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Trick Room Team - Where to take it from here?


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Hey everyone! I've been toying with a trick room team for my continuing play through of Pokemon reborn (just about to hit Radomus... so I figured why not?)! For the most part I like how things are shaping up... but I'm not totally satisfied and could definitely use some suggestions on where to take the team from here. This team isn't for competitive use, so it doesn't have to be perfect... it's just designed to get me through Ame's diabolical game without too much hardship (the AI thankfully seems to struggle against whatever truly competitive options we can scrape together... mostly through combos)...

So here's what I've been thinking of:


- stealth rocks

- shell smash

- x scissor

- rockslide

Sets up stealth rocks early on and if there's anything left of him by the time trick room comes into play, then he's got a pretty decent base attack and enough bulk to rumble for a round or two. Shell smash is there as backup in case the trick roomers go down and he's still got to keep battling on his own.


- trick room

- nasty plot

- shadowball

- wil'o wisp/hidden power (fighting)

One of my favourite ghost pokemon and he just happens to be a fantastic trick room user. I've already got one all ready to go... just waiting on the tm to add trick room to the build. Question: do I want to go wil'o wisp for the debilitating burn, or hidden power for the coverage (currently have both on my cofagrigus so it's really more a matter of which one I should get rid of)?


- trick room

- psychic

- recover

- hidden power (fighting)

One of my favourite psychic pokemon! Weird how that's working out the way it is with this list. He makes for a pretty good trick room user too, what with the bulky hit points, and recover to keep him going. Once again hidden power fighting provides coverage, though I'm wondering if it wouldn't be better to use a different hidden power just to get some variety in the list. Recover also makes me think stall tactics might be something to incorporate into this list...


- spiky shield

- leech seed

- hammer arm

- wood hammer

At first he was my least favourite of the new starters... but the longer I've had to see what he can do I've come to really like him! He just makes for a really solid trick room physical beat-stick... and again spiky shield with leech seed makes for a pretty interesting option in getting some stalling in between the punches.

Now... the last two pokemon are where the list kind of tapers off... I don't know who else to bring or what to bring on them! I'd like to incorporate a little more into the roster than just a one trick pony trick room, but can't figure out what to bring to do it. Suggestions both on the existing trick room team, the upcoming additions, and anything else would be awesome!

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Escavalier maybe? Seems like a solid choice to me even though you already have a bug type. You also get a nice steel STAB move for your team. (Iron Head) Swampert is also a good choice since he can counter the huge fire type weakness of Escavalier.

As for your Cofagrigus, I would remove hidden power fighting and keep Will-O-Wisp, since you already have 2 fighting type moves for your team + Will-O-Wisp is amazing for a number of things.

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Charlotte is going to destroy you....

As for TR sweepers, Crawdaunt is as good as it gets, it has ridiculous power with Adaptability, just breed Aqua Jet onto it and you'r set. Bronzong is one of the best setters of trick room there is; it has great typing and defenses. It also gets the abilities Heatproof and Levitate to get rid of a weakness.

Edited by nasserthemaster
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Would huge power Azumarill or storm drain Gastrodon maybe be a better option to Swampert where slow moving water types are concerned?

Also, can anyone think of some way of using the last 2 pokemon slots to to mix in a little something above and beyond just the trick room? I'd be interested to hear what options people are thinking would compliment the current team?

Heatproof Bronzong over Reuniclus to help deal with Charlotte? I haven't reached her yet, and haven't seen what she's bringing to the table what in particular am I looking out for?

Edited by Anthalt
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Would huge power Azumarill or storm drain Gastrodon maybe be a better option to Swampert where slow moving water types are concerned?

Also, can anyone think of some way of using the last 2 pokemon slots to to mix in a little something above and beyond just the trick room? I'd be interested to hear what options people are thinking would compliment the current team?

Heatproof Bronzong over Reuniclus to help deal with Charlotte? I haven't reached her yet, and haven't seen what she's bringing to the table what in particular am I looking out for?

I've never used Gastrodon or Swampert in my Reborn playthrough but Azumarill has been quite useful. It is pretty much unstoppable once you breed Belly Drum and Aqua Jet onto it (without them, Azumarill is okay. I never really had any problems with it without those two moves).

