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Betraying Leader Speculation?


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This has been slightly discussed in the other thread with the introduction to the new field effects - but apparently we are only supposed to be talking mainly about field effects in that thread so...

Who do you think is the gym leader that joins Team Meteor in the next episode?

I was bored (aka felt like procrastinating) - so I have been speculating the following:

Julia - Not likely. Meteor was planning to blow up her gym - so she should hold some annoyance towards them .

Florinia - Some people say Fern could influence her... but she really does not look like the type to be manipulated by Fern.

Shelly - Likely. I think someone pointed out that she might be blackmailed to join Meteor in an event regarding Heather (and probably Blake). I really don't want her to join though :(

Shade - ...okay if this happens, everyone can just give up.

Aya - Maybe the whole 'kidnap' incident was all an act? Perhaps she was part of Meteor beforehand...

Serra - Uh... don't think so. I think she would try to stop her son from being involved with Meteor's activity - rather than joining him

Noel - ...nah

Radomus - Pretty likely too. Although I like Radomus, he always seemed to give me a sense of malevolence. (Hmm if Radomus joins Meteor, that means G.Gardevoir will also be turning to the dark side.... shudder)

Luna - Unlikely unless El manages to finally convince her or something

Samson & Ciel - Probably unlikely. They will probably remain in their post in the circus

Charlotte & Saphira - If they join Meteor, they will be on the same side as the Doctor...

Hardy - If Meteor threatens him to join them in exchange to Aya's release... he might do so

Amaria - I think I read that the RL Amaria suffered from memory loss. The same thing can happen to IG Amaria and she could be easily persuaded by Team Meteor to join them.

Titania - We already know she has some connection with the team. I don't think we'll find out what that link is in the next episode (probably in one of the future episodes I presume)

Terra - ...okay if this happens, everyone can just give up (2)

Adrienn - Probably on the same boat as Amaria. He's probably still a bit clueless to the current states - and Team Meteor could possibly offer to help xem 'cleanse the city' in order for assistance with their plots.

...Yeah I understand some of my opinions could be a bit ridiculous - but it is just pure speculation :)

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What if it's none of the above? I'm betting it's a leader that we haven't met yet.

Geeze, will he/she/xe even accept a gym battle or just focus on killing everyone?

Heck the Elite 4 is becoming more evil nowadays (except for that bug nerd, I have a strange feeling he's on our side).

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Julia - I don't see this one either, but it's not -because- her gym was targeted for demolition per se, as much as it is that she is threatened along side the player by the Meteors after the infiltration.

Florinia - Probably not. Partially due to the same reason above, as well as partially being too busy and too much of a past character for it to really make sense to us as players. The shock value would definitely be there though.

Shelly - I don't exactly know what you guys are reading into here... The angle makes sense, but I feel like Shelly wouldn't directly be placed in harm's way and as such could depend on the player to prevent any harm to Heather. I'm not exactly up to date in-game though.

Shade - Shade seems to be an equalizer. I don't think he would shift any power to any one side, and therefore I doubt he is involved.

Aya - Put it down in the "suspect" column. Aya may -still- hold relevant disdain for Cain who is an active opponent of the Meteors. She's not one you can immediately attribute good intentions to, because she's full of self doubt and angst. She seems like she could be the "easy dupe" leader to target...

Serra - This washed up model is accustomed to losing everything she once held dear, but if she was given the opportunity to get it all back by a certain organization, -would- she? Serra is a weak female character, but I doubt she would pass on any chance at redemption that was thrown her way.

Noel - The only reason to consider either of the twins for this "betrayal" is the pure shock value it would have. There's not much sense involved here, because that would put the orphans back in the clutches of Dr. Connal.

Radomus - There's two factions with Radomus really... You either were very suspicious of his aloofness and believed a previously met character in Elias because of it, or you caught on to his cunning and appreciated it, resulting in siding with him before the battle with the Ditto-Arceus. If you thought the Psychic Leader was very aloof to begin with, you -should- suspect him. I'm -really- sold this man is either malevolent (and thus possibly involved with the Meteor plot) or a -very- slippery character by the fact that you have to GIVE Anna's pendent to him for reasons that don't really get explained by anything other than curiosity. The jewelry seems to be very important in the game, and for us to hand it over to him is enough to put him in the list. The question some of you may have though, is this. Would it be "shocking" enough? I think it would - for those that trusted him enough.

Luna - Not enough evidence to suggest that Luna would be working with the Meteors directly. She's a bit nomadic, and loves darkness, but those are too vague to attribute her actions to. She seems to have a beef with El's cult and until I know the cult isn't linked to Team Meteor more conclusively, I won't suspect Luna much at all.

Agate Triumvirate - None of these are terribly likely. Not enough known about them.

Titania - If it wasn't obvious before, then you might be shocked. This lacks shock value more than any other option, due to an event in-game that the player witnesses. I'm not going to say this -confirms- her being a Meteor, but if there's supposed to be shock value, this is not going to deliver.

