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White Power Challenge!


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I could have think of a better name...

Oh look, it's another one of those.

Some time ago, iowayshay came up with the idea of the Colour Challenge.

As the name suggests, you can only use pokemon of one colour type according to pokedex. This setup provides the limitation necessary to turn up the difficulty, while at the same time maintain some kind of variety other challenges (for example monotypes) lack.

Rules are as follows:

1. Only use pokemon of your chosen pokedex colour. That includes HM slaves.

- exeption is allowed when you don't have a pokemon capable of learning HM essential to progres. However, you can't use that pokemon in battle and must switch it with the suitable one as soon as possible

2. Shiny version of a pokemon disregard the pokedex data. You are allowed to use shiny pokemon, if it has your chosen colour.

- you can check all pokemon sprites in the file (Pokemon Reborn -> Graphics -> Battlers)

3. You are allowed to use a pokemon with wrong colour if it's next evolution has it. This rule does NOT work the other way.

And that's it. Short and sweet.

For my chosen colour, I picked white. It's the third one with the lowest number, but allows me to have more then one pokemon before the first gym.

White Team Archives

current trainer status



battle team (in rotation)




















utility members

- main HM user


- main catcher



Next: the playthrough. Coming soon.

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I feel kinda nostalgic starting the game again. It will also be new experience, because I haven't try taking on the first leaders with their field effects yet.

As for going back to previous episodes, that would be too easy, so nope.

For a starter I chose Turtwig. Since there is no normal or shiny white starter, I’m going to keep this guy until I get some white pokemon. Also can use him for breeding in the future.

As for shinies, unless some more will be recolored later, I'll be allowed to use Pyroar, Jolteon and Snorlax.

Number of pokemon before the first gym is already limited, but in my challenge, I’m down to 4 options. Butterfree, Pachirisu, Espurr and shiny Litleo. Let’s get them first.

In future updates I will try to document important battles more thoroughly. For the first fights with Cain and Victoria however, let's just say I used tackle. Now to go outside, my first team member is hopefully right around the corner. Nice, it's Pachirisu, but I need another pokemon to get it. Since I need a Litleo anyway I cought myself a Bidoof. Greg will be happy to have a strong, healthy Bibarel named Sir Derp.

All right, battle won. First teammate, Pachirisu named Marshmallow. Rather unimpressive IVs and quirky nature, but she has Volt Absorb. Since I'm going to soft reset a lot to get my shiny pokemon, I won't do that for others and take them on the first time as they are. I may breed a little later, but that will be just for the moves. If the game will start giving me too much problems, I may change that, but for now it's all good.

A while later my team roster increased by an Espurr named Glitter ans a Caterpie named Honeydew (both female). With that, catching part is done and Turtwig must say goodbye and go to the PC. Now it's the time to train. During the sweep through Peridot Ward Honeydew evolved two times, and she and Glitter learned Confusion. Now they can be useful!

Training completed, everyone is sitting nicely on lvl 12. Time to move the plot and meet a certain green dude. Oh Fern, how I did not miss you at all...

Anyway, Honeydew more or less destroyed his team, with a little help from Glitter on Snivy. Time to meet the Meteors. The battles in factory were more annoying then difficult, but all that changed when Marshmallow learned Spark, then it was a cakewalk. Until the Aster&Eclipse battle, that was harder then it should be. And Fern missing most of his attacks didn't help.

Good thing Sir Derp evolved during all that. Now it's time to trade and soft reset a lot! A lot. I have bad luck every time I'm trying to get a cartain shiny.

Phew, after SOME time I got it. Or her, female shiny Litleo named Pearl. If it was a male I would call him Kimba but tough luck. She has Bashful nature and Unnerve, but a little time with an Ability Capsule should change that. In the late game Pyroar benefits more from Sp.Atk. but Moxie will be very useful early.

Next: First Gym battle

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It's time to take on the first Gym. Whole team is on level 15. It may be a bit low but I heard that Julia's team has lower level because of the Field Effect.

vs Julia

I lead with Honeydew while Julia go with Helioptile. Too bad the field prevents sleeping, it would be so much easier. However, even without the Sleep Powder, Honeydew showed who's the boss. She wasted two Potions and took out Helioptile while having more than half HP at the end. Next round is Glitter vs Blitzle. She got paralyzed on the first turn, but it didn't really matter when the Confusion was 2HKO. Four more to go! I think it's time for some Moxie boosts, so next is Pearl vs first Voltorb.

