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What does power mean to you?


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Soldiers, recently I was discussing various things with Stratos, and over time our conversation digressed to this area:

What does it mean to have power at the end of the day? what does it mean to be "The Strongest"?

I've noticed that power seems to be, at the end of the day, the sole motivation Stratos has for any action he does, no matter what it may be. The man's obsessed with it, rigs his life with plans to try to pursue it and get it, not giving any acknowledgement to what he really wants to do with his life in the process. He's currently trying to pursue a career in the US government, specifically in the DHS or FBI/CIA, and he's even told me that he's aiming for the office of president one day.

When I asked Him 'Why?' He told me this, soldiers:

"Because I'm tired of seeing this world slowly devolve into an absolute shit hole where the elite and the few pull all the strings and don't give two flying fucks about the masses, Surge. I figured long ago that instead of just sitting around on my ass bitching and moaning like a little pansy, I'd actually set steps in motion so that someday I'd have the capacity to actually be the fucking change I'd like to see on this goddamn planet. It's about time someone steps up and fucking does something, and at this point it's damn obvious that it's going to have to be my generation who does it; The one currently running the show clearly aren't the way things are going. All the problems that the generation before them passed down, that they then perpetuated and added even more on top of, are going to be handed to all of us young adults in the world right now on a silver platter one day like a steaming pile of shit. I've already come to accept that simple fact, Surge... but I refuse to consider simply passing the buck on to the generation who will come after ours. The buck should stop here; It's time someone actually start working to try to fix the problems that are inherited by the world instead of just sweeping em under a rug to hide them as Last Will and Testament allocations for the kiddos. And you know what? I want to be one of the people making an effort to solve those issues. That's why I pursue power. I think that is the Capacity to be able to cause significant, tangible change. And I think that Strength doesn't mean anything at all If you're greedy and only use it for yourself instead of others as well. Power and Strength should be used to serve instead of Self-serve; to protect and defend rather than to conquer and to rule. All men must someday die, Lieutenant... but what determines whether or not a person worth remembering after their gone is their impact on the world during the time they got to live in it. At the end of the day, time's all we have, and it's ticking away even now. And I just want to use my own short amount of time here the best way I can think off.

Here, Take a look at this video, and it'll pretty much sum up what I'm trying to get across here"

I'm not going to lie, Soldiers, while that was beautiful and all, I think this man is crazy and possibly a danger to the public. Moving on to me point though: this whole thing got me thinking about how other people would respond to the same question.

What does "Power" and "Strength" mean to you? Well, Cadet?

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I couldn't give a proper answer. Not once could I say I've ever seen "power" in it's purest form. I've never been in a position of power, nor have I been the direct target of such power. I have seen people with power through that lens which is the public eye. Over all it seems to be something that no one knows how to handle, at least no one outside of fictional stories, and anyone who has it is under such scrutiny that they cannot do anything with it without being called out. That's what power looks like in the public eye.

To me, it seems to be linked with strength, the kind of strength that just let's you get back up after getting kicked back down, again and again, But the moment strength turns to power is the moment you use that strength to have an impact on those around you, for better or for worse.

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Power.....hmmm...power can be defined in a multitude of ways. Physical prowess, command of legions, intellectual superiority. But then there is strength. Strength is the driving force behind the goodness in our lives. We know we are strong when we can do what's right without a second thought. Power is being able to crush and annihilate your enemies, but strength is the goodness inside you that tell you to show respect to that enemy whose head you just implanted into the ground. Power and strength are as different as sun and moon, don't forget that. Strength also, as Dobby said, can be described as getting back up after the world has pushed you down, over and over again. After all the assholes, and fuck ups, and apathetic retards in this world slap the pancakes out of your hands, and spit in your face, strength is the choice to go and make another plate of pancakes....so to speak.

Power is a force, while strength is a mindset. You can BE powerful, or you can ACT strong. I like to think i live on that line every day of my life.

Edit 1: Also, i think i need to commend anyone who reads and intellectually comments on this post. Any who does SHOULD be identified as a harbinger of change and good, for the power we seek, and the strength we posses will change the world for the better. It is people like us who will stop this train from going down hill. Where i live, all around me, i see worn down buildings, and streets, and sidewalks, and in general i see the world around me suffering. I want to be that guy who 'updates' the world and brings everything to that shiny, chrome plated utopia we call 'the future'. It is people like us, who cannot fail, and it is people like us who will keep each other from going insane, because if you think about it, wielding this much responsibility and change is bound to make people go a little crazy....hell, i think i already have.

Edited by KingRyan
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Well said, Soldier. Stratos's opinion on the matter has already been shared, so here's mine:

Power and Strength are indeed two different things.

Power is something that is obtainable, the can be given and that can taken. It is something that can be given by an adoring crowd, or taken by soldiers on your doorstep. As Private Ryan above me already stated; It in and of itself is a force, a tool.