Charlotte is a terror with her two leading Pokemon - a Ninetales with Drought and a Typhlosion who is ridiculously fast and powerful - both backed up by an extremely OP field. If you focus on getting rid of the field, and finding a way to take down the Typhlosion asap, you'll be fine.

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Lol cute, a drought Ninetails buffing a fire team :P If my trick room team has trouble then I'll swap back to my sunny day team and our drought Ninetails will have a lovely play date, and failing that, my early episode drizzle Politoed can start a weather war which could be fun. I'll be sure to prepare an adequate rain team before leaving the reborn city zone. I'm not overly worried about her yet ;)

As for the trick room team, I think I will go crawdaunt so that even before the last pokemon I have a resistance to all the types. Suggestions for the last one? Most of the time I'm guessing the spot will go to my linoone (HMs for days!) but for gym battles I may want some support... maybe a blissey or a wish sylveon as a cleric?

Edited by Anthalt
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The updated team as of right now is:


- stealth rocks

- shell smash

- x scissor

- rockslide


- trick room

- nasty plot

- shadowball

- wil'o wis


- spiky shield

- leech seed

- hammer arm

- wood hammer


- crab hammer

- crunch

- aqua jet

- ??? I could use a suggestion for this last slot... maybe swords dance, protect, or taunt?

Could someone suggest some useful EVs for this guy? Obviously his attack is solid and so should probably get a helpful portion of them but his defenses and his hit points are pretty low... thoughts?


- toxic

- hidden power fighting

- heal bell

- soft boiled (wish I had thought to add wish to my breeding chain... though I don't know if toxic, healbell and wish could have been bread in together)


-don't know the moveset I can make in reborn yet... suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

An alternative to Blissey I have been considering would be an Earthquake and Eruption Camerupt... but I don't know if the inclusion of fire and ground attacks is entirely necessary to support my current team's coverage more than I already have. Thoughts? Is more offense worth the loss of the semi-stall cleric wall?

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I think Crawdaunt would be best with Swords Dance and defensive EVs.

Bronzong is genderless, so it cannot gain any moves through breeding: my suggestion would be a Defensive moveset with a +Defense, -Speed nature and Trick Room , Iron Defense (tutor), Extrasensory and Gyro Ball. (through levelup). A mixed set is best for Bronzong, as it doesn't learn any physical Psychic moves and special Steel moves as of now in Reborn. As for the ability, Heatproof would be best, as Ground types aren't really a problem anyway with your main offense being Chestnaught and Crawdaunt, but Fire-types can be dangerous (as Crawdaunt, the only one that resists it, has pretty poor defenses).

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Alright, heatproof Bronzong with trick room, extrasensory and gyroball it is! May take confuse ray over iron defense just for the chance of a little hax. That will give me 2 fire resistant pokemon (I'll try to go bulky on the crawdaunt's evs).

I think the team is actually pretty decent... definitely more synergy than my sunny day team (venesaur sweep!). I'm pleased with it... though I think I may be a little light on special attackers... with only 3 special attacks moves in the whole bunch. Perhaps I should swap Blissey out for something with a couple stab special attacks?

What do you guys think, any more suggestions?

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Alright, heatproof Bronzong with trick room, extrasensory and gyroball it is! May take confuse ray over iron defense just for the chance of a little hax. That will give me 2 fire resistant pokemon (I'll try to go bulky on the crawdaunt's evs).

I think the team is actually pretty decent... definitely more synergy than my sunny day team (venesaur sweep!). I'm pleased with it... though I think I may be a little light on special attackers... with only 3 special attacks moves in the whole bunch. Perhaps I should swap Blissey out for something with a couple stab special attacks?

What do you guys think, any more suggestions?

You don't necessarily have to use just 6 Pokémon. You could add one special attacker, bringing it to 7, then just use 6 in rotation.

A good special attacker in this case would be Ampharos with Dragon Pulse, Discharge/Thunder(bolt), Power Gem and a defensive move (Cotton Guard/Confuse Ray/Thunderwave/Light Screen). That way, you have both special attacking power, extra coverage against Flying types which hurt Chestnaught a lot, and some defensive utility. Maybe even a potential for your Mega once Ame decides to grant us that power?

Edited by Nova
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