Amaria - Memory Loss is a TERRIBLE reasoning behind suspecting her, unless Titania is -not- a Meteor. Amaria very recently suffered a serious injury at the hands of Solaris. That's not something that is easy to forgive and will linger even if more screws come loose. Keep in mind that Amaria is one of Shade's monitored characters (in his gym) and that the theme behind those monitored events is a clairvoyant glimpse into the death of said character. Titania -may- kill Amaria, but it's more like because Amaria will try to intervene on TM's plans than it is Titania trying to stop them. That is of course, if the inverse is true. Titania is -indeed- the good girl of the two when the dust settles. I'm not saying you can't suspect her, but her memory loss isn't a selling point to me.

Hardy - This guy is a possibility. If Aya is placed in danger and the terms of her survival include Hardy working for the Meteors, He -might- do it. Shock value? Present. Motive? Present. A good suspicion.

Saphira's clan - Nope. Not going to side with the Doctor unless it's revealed that he really isn't that much of a bad person and has new motive to suggest so down the road.

Aya. Serra. Hardy. Radomus. TItania.

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1) Radomus - i trust him and really don't think he will join them (he even fought against them if you remember) but he can "temporary" join them to deceive and disrupt their operations (this is possible).

2) Hardy - can be coerced to "join" them using Aya but that will end as soon as he gets to her so it's not a "real" betrayal.

3) Adrienn - i don't know really why but i suspect xem, maybe because xe doesn't know what Team Meteor have done or maybe founds someone xe knew from before in their organization.

4) Flobot - maybe because of Fern (unlikely but can happen) or because she meets Titania and flobot.exe stops working, she is suspect too.

The rest of the leaders are not so likely to betray us imo

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People keep saying Adrienn, but I doubt it. Xe seems more like someone who would take more a sensible approach to restoring the region. Perhaps if Lin was not on charge of Meteor, he would join, but as it stands, it is unlikely. If Solaris were still in charge, could see Xim joining them, but Lin's methods are too dark and drastic for the Fairy Gym Leader to condone.

Radomus is a genuinely a good guy. Sure. he may be a bit quirky, but in the end, he wants what's best for Luna and G.G. He may be a master of deception, but I feel if he were to join the Meteors, it would have happened back by 7th Street, when the Meteors stormed the castle and would have provided pretty much a free pass to retrieve Luna.

Aya betraying because she's angry at Cain? No. That's not happening. Let me explain siblings to you. If you have them, you hate them. You hate them A LOT. And yet, you love them and will always be there for them. Plus, if you chatted with Cain and Aya while they were at the circus, you would see that after some banter/argument, they make up and are just happy that each other are okay. Also, as calm as Cain may be right now, he's probably tearing himself up on the inside for not hanging back with Aya and protecting her, as annoying as she would have found it. Aya is probably furious at him at this point, but she wouldn't betray over it, if anything, she's probably biting the hands of the people who are trying to feed her right now.

Hardy seems like the most likely option, since he's desperate to retrieve Aya. He doesn't seem to grasp that the second that the Meteors have what they want, they'll destroy the city. He might whip out his level 90 pokes or something and steal the jewelry from us to save Aya and we'll have to go stop him or something.

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I believe hardy because of aya,or even both of them.but i doubt any leader will "join" them against us.i believe these are plans to take down Team Meteor from inside.I still believe that fern is the ideator of this.and i believe he is not the asshole well all thought he was.and he will change his attitude at the end.

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The idea of Amaria losing her memory seems to be the ideal situation. Knowing Ame, anything is possible. For all we know, Shade could resurrect Kiki and she turns evil and joins Team Meteor. Plot Twist: that's when Victoria returns to the fight.

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Hmmm...I don't know who will be the gym leader who will betray the others and the main character but I know that what we'll see in the next or the fifteenth episode will be quite unexpected, eventful and twisted in a way..who knows what we'll see? A distraught Amaria joining team Meteor? Radomus changing sides? (Although, I hope he won't coz I think he's a moral character in the game, he is also too smart to be misleaded..), Shelly can be manipulated if Heathers' safety is on the table but something tells me that it won't happen. Looking forward to the next episode! ^_^

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Ummm, am I the only one who completed chapter 13? People keep mentioning Amauria and Titania, and all I can think is that they're dead. I mean, everybody else who showed up on Shade's 4 main screens died, soo...

Anyways, based off the into we have, one could say it's Randomus. He seemed like a good character, but that's honestly what points to him. He mentions something about light and dark not always being the way they seem and that light could be more blinding than dark at times. I feel like that's some indication. It would be so creepy if Shade turns out to be the spirit of the former leader of Team Meteor.

And if somebody would mind reminding me: What part hinted that Titania was a part of Team Meteor, again? Sorry. xD

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Ummm, am I the only one who completed chapter 13? People keep mentioning Amauria and Titania, and all I can think is that they're dead. I mean, everybody else who showed up on Shade's 4 main screens died, soo...

