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Help Selecting my team.


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I seem to have a very unbalanced team and when I rock up to a new gym I tend to have to go grind some new pokemon just so I can beat that leader. Can any of your recommend a team for me? here's who I currently have:

Ampharos lvl 42

Magneton lvl 41

Muk Lvl 48

Seismatoad Lvl 40

klink lvl 32

Amoongus Lvl 36

Golem lvl 44

meowstic lvl 44

delphox lvl 43

heatmor lvl 40

drifloon lvl 40

butterfree lvl 35

pyroar lvl 42

onix lvl 30

haryiama lvl 38

noibat lvl 43

I've got the 4th badge and just beat the volcano guy, if there's any pokemon I can now catch I'm willing to intergrate them. What would your team be?

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I just got the scrafty, but opted for Pangora instead the guys going to be a beast shiny too with good nature for a physical sweeper!

I'm stuck on the poison gym at the moment.My current starting 6 vs hers:

Ampharos lvl 44

Magneton lvl 44

pyroar lvl 43

Meostick lvl 44

Seismatoad Lvl 44

Delphlox lvl 45

I'm currently training my klink to get it evolve nto klang as Delphox just gets taken down by any shadow ball or her tentacruels water moves.

The only problem is klinks stats are pretty much weak are klangs much better?

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you have two fire and two electric type in one team. If you have money and heart scales, I think you should train the noibat to noivern, common candy it down (lv cap is 45 right?), and relearn hurricane, boombrust, d-pulse to help you, also you could get a meditate at the academy with pure power, evolve it into medicham, relearn zenheadbutt to help you with the battle.

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In the academy (the island one), there are 4 students will tell you about zen, meditate and some thing like that, talk to all 4 of them then talk to a girl and you will have meditate. I dont know if you need a slot in the party or not, so be prepare and just talk to everybody in the academy just to be sure.

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