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I'm gonna be fighting Kiki soon, and half of my team is weak to Fighting Type moves!

Zoroark: Foul Play, Night Daze, Night Slash, Cut

Blaziken: Peck, Double Kick, Blaze Kick, Bulk Up

Golem: Bulldoze, Rock Smash, Rock Blast, Smack Down

Meowstic: Fake Out, Shadow Ball, Charge Beam, Extrasensory

Emolga: Nuzzle, Acrobatics, Double Team, Shock Wave

Loudred: Bite, Uproar, Stomp, Supersonic

Should I grab some new members and swap them in now, or will these guys be enough? I'm currently teaming with Amaria to destroy the factory that's polluting the waters. Thank you in advance!

Edited by SilverJakler
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I doubt this will be enough to take down Kiki. There are plenty of flying type pokemon that can be caught on top the rooftop garden in Onyx Ward. You can also trade for an Abra somewhere (Not sure where exactly). Garbodor could be a good pokemon with Toxic Spikes and Acid Spray to lead off with (Unless she leads with Medicham). Weezing also makes for a good physical wall.

That's the first few things to come to mind.

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If the pokemon guide by Shattered Skys is right, you can get a Golbat in Pyrous cave. It serves a better physical flying type than Emolga, AND it gets Acrobatics. Any Fairy types (Swirlex, Aromatisse are the only ones, I believe, available at this point) do well if you(and you do) have a decent fire type to pair with it, but with the poison gym after it, I recommend the Golbat.

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You can trade for Abra in a previous episode in a small house across the street from the factory you blow up with Fern, Julia, and Florina. Currently, however, that trade will only yield a Litleo, which is also weak to fighting. Poison types and fairies are your friend in this battle. Also, if you go back to an older episode you can grab a Ralts which will x4 resist any fighting move.

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I'm choosing not to go back to previous episodes, but I've got a Granbull and Cofagrigus ready for action. As for Golbat I was planning on getting one, but I need Emolga for Takas Chatot because I know I'm rematching him soon. But I think I'll grab one if I find it

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