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Advice against Noel


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Hello fellow reborners! I have already written here seeking advice against Shelly and your tips led me to victory.

I hope we can achieve the same thing on this instance.

I am stuck against Noel. I have to use four pokemons to defeat Cinccino, and that does not bode well.

My current team :

Feraligatr L. 55

Meowstic L. 52

Flygon L. 54

Pidgeot L. 48

Rapidash L. 51

Pachirisu L. 51

Do you have any suggestion as to modify my team to beat Noel in the short term (besides leveling them all up to 55,which I'm currently doing) , and more broadly suggestions for the long term?

Thank y'all

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You can go back on the obsidia slums and do the scraggy event to get yourself a scraggy. You can also catch pancham there. Both fighting/dark type. Either of them u choose can help u with noel.

For his staraptor and swellow, get a Klingklang or Magnezone. I prefer magnezone for the stab on electrik attacks. But both work good.

Also his last pokemon is Clefable. Pure fairy type. You will need either steel or poison attacks. That rapidash you have can learn poison jab from move tutor and along with the klingklang/magnezone can knock it off.

I hope it helps out.

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Main thing that gives me trouble about Noel is his Porygon-Z. Even with a +5 calm mind set up on a Lucario, It still wasn't easy. Main thing I recommend is both, a fighting type(Pangoro or Scrafty as people have suggested), and an electric type(Magnazone). And a tip is to somehow "Hurt," his Cinccino.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 11/14/2014 at 12:32 AM, Sonikku said:

Yes yes, if you ever need help with a gym leader again, please ask for it here


It's not an issue here Sonic. He was the last thread regarding this before I made the Gym Leader Help thread. Kind of the final straw if you will.

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