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[OOC] Fate/Full Moon


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I'm with Hukuna on this one, it sounds too situational for my liking.

As far as Cleopatra goes, she's a difficult servant to make powerful because there isn't that much special about her.

If you want to keep going down that line then that's fine, but I looked into ninja culture to see if there are any notable names ('cause ninjas are badass).

1. Yamato Takeru. He's not really a ninja but he did murder some people, and got given a sword that can control wind magic.

2. Hattori Hanzo. He's a ninja/samurai kind of warrior, and one of the more famous ninjas. He's a master of spear fighting, but was also a clever general and reputed to have the powers of psychokinesis and precognition. (He could move stuff with his mind, and would have a huge rank in clairvoyance, a very useful thing for an assassin to have).

3. Mochizuki Chiyome. A woman descended from a clan of ninja. She started a school that took women from the streets and taught them how to be ninjas. Aside from having the skills herself, she would likely have somewhere between 200-300 weaker followers to gather information.

You don't have to use any of these if you want to come up with something for Cleopatra, but I thought you might appreciate the brainstorming.

Maybe I should change my approach because I'm struggling with Cleopatra. I was looking for a 'hit and run' type of Assassin since they aren't that powerful going head to head. Unless I follow the example of the Fake Assassin...

Apparently I have a few more days so I'll try to finish Assassin in the weekend.

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I feel like the IC could go up whenever. Not all the Masters summoned their servants at the same time (though the MA people will probably be close together), and the anime is lots of people doing their own thing and happening to run across one another (or hunting the others down).

Yup yup, even if we were to begin earlier Sheep would still be able to do the rp normally since all of us would probably do nothing at first, and his character might just be staying in the shadows and observing stuff. Still, I'm not gonna start too early and I'm gonna wait for Sheep, or at least to like 4th of November.

You MA guys should decide what you want to do on your own. I was thinking of them maybe working together using the same place as their "headquarters" but living separately. Ultimately, it's up to you.

And don't forget they all know of Maria's existance and vice-versa, so don't be like: "Oh, who're you!?" when you meet her for the first time ~

Aaaaand, I decided to redraw my Command Seals (again) so here's the end result:


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Speaking of MA: who is the third member? Saber or Berserker?

And I'm currently going through European history and legends but I can't find a decent Assassin unless I go for a Viking that killed hundreds of people. At this point I think I'll go for Hanzo.

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And I'm currently going through European history and legends but I can't find a decent Assassin unless I go for a Viking that killed hundreds of people. At this point I think I'll go for Hanzo.

Honestly Hanzo has the potential to be really scary, seeing as he's a famous figure, and he's going to be summoned in Japan, he'll get bonuses to his parameters to represent that. Never seen an Assassin class servant that was truly dangerous in 1 on 1 before, so that'll be cool.

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Hah, yeah. Not really looking forward to seeing Assassin stop Archer's arrows with his mind all matrix style but he'll make for a cool opponent. That psychokinesis is likely to be his only noble phantasm though, as I don't think his spear had any unique properties.

Also, kind of on topic this is too funny: http://www.badassoftheweek.com/hanzo.html

Not sure if I'd call it a reliable resource, but it showcases his history in an entertaining fashion.

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Yea know that site is actually a treasure trove for possible servants and just plan awesome too.

and Sheep Australia was featured as well since you know every thing there can kill you even trees. Its also funny how everyone is slowing changing there avatars to Fate related stuff.

and if it was me i would of chose the lady ninja cause normal ninjas are awesome but sexy ninjas are better though.

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Super hard to find one that like isn't super bloody small on here. ((the avatar thing on Reborn is weird....cause Pics that are wider get super small. SO you have to find ones that are bigger vertically for them to look good lol.))

good example, Rusty's up there.

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Rider's NPs have received a slight buff to compensate for his lack of strenght overall. Everything you need to know about them has been edited into the opening post. I don't think I've made them too powerful, but if you have any problems with any of them, let me know.

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The noble phantasms look nice, but overall he's still probably the weakest servant not called Caster in melee combat. I'm not sure if he's meant to be crossing blades with anyone but right now Saber, Lancer (I hope), Archer, Assassin (if Hanzo), and Berserker should be able to fairly easily solo him in melee without the use of noble phantasms. That isn't taking his Roc into account, nor his insane luck, but if he's meant to be proficient in close quarters parameters of D/C/C aren't gonna cut it.

In all honesty though from what I know of his legend Sinbad wasn't much of a warrior, so it's probably appropriate that Beowulf, Arjuna, Hanzo, and a Berserkerfied Macbeth can beat him in melee. I dunno, depends on what you're going for.

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The noble phantasms look nice, but overall he's still probably the weakest servant not called Caster in melee combat. I'm not sure if he's meant to be crossing blades with anyone but right now Saber, Lancer (I hope), Archer, Assassin (If Hanzo), and Berserker should be able to fairly easily solo him in melee without the use of noble phantasms. That isn't taking his Roc into account, nor his insane luck, but if he's meant to be proficient in close quarters parameters of D/C/C aren't gonna cut it.

In all honesty though from what I know of his legend Sinbad wasn't much of a warrior, so it's probably appropriate that Beowulf, Arjuna, Hanzo, and a Berserkerfied Macbeth can beat him in melee. I dunno, depends on what you're going for.

He's pretty much meant to be lackluster in direct combat. When he fights, he mainly uses Roc and stays out of the target's range, but when it comes to close quarters fighting, Maria assists him using runes and her wind thaumaturgy. He wouldn't last long against any of the melee heavy classes though (and probably your Arjuna). Of course, the golden staff can also be used as a potent weapong once it has enough prana stored in it, but it's a hit-and-run type of weapon.

The only reason Maria chose him as her Servant is because of her arrogance and her not wanting to have anything to do with MA anymore. The relic given to her by the Association was supposed to be used to summon Julius Ceasar to be her Servant.

p.s. Maria's the one meant to strike the finishing blow against the opposing Master rather than the Servant, as she's a powerful magus.

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This is what I came up with for Hanzo. Let me know if I need to change something. If not I'll get my character up as well.

Spirit: Hattori Hanzo

Class: Assassin

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Strength: B

Agility: A

Endurance: C

Mana: D

Luck: D

Noble Phantasm: B

Class Skills

Presence Concealment: A+

Personal Skills

Clairvoyance: B

Disengage: B

Eye of the Mind (False): B

Military Tactics: C

Noble Phantasms

State of Zen: B rank. By completely focusing on his mind he can slow down incoming attacks from all direction by using psychokinesis. This leaves openings for him to dodge and / or strike back.

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So do NPs that are summoned count as an attack by the servant, or that of the summoned creature? ((basically....does the Roc have full effect on Macbeth, or because it was summoned by Sinbad is it still effected by it? [cause not sure how that would work.]))

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I spent some quality time with my graphic tablet before bedtime, huehue

So here, have a sketch of Maria... ~


... and Rider's face (cuz I'm too lazy to draw his whole body) ~


You know, just so it's a bit easier for you to visualize them the way I imagined them.

G'night now ~

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