Anyways, based off the into we have, one could say it's Randomus. He seemed like a good character, but that's honestly what points to him. He mentions something about light and dark not always being the way they seem and that light could be more blinding than dark at times. I feel like that's some indication.

And if somebody would mind reminding me: What part hinted that Titania was a part of Team Meteor, again? Sorry. xD

They are still alive... Amaria jumps, Titania jumps to safe her and shouts at at the player to find a way to meet up with them! (HM Waterfall most likely)

They might be heavily injured but not dead!

Why? - Because they are both Gym-Leaders we stillö have to battle!

and we don't know any possible replacements for them by now... after Corey died we got information about Aya immediatly / after Kiki there was information about Samson... AND there were never any other Leaders in the Reborn League for both types... soooooooo they are the only ones...

And Shades something like: "Their fate is in your hands" or something like that... don't know the exact wording anymore...

Titanias connection to Meteor is hinted in the Aventurine forest, where she speaks to a Meteor Grunt.



Hardy - because of Aya being held hostage and since Charlotte didn't go the rondevouz-point (and stopped us) with meteor, they are most likely pissed and Hardy doesn't want to risk her life and goes mad at us... after the conflict is resolved (and Agate City is free from the sleep-PULSE) he will apologize and we will have our Gym-Battle

Aya - The whole kidnapping being staged? I don't think so... Why would she battle through a horde of Meteor Grunts and Knights and Dames with us, to stop a PULSE?

Radomus - I trust him. He's a cool logical dude. He saw through Dittos and El's disguise. And I doubt that Gossip Gardevoir would let him do evil things...

Luna - NOPE! She's a good girl! She might like the darkness (like I do) but the good kind of darkness not the evil kind.

Noel/Saphira/Charlotte/Anna - They'd rather kill themselves then to side with the doctor!

Serra - doubt it... she was more like a "standard" gym-leader from the normal games... we only saw her once... and that was during her Gym-battle...

Samson/Ciel/Terra - Samson and Ciel are still at the Circus... Terra... she's flying around somewhere, wreckingthings with her Hammer, because "what the f*** is a physics?!?!" ... nah don't think so

Amaria/Titania - I doub't we will see them for a whil... at least not in the next episode... and Titania got hinted at but that wouldn't count as betraying, if she is working for them the WHOLE time, does it? Amaria battled with us against team Meteor to stop the Muk-PULSE

Adrienn - He doesn't know what is going and is to busy repairing xis Gym

Flobot - Flobot is a good girl... and she helped us a few times against Mateor

Julia - Nope... They wanted to destroy her Gym... she most likely wants vengance

Shelly - I don'T think so... she's to shy for that kind of stuff.

Shade - He's more of a balance-type... and his "Corey" most likely want's vengance against meteor... he's either neutral or on our side.

I'd say - Hardy is the best bet... because he cares so much for Aya. Second would be Titania, but this was hinted, and *I* don't consider this betrayal if she's working for them all along

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Come to think of it, the term 'betrayal' is quite ambiguous. For the case of Hardy and Shelly, they will probably only join if Meteor threatens the person they are close to (in this case, Aya and Heather). Then, they probably wouldn't have any choice but to join them ie they are doing it very reluctantly. I guess the 'shock factor' is still present if they do join - but does that really count as 'betrayal' if they had no choice?

Thats why I'm leaning more towards Aya and Serra (I like your theory on her, Hilda). The shock value would be much greater than Hardy - especially if they are like "Ohoho I've been part of Team Meteor all along!" then yes, it would be quite shocking. I'm moving away from Radomus though. Lots of people seem to trust him - and but there are still lots that suspect him. I have a feeling the 'betrayer' is going to be someone that only very little people suspect.

...but then again, my predictions always turn out wrong lol.

...btw am I making sense? It's almost time for me to sleep so I'm probably not saying things clearly enough

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  • 2 weeks later...

You've probably just forgotten the event happened, it isn't major.

If you want details then it occurs in the North Aventurine Woods, in one of the sections that does nothing more than connect two areas of Route 1 together, and the event will only trigger if you walk into that section from the left hand side (or at least it was like that last time I checked).

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In reality, everyone has potential to join Team Meteor, some less than others. My two cents on any remote reason why:

Julia - To save her Gym or something

Florina - Maybe convince Fern he's being stupid

Shelly - Save Heather

Shade - Unknown, he's a spectre so dunno why Meteor would want him

Aya - Save Hardy, prove a point to him.

Serra - Save Bennett

Noel - Save one of the orphans

Radomus - "one would wonder how I acquired an outfit such as this in the first place." Remember that?

Luna - Stop Elias

Samson/Ciel - Save the Circus

Charlotte/Saphira - Save her family or the orphans.

Adrienn- Still naive as ever.

Amaria - Given up on life

Titania - To save Amaria if above happens.

Hardy - Forced into it for unknown reasons.

Terra - For the sake of being T3RR@.

Ame has a way of screwing with us, so I speculate it'll be one of the unlikely ones.

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