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Favorite Character


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My favorite by far is Corey. His story (if you get all the cops) and his battle are one big wake-up call, to me at least. Once I stopped being scrubby and losing to Julia, he was the first really tough battle in the game for me (not counting Chatot, that thing is the devil). It's also when I realized that this isn't "just another fanmade game". Up to that point, all we saw either already happened (the poisoned lake, whatever happened to make Florinia the way she is (which the game only briefly mentions twice)) or we're showing up as the "janitor" (the whole Tangrowth mess). With Corey, we're get the full depressing experience. We get his current self, his beliefs, his end, but most notable his backstory. While reading that, I was just...overwhelmed.

3rd place is sort of a three-way tie with Radomus, Cain and Aya, while Dr.Connal became #2 while I was reading this.

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If we are referring to any character in the game, it's definitely Cal. I really like the design that he has as well as his mood. I'm stoked for the day he returns in the game. Who knows, maybe he will return next episode since we will be seeing Blake.

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  On 10/31/2014 at 1:02 AM, Etesian said:

My favorite by far is Corey. His story (if you get all the cops) and his battle are one big wake-up call, to me at least. Once I stopped being scrubby and losing to Julia, he was the first really tough battle in the game for me (not counting Chatot, that thing is the devil). It's also when I realized that this isn't "just another fanmade game". Up to that point, all we saw either already happened (the poisoned lake, whatever happened to make Florinia the way she is (which the game only briefly mentions twice)) or we're showing up as the "janitor" (the whole Tangrowth mess). With Corey, we're get the full depressing experience. We get his current self, his beliefs, his end, but most notable his backstory. While reading that, I was just...overwhelmed.

3rd place is sort of a three-way tie with Radomus, Cain and Aya, while Dr.Connal became #2 while I was reading this.

That interview was interesting!

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Anna, for sure! I love her adorable personality and I like weird kids, heh. I think her powers are very interesting. I wonder if we'll learn more about them later on.

Cain comes pretty close behind. He's just plain awesome.

I kind of have mixed feelings about Saphira. The way I see her, I wouldn't put it passed her to try and kill an innocent character. She seems too rash, to me, going off and just killing everyone who seems like a bad person. But maybe that's just me.

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Cain is so fun and eccentric and yet taken completely seriously by the story besides (even if everyone finds his innuendos a bit much, sometimes.) He's consistently portrayed as one of the strongest, most competent trainers around, despite how outlandish he is, and would be a joke in virtually any other story, so he's very high on my list.

Gardevoir is up there because she kind of lends credence to Pokemon being interpreted in different ways in-universe. Are yours just mindless attack drones that do what you say, or distinct characters with their own stories to tell? I like to believe that canonically they're whichever you'd like because examples of both are seen in game.

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  On 11/1/2014 at 8:31 PM, lost-silver said:

cain. cain hands down. REBORN PRINCESS FOREVAH!

he's also a disney princess too so that means..double duties to his sleeve :P

  On 11/1/2014 at 6:40 PM, nasserthemaster said:

that one dude that frees you from the prison cell with his klefki, i forget his name but dats my mans

I don't remember...do we know his name?

Please don't double post in the future. Also, his name is Randall.


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3. Solaris- He's only appeared three times and all times he establishes himself so well. He is dangerous and strong but the scariest part is that until we know more about his end game he may not even be wrong. Also anyone that can steamroll a main character in a 6 on 1 match is pretty tough to not love.

2. Tied (yeah I'm one of those) Saphira and Corey. Both are strong to a fault and have clearly given up a lot to protect what they cared about. Where Saphira succeeded in saving her sisters on what can be assumed to be multiple occasions Corey clearly failed to keep his daughter on the right path. Seeing how different one's life can proceed based on keeping people safe is actually pretty powerful and in a few ways they are 2 sides of the same coin.

1. (don't stab and or shoot me) Fern- Why him even though all he does is draw our hate. Well before reading through everyone's picks I was going to say Cain but I noticed that Fern draws a lot more emotion not just from everyone else but from me too. I hate him, I hate him with more passion than anything I can hate but it is because he knows how to press buttons so well that I can say that in a hateful way I really like this character. He's made himself a favorite in a different way and I can say that it just wouldn't be as satisfying to beat your rival into the ground if they didn't make you want to like this butt hole does.

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3. Radomus

Same reasons as most. Amusing, clever, impactful, beast, knowledgable. I hate Doubles. I just hate Doubles. I can only play Singles. Plus how my creed demands no EV training, no perfect natures (mainly only neutral natures) and only five Pokemon (sixth being Bibarel) the entire game, I loathe Doubles as my team is purely meant for Singles. However, I absolutely loved the Gym battle with Radomus. It was entertaining, engaging, and all around impactful. The Gardevoir 1v1 was awesome. But more so, Radomus is the character I closest relate to in terms of raw personality.

2. El

In my manner of view, favourite and like don't fully coincide.

I think El is a wonderful character. I loved the way he played the game while also making a deep impression. I mean, he hasn't exactly done anything amazing (yet), and his full capabilities seem rather bleak, but I think that's simply a curtain which will come falling down. One of the biggest factors within El is potential. Potential to really make a forceful impact on the story and become one hell of a butl- bad guy. My character for the Fate/ Full Moon role play is even a combination of Kirie Kotomine, El, and Hallelujah Haptism.

1. Shade

Shade. What to say about Shade. We haven't exactly seen or heard much about Shade other than the initial encounters. However, I always seem to find Shade at the top of my list whenever I think about who my favourites are. I feel as though Shade is a dark horse character who has yet to show the full extent of his meaning. After the instance with Corey, and then his Gym, I felt aghast at the character I first heard described as nice. It haunted me for a while but what I really enjoyed was presentation of Shade, and how much potential I see he has as a character. Kind of the same reasons as El but more so. Also, Shade was the first Gym I ever had to grind to beat. I felt like I didn't have a ghost of a chance at first, with how much damage that Chandy did to my team. However, after I finally beat him, the whole experience kind of raised my spirits at my enjoyment of this game.