Thinking back maybe I should train a bit more. It wouldn't change the outcome but allowed Pearl to sweep the rest of the team. As for level 15, she was just a little too slow and deal a little less damage than needed to KO the Voltorb. One was down and second brought to red, but Pearl got KO'd. On the other hand, I wouldn't get to see Marshmallow da mvp to take care of the remaining Voltorb, Emolga and Electrode. Shame that the last Aftermath got her, so much exp waisted. Ahh whatever, first gym badge for the White Team!

Next: new team members and Obsidia Park

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I was going to do a run with the color of Milotic, my favorite Pokemon. But then I looked it up and the Pokedex says she's pink? PINK? I see red on her, and it's not even the dominant color, but no pink! I think I'll just settle for reading this...

P.S. Glad to see some other people have discovered the glory that is Litleo sweeping Julia with Moxie.

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So, here we are in Obsidia Ward. Before my battle with Florinia I can get few more pokemon:

Zigzagoon, Swirlix, Castform, Ducklett egg and shiny Sentret.

Since I already have a good Normal type, waiting for shiny Sentret is out of option. A regular one to trade for Castform will be anough. Besides, only one option is available until I get Cut. Quick trip to Candy Shop resulted in Swirlix named Cream. Time to move on, but first...

vs Victoria 2

Thanks to the fairy addition to the team, also with psychic and flying type already, it wasn’t much of a challenge. Cream took out Ralts and Makuhita, while Glitter took out the Pignite in two hits with no problem.

Made it through the slums. Again, Fairy type OP no problems with the Scrafty gang. I also talked to the kid involved in the Grand Magikarp Quest. Not gonna use it, but I'm intrested where it will lead in the future.

vs Cain 2

Aaand here goes Cain. He managed to add his character even to those little sentences for the last pokemon, sigh. Anyway Glitter pretty much swept his team with Psybeam and Charge Beam. Now, let’s go to Obsidia Park.

How nice, we get Cut from Amaria rather than running all the way to Jasper. Inside the Park there's a nice Corrosive Field all around and some crazy vines, who are trying to choke Amaria. Jolly. Picked up a Ducklet egg on the way. Water type will be really useful, and the only other one is a Seel from Iolia Valley. Pulse Tangrowth wasn’t hard, but very long to take down. Basically one Nuzzle and three Charms from Marshmallow made it harmless so that Honeydew ccould take it down with some Gusts. All right! Now that the vines are cleared I can get rest of available pokemon.

All check! Quick grind with Sentret to lvl 15 and a trade resulted in a Castform. I’m not going to use it but I'll try to catch every white pokemon available. To my team also joined a Zigzagoon named Beige. After evolving she can learn four different HMs, learn Headbutt and has Pickup, talk about multitasking! Ducklett hatched just before Onyx School, finally a guy, named him Azure.

Here's Fern again. What a charming guy.

vs Fern 2

Little harder than before due to him having evolved forms, but still nothing tragic. Honeydew took out Lombre and waisted one of Fern’s super potions. Next is Roselia. Ughh this thing shouldn’t be this tanky and fast. I need to cripple it. Quick nuzzle from Marshmallow and then Light Screen from Glitter made her mostly harmless, but she still managed to poison Glitter and take out Azure. Fortunately, Pearl managed to get rid of her and not get poisoned in the process. Last comes Servine, not as hard. Another Nuzzle for luck and then he got beaten down by Honeydew. Now go away Fern, no one likes you.

Next: Second Gym

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Time to take the Desert Rose herself.

Vs Florinia

First pair: Pearl vs Maractus. I chose her, hoping for a Moxie sweep. However Maractus, with the boosts from Desert Field, turned out to be a tough opponent. With a super potion used on both sides and a lucky burn, Pearl won. She got her Moxie boost, but din't have enough HP left to exploit it. So switch. Here comes the Breloom… aaaaand it’s gone, one shotted by Honeydew’s Gust. I honestly didn’t think she would outspeed it. Din’t even managed to use a surprise Chesto Berry. But hey, I’ll take it!

Now. The Infamous Cradily (capital letters fully justified). The start was good. I led off with Marshmallow and proceed to utilize the Pulse Tangrowth tactic. That means Paralyze and Charm it to -6. Now we're ready. Here goes nothing!



Oh god. I can’t belive I just took down Florinia’s ace with a Swirlix. One curious thing. Cradily has Stockpile to boost it’s defences, but it can’t go over 3 stacks, even if you lower it all back. With that in mind, I minimized it’s special defence by using Fake Tears and then just spamed Fairy Wind.

Ame plz bring Curse back! Now the terror of old is being crushed by a cotton candy!