Strength, however, is something that must be developed on one's own. it can not be given, it can not be taken and held. But it can be made greater, and can be made lesser. No one can ever just hand someone else "Strength", because real strength only comes from the person in question. other people and circumstances can serve as motivators to build strength, but can never give it. just as vica versa, they can act to serve as motivation or cause for one to lessen one's strength, but never take it. Private Ryan also hit this one on the head; It is a mindset, soldiers. it's psychological whereas Power is more of a physical thing.

Think of it like this, Power is something that can either be given by the polls or taken at the point of a loaded gun/ any other weapon. Strength is conviction and resolve as to whether or not someone will try to use that power for good

At least, that's what this old lieutenant believes, Soldiers...that's just what this old lieutenant believes...

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Power always had different meanings, it can change from person to person and even the time period we are in, as technology and culture progresses more and more ways to obtain (and type of) power appear: be it wealth, physical strength or political. For me it's simple: do what i want whenever i want (the means don't matter) that is "power" simple right? ^_^


I don't think Stratos is crazy at all he simply wants to obtain power what is wrong with that? I'm pretty sure 90% (probably 99%) of people on the planet wish the same thing (whatever the reason) even if they will deny it. I'm not ok with his reasons but that's only because i'm selfish and want power only for myself (i'm also too lazy to really do something about it unlike him), he will probably not succeed (i'm talking about presidency here) because reasons...no really for a normal person (without wealth/political connections) it's almost impossible (it would require a miracle or a revolution and both are unlikely to happen in America)

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I like power to mean a typical status of which a person finds himself comfortable enough within a position he currently holds. Whilst power, yes, holds a variety of different meanings, it's all a matter of perspective on what a person can hold. Ask a thousand people on the street of what they would define power to mean, it'd be quite likely that people would have different meanings.

Or, everyone could share a meaning of how much a person can/does/could control and whether or not they have the funds to cooperate all that. I could go on a large rant about this, but I'm refraining from doing so as it'll take forever and I can't be bothered to do so at the particular moment of time of when I'm writing this.

Power, in short, is whatever you make it to be.

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"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men." - John Dalberg-Acton

Those who seek power also seek or will inevitably seek to control others. This is a fact. Power isn't as good as its made out to be. For every person in power that you hear great stories and lore, there are most likely a multitude of untold stories of misery and peril. "History is written by the victors." - Winston Churchill

You don't need to be in a position of power to do right by the world and make it a better place, and ultimately if that were the goal of everyone in this world, we could solve most of the worlds many problems, but you have to realize the world isn't a perfect place, and unfortunately not all people are saints. I applaud you for trying to make the world a better place in your own way. Remember, don't lose sight of you truly are. Always take time to reflect upon your origin and where you started. Are you still along that path?

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To simply put it, power is usually referred to as the influence someone has on others or themselves. Those with a lot of power tend to be hard to take down because of how many fight on his/her side. Jericho explained the rest so well so I'll leave it at that.

Strength is a bit tricky to explain as there's both physical and mental. Physical strength is just how strong someone is. The best way to explain mental strength is the ability to do right when everyone else is wrong. The latter may seem easy, but you'd be surprised how many people just walk away and ignore any problems that they come across.

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... Jericho kind of ninja'd me there, if I was online earlier, I probably would have said something very similar xD

Keep in mind that you can't change human nature- remove war, suffering, everything unjust brought to a man by another man. And it would be foolish to try. It's what makes us human, we learn from hardship because somethings cannot be taught. You can only fully appreciate what sweet tastes like if you have tried its bitter counterpart. If you have read "The Giver", you'd know what I mean (and if you hadn't I highly recommend it).

You can try to outsmart it though, and do what ever you can to do so. We need more people in this world like you.

As for me? I think power is irreverent, there is always going to be a fight for power. A fight for control because that is how we humans are made. Strength is where is matters. The strength is something internal to an individual, their strength to fight for what they believe and the strength to do what is right.

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Hmm. Deep question...

In my opinion, "power" is the amount of influence someone or something has. Simple as that. To think in the terms of say, a battery powered laptop. A fully charged laptop has more power than a nearly dead battery, being able to keep the Laptop functioning longer than the latter. In terms of people, the President has more power than an average citizen, because he is able to influence more people.

Being "powerful" and being "strong" are not one in the same, although most of time appear as such. In my opinion, strength is measured in multiple parameters. It could be the amount of force you exert, or the amount of time one spends enduring something, or the ability to suffer but not fade away.

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Power, or at least true power is the ability to influence other people's lives. Wether it be for good or bad. If I can quote Tarot Cards, The Magician is a person who holds power, and will always use it correctly. The power to influence others can be as simple as being born to an important family, to have a lot of money (because of the way our world works), or to simply be an influential person. If you have the amazing ability to talk people into doing something, then that's your power. Because no matter how physically strong you are, if someone can bring an army of thousands of physically strong, you can never win.

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Power has several meanings. Power is mostly related to any amount of strength or clout someone has.

To put it simply "have all the money and all the hoes." Thats power by clout

Now by strength: "it's over nine thousaaanndd!"

Clout and strength are what matter to me in terms of power.

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