Honourable Mentions

Kiki - great dialogue, awesome concept

Fern - realistic, genuine douche

Cain - amusing, bad ass

Hardy - cool cat, solid morals

Charlotte - impressionable, heated personality

But yeah, I like characters who make not just a heavy impression on me, but other characters within the game.

Edited by Flynn
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  On 11/1/2014 at 9:13 PM, Damage said:

3. Solaris- He's only appeared three times and all times he establishes himself so well. He is dangerous and strong but the scariest part is that until we know more about his end game he may not even be wrong. Also anyone that can steamroll a main character in a 6 on 1 match is pretty tough to not love.

2. Tied (yeah I'm one of those) Saphira and Corey. Both are strong to a fault and have clearly given up a lot to protect what they cared about. Where Saphira succeeded in saving her sisters on what can be assumed to be multiple occasions Corey clearly failed to keep his daughter on the right path. Seeing how different one's life can proceed based on keeping people safe is actually pretty powerful and in a few ways they are 2 sides of the same coin.

1. (don't stab and or shoot me) Fern- Why him even though all he does is draw our hate. Well before reading through everyone's picks I was going to say Cain but I noticed that Fern draws a lot more emotion not just from everyone else but from me too. I hate him, I hate him with more passion than anything I can hate but it is because he knows how to press buttons so well that I can say that in a hateful way I really like this character. He's made himself a favorite in a different way and I can say that it just wouldn't be as satisfying to beat your rival into the ground if they didn't make you want to like this butt hole does.

i actualy agree with you about fern. and who knows maybe he has a reason from his past that makes him an butthole XD

  On 11/1/2014 at 8:53 PM, mar_mar said:

he's also a disney princess too so that means..double duties to his sleeve :P

hahahaha yes! yes! omg i love it!

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  On 11/2/2014 at 3:30 AM, Sheep said:

Please refrain from double posting. It's frowned upon around here.

I should really be keeping a tally of how many times I have to say that.

Hmm. From what I've seen on countless threads, you probably shouldn't. You'd end up having an innumerable tally.

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3. Charlotte- I like characters that just stay back analyzing details and then throwing their own opinion in. The bits that definitely won me over to her being one of my favorite characters is when she burns Sigmund with her cigarette and in her gym when she describes how she learned to like fire types which I thought was strange yet heart-wrenching at the same time! Don't ask me why. And she's a badass in general.

2. Victoria- She's that rival that will try to help people as much as possible yet she isn't afraid to voice her opinions when needs be. She's that character that will sacrifice her own training to help. If she returns in ep. 14 then some serious stuff will go down since she ain't gonna let what happened to Kiki go. Plus I'd like to see how she reacts to Fern...

1. Cain/Terra- I can't decide to pick between the two since they're both so random yet hilarious. Cain just makes me laugh since he always tries to lighten up the atmosphere despite what situation everyone is in. The flirtation is hilarious even when he kinda flirted with Terra lol and the things he says... so funny that I can't describe it. Yet despite all this hilarity and randomness, Cain is a good character who is willing to help others and openly supports the player against meteor. And finally because the hair is awesome. Terra, she is even more random and besides, who doesn't like flying lion tamers who wield a giant hammer! She's also that character who will stand out with the rainbow hair and a personality to match and will say what she thinks in any situation like in the Agate Circus backstage room with CIel xD The scene that won her over is obviously in Agate CIty when Cain is trying to find that giant hammer. Cain gotta look at dat B00TY!

Character that almost made it:

Shade- Good character design, a challenge plus has a mysterious aura.

Saphira- Total badass, the magazine lol, her personality plus she's a dragon type leader.

Radomus- Mysterious, breaks the fourth wall and the hats.

Luna- Mysterious, leader of dark type pokemon and has a fascinating backstory.

Julia- Boomies, coffee and hyperactivity!

Titania- Badass, paranoia over what people read and her attitude.

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  On 11/2/2014 at 7:11 AM, amazingmagicsam said:

Terra-. Terra, she is even more random and besides, who doesn't like flying lion tamers who wield a giant hammer! She's also that character who will stand out with the rainbow hair and a personality to match and will say what she thinks in any situation like in the Agate Circus backstage room with CIel xD The scene that won her over is obviously in Agate CIty when Cain is trying to find that giant hammer. Cain gotta look at dat B00TY!

T3rr4 is l33t

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Historically, my favorite has been Titania. It was pretty easy to write her scenes in Episode 13 because I've been through something very similar to what happened with her and Amy, so I've kind of always just connected with her.

But aside from that, going only by what's in the game I'd say Charlotte. She's confident and surprising, but still highly flawed as a person. And she still manages to get shit done.

However my hands-down favorite character is Fer-- oops, that game's not a thing yet, nevermind~

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  On 11/2/2014 at 11:18 AM, Amethyst said:

However my hands-down favorite character is Fer-- oops, that game's not a thing yet, nevermind~

Sooo Fern dies (yeah!) and is "reborn" (look a bad pun) in the next game? Will he still be a douche? Doesn't matter i'll still hate him anyway (even if he ends "saving the world TM")

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  On 11/2/2014 at 1:57 PM, Gaunt said:

Sooo Fern dies (yeah!) and is "reborn" (look a bad pun) in the next game? Will he still be a douche? Doesn't matter i'll still hate him anyway (even if he ends "saving the world TM")

The next game is actually not a Pokemon game iirc, so unless Fern travels to a different world/universe...

And "TM101 World Saver" is something I can't wait to get :P

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