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Early/Mid-game feedback.


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Hello everyone!

Due to my old PC dieing, I have to replay the game currently on my boyfriends computer.

So I know some of the storyline but can't say I know everything, but atleast up to Noel, I have a pretty clear idea..

(this is simply stated for spoilertags)

This current team is a team that I've acquired just after beating Shelly.

The team is between level 35-40.

I just wanted to know if things could be "better" at this stage of the game and for the upcoming content (Aya/Shade etc).

Nature/IV's/Ev's are good for now, so I'll let those be for what they are. I'm more interested in team synergy.

So if you have any feedback let me know.

Ingame I currently have to beat Fern so I get the "help" for finding the Poison Gym replacement.

The team is as follows

Infernape - Iron Fist (M)

-Close Combat

-Flame Wheel


-Mach Punch

Powerhouse up to late into the game, don't need any advice on this one.

Venomoth - Tinted Lens (F)

-Signal Beam

-Sleep Powder

-Quiver Dance


I know I'm going to get rid of this at some point, but it might still be very usefull at/after Aya.

I'm not quite sure how long Venomoth is a viable pokemon. Any suggestions about this one are much appreciated.

Ampharos - Static (F)

-Power Gem


-Confuse Ray


I have the same problem with Ampharos as with Venomoth.
I'm not sure how long this will be a viable team member. Sure he's strong at the moment but I don't know if he falls of or anything later.

I intend to have the following set in the long run

-Power Gem


-Confuse Ray

- Thunder/FirePunch/DragonPulse/Signal Beam

Meowstic - Keen Eye (F)





This is another pokemon that gets better options later.

I'm not really sure what to do with this one and at what point.

For now she is a strong addition to the team.

Azumaril - Huge power (F)

-Aqua Tail

-Defence Curl

-Roll out

-Double Edge

I intend to keep this one for a long time.
I just absolutely love Azumaril

Once she gets Play Rough she absolutely wrecks.
I'm not breeding Aqua Jet, atleast not for the short future. A definite Stay.

Noibat - Infiltrator (F)




-Tail Wind

It's going to be a little while longer for this to become a power house.

I hadn't planned on using noibat, but..I got a Shiny Noibat with great stats hence its a must keep for my team.

Once it evolves I plan to use heartscales to insta give it Boombust + Dragon Pulse.

Hurricane is strong but if I can make do with Air Slash for the time being, it's fine.

So Key Members are




What members can be added to this core and whom to replace at what point?

In my earlier play throughs (episode 10 and 11), I generally got a Magnezone at some point. I know when I can evolve my Magneton to a magnezone but maybe there also good options aside from Magnezone (which is basically my go to guy for its resistance and nice sp.atk)..

Tips are appreciated!

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Based on the upcoming gyms, I'd say once you've beat Kiki, remove Azu temporarily, because with fairy typing, it's super weak to all of Aya's pokes (Unless you were to actually breed it with Aqua Jet and then it could take down Nidoqueen). Meowtic will be fantastic for the upcoming gyms, so keep it on there. You can get a level 30 Meditite (possibly with Pure Power) at The A. Academy after talking to all the people on the secodn floor who are talking about Zen. That could telp your team a ton.

Edited by AuthorReborn
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Keep Ampharos....

He's based god...

6-0ing Noel like its nothing :D

also Discharge/Cotton Guard/Confuse Ray/Power Gem would be the optimal moveset when you get access to all those moves later.

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