and Krishna successfully fighting Indra (a god) to a standstill.

Arjuna receiving Pashupatastra after a contest of martial strength with Shiva (which Arjuna lost, but he did impress Shiva and was therefore granted the weapon).

Arjuna feasting with the gods in Heaven while still alive.

Arjuna putting the whole Kaurava army (including figures like Karna) to sleep using Sammohana, and then stealing all of their clothes to demonstrate how thoroughly one man had beaten them.

Arjuna fighting Karna as the entirety of both armies paused the war in awe of the clash of these two titanic warriors.

Arjuna weeping on the battlefield after learning that Karna (whom he had just killed) was his older brother.

Arjuna's resurrection after being killed by his son as a lesson from the gods.

Yeah, his legend is pretty huge, so there are a lot of potential moments that would work. Take your pick really.

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Berserker's probably be him after the act of Killing Duncan running about the castle with blood on his hands and a bloody knife. ((speaking of which could have made the dagger he used an NP, since well....it was rather important to the story in it's own way. But doing that now wouldn't be fair...considering what it's affect would have been, which is doing more damage to King's or Great Leaders. We are waaaaaaay to far in to add it, and it would probably be something he had under Assassin not Berserker. [Macbeth as Assassin....that would be the weirdest Assassin....but it could technically work.])).

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The interesting thing about these images is that they are all anime adaptations of real life artwork depicting these past characters.

In order of class we have:

King Arthur at the battle of Camlann:


Diarmuid and Grainne in the sculpture the tree of love:


The statue of Gilgamesh:


Alexander arriving in Babylon:


The execution of Gilles de Rais:


A fairly iconic illustration of Hassan i Sabbah:


Lancelot as represented in Idylls of the King:


With that in mind I've compiled a few pieces of artwork so that you could put your imagination to use animefying them.


800px-The_Swayamvara_of_Panchala%27s_pri (Arjuna shooting the fish)

420px-Arjuna_Slays_Karna%2C_page_from_a_ (Arjuna kills Karna)

423px-Kiratarjuniya.jpg (Arjuna receives the Pashupatastra)

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I was planning to update today but then I turned on Persona 3 on my phone and played it all day...


But that means I'll update tomorrow, possibly something with either father Aaron or the MA because of the ruckus that went on during the first night.

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