Second half of Flobot's team always looked rather unimpressive to me. Other than one surprise Bite crit, Grotle,Ferroseed and Cacnea didn't put much of a fight. First 6-0 against Gym Leader in the playthrough. Way to go White Team!

Next: Jasper and Opal wards

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Since we have acquired permission from Florinia, Jasper and Beryl wards are open to explore. That means new pokemon! Or in my case one new pokemon, Emolga. Despite having one electric type already, it's speed, part flying type and access to acrobatics will surely prove useful in the future.

So, here we are in Jasper ward. Time to clear the Meteors and meet their second admin.

Vs Taka

He led off with Lileep, I went with Cream. What’s worked once can work again right? Not really. Due to Taka's weird timing with Super Potions, Cream lost. Fortunately, Lileep was low enough for Azure to finish it off. Next is PULSE Tangrowth. One Nuzzle and Charm from Marshmallow later I realized this Tangrowth uses special attacks boosted with fores field, so same tactic won't work. Shiet. Azure down, Tangrowth’s at 75%. WHAT? He can’t switch on me like that! That thing is basically nailed to the ground! Now I have to fight that nightmare Chatot. Honeydew got taken down by that suprise switch. However Marshmallow manages to KO it through confussion. Final round. It’s Glitter vs little-more-than-half-HP-Tangrowth.

Oh man, that was WAY to close. I almost forgot it was paralyzed due to it not activating before, but it activated when needed. With a clutch worth of Bird Jesus himself, Glitter takes the win, learns Psyshock and evolves in the process. Huh? She has Prankster? I guess the whole Meowstic gender differences weren’t implemented completely. Ahh well, Prankster will be more useful anyway.

On my way to Beryl I catched an Emolga (female). Welcome to the team Silk! Let’s check the sticker girl and two policemen and we’re free to go.

I forgot how much I liked the music here in Beryl, while the one in Jasper remind me of a near danger, this one bring something distant and ominous~.

Double battle vs Taka and ZEL

This is gonna be hard, I suck at doubles. Opening with Glitter and Pearl vs Glaceon and Lileep. ZEL’s eeveelutions and their massive stats are the biggest threat right now so I’m going to focus on their side. A Fake Out followed by Fire Fang should guarantee a KO on Glaceon next turn.…Unless the Fire Fang misses. Also, instead of healing, ZEL switches to Espeon. Now my plan is all messesd up.

Well… it’s not that bad after all. I managed to take out Espeon and Glaceon, but confusion from Lileep and hit from Umbreon KO’ed Pearl, my biggest asset this match. Time to switch to Double Snuggles Combo! That being Marshmallow and Silk, both with Nuzzle and Electro Ball. I paralyzed both opponents and kept spamming Electro Ball on Umbreon.

It’s down! Now only Taka’s side remains. Ugh, it would be easier if Chatot would come next. Instead enters the last Pulse Tangrowth. Another switch! This time it’s turn for Honeydew and Cream. Just a little goodbye Nuzzle to makes things easier. That one was piece of cake in comparison to others. A Psybeam and Fake Tears was enough, though I lost Cream in the process. Last one is Chatot. Nonono, no Nasty Plot’s for you mr. parrot. Instead have a Nuzzle with a free Electro Ball. And Victory! Honestly, battle with Taka alone was harder. Was it the lack of Forest Field? Whatever, lets chase the last admin!

I helped all police officers before, so it’s time for the “secret” route. Ouch, that was really a hit for Heather. I mean, her father was part of a terrorist group! (I know there was more to it, but at this point nor player nor Heather knows the truth) I wonder if there will be some different dialogues when we meet her back in Ametrine?

“gasp” NOOOOO! Ame deleted the homeless elevator operator! RIP Upsie Downsey (episode 3-13), he will be missed.

Next: Third Gym(?)

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May I suggest you put a list of your team members in spoiler text on the first post, like I did? That way, people reading this can more easily match nicknames to the Pokemon bearing them.

Funny thing is, I planned doing that right after this gym. I read your playthrough and liked the idea of archivized team composition. Since this run is colour based, the visual aspect of it should somehow appear here, so I started doing the pictures after every gym battle.

Anyway, back to the story. After knocking down the policemen, time to open the secret door. Man, the music here is so sad. It has this heavy tone to it. Quite appropriate to what happened and will happen to Corey…

Vs Corey

Since I have the secret route, the field present here will be Corrosive Mist. Easier to handle then just plain Corrosive Field

First comes Skrelp. Thanks to Honeydew’s Gust, not only the mist is blown away, but also the the Venom Drench does nothing. One Psybeam finishes the seahorse. That quick eradication of the Field Effect made the battle really easy. Next one is Skuntank, it will be tougher to take down.

I take it back, Nuzzle and Electro Ball combo too OP. Marshmallow takes this one with half HP remaining and one Super Potion wasted. Now Croagunk. Since I don’t remember if it has Sucker Punch I won’t send Glitter, Honeydew should handle this. Good choice, Croagunk is slower and Sucker Punch failed on Sleep Powder. One Psybeam is a OHKO.

Crobat huh? Quite early to send it but it won’t matter. Silk can handle a bat all right. Since Crobat is really fast, even when it’s paralyzed, Electro Ball wouldn’t do that much damage. It still was enough with one parahax however. Crobat down!

Last come Nidorina and Grimer, and Glitter made short work of them. Another 6-0 against a gym leader! I’m so proud.

Now it’s time for something not so funny however. Poor Corey. I wish we could help him somehow. Instead we get to take care of his pokemon later, I guess it’s as good as we can get. Let’s just visit the library for the last time to grab the ill-fated doll. As one of my favourites, Absol will be a must.

Next: Lapis Ward and the Underground

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In this episode, with the opening of the last ward, almost all of Reborn City is accessible. And with that, my potential roster grows by three new additions: Pancham, Cubchoo and Zangoose. Unfortunately, to get them, I will need a functional Rock Smash and Magma/Aqua gangs storyline finished. So for now, let’s just go to Lapis.

Cutscene checked, now caves under the Grand Staircase are also open. No white pokemon here, but there are Unowns which are great for training. Oh, and also Solaris, Aster & Eclipse. Time for a tag battle.

Vs Aster & Eclipse 2
I kinda forgot which pokemon they send out first, so I’ll just lead of with Glitter. Solarock and Lunatone huh? Should have remember that. Ahh well, Light Screen and quick switch to Azure. Both asteroids down, and so is Pignite, but we still have the advantage. Blank new set with Electabuzz and Magmar, who KO’ed Azure and paralyzed Scraggy. Those things are way too fast. Next turn, both Scraggy and Glitter hang on a sliver of HP, but Electabuzz is down. Magmar manages to finish off Glitter and Scraggy missed High Jump Kick. fortunately it’s their last pokemon so I send Cream to get some easy exp.
I need some evolutions to happen. Most of my team is getting behind in power, compared to everyone else. However, Pearl and Azure need to hit level 35, and Cream needs a Link Stone. That means I need to win against Shelly with the current setup.

Battle in orphanage didn’t cause much trouble. Although I might need to level up Pearl a bit more, I need some better fire moves as coverage for steel types.

Vs Victoria 3

Sigh, Victoria should think of better reasons to battle us.

First off, Cream vs Scraggy. Mmm… delicious x4 effectiveness, easy KO and Super Potion wasted. I send Silk next. Honestly, she could sweep this team with Acrobatics alone, but I always try to share the taste of victory evenly. So, in a series of 1v1s, Honeydew, Silk and Glitter got their deserved wins. Sorry Victoria, but Shelly will be alright, and I need usable Rock Smash.

Next: Third Gym

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For the first time I was able to do the gym puzzle without looking for an answer. I’m so proud.

So, let’s see how the field effect changed Shelly’s team.

Vs Shelly

Pretty much it seems, got stomped first time. Illumise's cofusion prevented me from setting up Nuzzles. Later, Silk was KO’d by a Rock Slide, and I had nothing to take down Heather, who oneshotted rest of my team. Gonna make some adjustments.

Round 2, faito! I start with the same setup of Marshmallow and Silk, but this time I equip my girls with a pair of Perism Berries. No more confusion hax! Thanks to that I’m able to setup two clear paralyzes, and KO Masquerain next turn. Here comes Anorith, not gonna fall this time. Quick switch to Cream to absorb a Rock Slide and another Nuzzle. The following few turns are back and forth, with both sides missing, getting paralyzed, confused and flinched few times. The outcome are two wasted Ultra Potions and Cream fainting. This would be a perfect opportunity to send Pearl, but I need to deal with Heather first, so Azure and Silk go instead. With both enemies paralyzed, they got double KO in one turn.

New set incoming! This time is Heather and Wormadam. I know one Acrobatics from Silk won’t be enough, so instead she uses Nuzzle, followed by Air Slash from Azure. Heather barely hangs on, but still manages to wreck Azure with Ancientpower. Now it’s time for Pearl to shine! She gets a clean OHKO on Wormadam, while Silk finishes off Heather. Now only Bugsy remains. He manages to faint Silk, but another attack from Pearl ends the battle.

Oh, you’re not bad Shelly. You just put up the toughest fight of all gym leaders yet.

Next: Orphanage and breeding sesion

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Now with usable Rock Smash, I will be able to update my team, and hopefully Magma Gang quest will move forward a little. Before getting to that though, I must purchase this horrendously expensive Link Stone. As the only white pokemon that can evolve by trade, time buff Cream!

Finally. After chasing around all of Reborn City and being trolled by Zorua, I finally found that Zangoose. Holy… it has level 40! Sweet, now I don’t need to train it. Now back to the Slums. With a Dull Key picked up before, I now have access to the locked part, containing Panchams and Scraggy sidequest.

Next is Citrine Mountain. An Ice Type won’t be terribly useful in the next Gym Battles, but having a Beartic certainly won’t hurt. Now it comes to the last part. All the new pokemon are good and all, but I’m going to upgrade them with some nice egg moves. One won’t be available until the Route 2, so for now, Pancham stays as he is. Two others however, are good to go. Time to grind...



...that took WAY too much time. Preparations are now complete however. To the White Team will now join Zangoose Navajo (female), Pancham Balboa (male) and Cubchoo Snow (male). Time for some story.

Vs Fern 3

Let’s begin! Fern started with Ferroseed, and I think it’s time for some free Moxie boosts. Or not, since Ludicolo is next. No worries though, Navajo is here, ready to rack up these Fury Cutters! Ludicolo is down, however Roserade manages to outspeed and take out Navajo. And Glitter. And Silk. Gosh darn it, this thing is too fast! Fortunately, Pearl comes to the rescue with a Fire Fang KO. Last comes Servine, but falls to a Silver Wind from Honeydew.

Bravo Fern, now with your Roserade fully evolved you became even more annoying. Two rival battles back to back. Cain is next in line.

Vs Cain 3

First comes Dewott, Silk made short work of him. Second is Cain’s physical Nidoking. That guy has some offensive power. He manages to take out Azure, but a Sleep Powder with maximum duration effect allows Honeydew to take the win. Venomoth next, he wakes up earlier, but still falls to a superior Bug Type. Last is Grimer, one-shoted by Glitter.

Now on to the main event of the episode, the great escape. Man, Shelly’s Yanmega wrecks everything. Thanks to her, the whole event took only few minutes. Orderlies went by fast, and left tons of exp.

Before the gym battle, there’s but one more thing to do. More training. I brought most of my team to level 38, and evolved Balboa and Pearl on level 39 for them to learn Crunch. I don’t know what kind of new team Shade has now, so some might say it’s over preparing. I say, there’s no such thing as “over preparing” when readying oneself against Shade.

Next: Fourth Gym

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Vs Shade

Oh boy, starting with Corey right of the bat. Why are you keeping him here Shade? I went with Navajo. Gengar is one of few things that can outspeed her now, so it’s unfortunate that I can’t get first hit without the scratch. Ouch, Corey is down, but Navajo is in the low yellow. Fortunately, Golett isn’t that hard to take down. Azure takes the win here. Chandelure next. With her monstrous special attack none of my pokemon can take her 1v1. I need some team effort here. Silk is the only one that can outspeed her and manages to land a Nuzzle before Shadow Ball takes her out. Azure is next and manages to bring her to red and survives a follow up Shadow Ball! Victory is near!

What? After firing an Ultra Potion Shade switched Chandelure for Gourgeist. I’m not staying on that, so I also change Azure for Balboa. He got hit by a Confuse Ray on entrence. I have bad luck with confusion, so I double switch to Pearl. Now it’s Leech Seed. I’m dancing back and forth now, hoping for a clean entrance. It works up nicely as Shade also switch in the middle of this. On the field are now Pearl and Doublade, perfect. One Flamethrower is enough for OHKO. Chandelure falls next to a Moxie boosted Crunch. Is the sweep I hoped to see is happening right before my eyes?

Nope. A Confuse Ray from Rotom, followed by a turn of masochism ruins my dream. At least I won the battle as Navajo crushes Rotom. Finally, very meaningful three dots from Shade announce his last pokemon, Gourgeist, who falls to Balboa. 4-0 and Shade beaten on the first try, not bad.

Normally next would be travel to Apophyll and battle with Kiki. However, none of the next four leaders have their Field Effect nor updated team, so I'm stopping this challenge. Hopefully, episode 14 will appear soontm and I can resume for two episodes, and then catch up to the current stuff in epside 15.

Thanks for reading!

Next: New sandy Apophyll

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