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EV training help

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I finally got the natures that I wanted for my new Pokemon Team that i was recommended here: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=10348. Here is my team right now: http://postimg.org/gallery/8fe1ucp2/

Now I just have to EV train them. I have never really EV trained in the main stream Pokemon games since they are so easy, I just enjoy the storyline... I found the EV Training guide written by Notus, all I was wondering is how I should spread the EV points for each stat for each Pokemon. I understand that, for example, Swampert should be EV trained for ATT and HP (252 each), leaving 6 for other stats (Please correct me if I am spreading the EV points incorrectly for Swampert). I was wondering what the other stats others might choose and also how the EV points should be spread out for all the other Pokemon. Please and thank you.

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The remaining points typically make little difference, unless placed into HP. In a competitive sense, it is better to have an odd number of HP, so if Swampert currently doesn't have that, then that would be the way to go. Of course, this isn't taking into account that at the max level, the number may change.

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Even though you are correct on how EV's are broken down, I'm going to break it down for people who don't understand it.

How do EVs affect stats?

For every 4 EVs you gain in a specific stat, you'll gain +1 to your Pokemon's base value in that stat. What this basically means is that if you battle 4 Patrat with your Tepig, Tepig will then gain +1 to its attack stat (because each Patrat gives +1 EV in the attack stat).

EVs are calculated at +1 Stat point per 4 EVs at level 100, which means you won't see the full benefit of the EVs you put into your Pokémon until it reaches that level; there will still be a benefit, just not as significant as when it reaches the maximum level.

Is there a limit to the amount of EVs I can give my Pokémon?

Unfortunately (or perhaps, fortunately) there are two limits to the amount of EVs a Pokémon can gain.

  • Each Pokemon can have a maximum of 510 EVs.
  • One stat can have a maximum of 255 EVs.

This equates to +63 to the affected stat of a Pokémon (at level 100), if you maxed out EVs in that stat. So if we take Tepig and then battle 255 Patrat, we'd be giving it +255 EVs in Attack, then Tepig will gain a +63 increase to its current attack stat.

The more mathematically minded of you may be noticing that this doesn't actually add up. The number 4 doesn't go into 255, so 3 of the EV points have gone to waste. You'd be exactly right. The optimum number of EVs to put into any stat is therefore 252. This is explored in a bit more detail later.

When is the best time to start EV training a Pokémon?

The best time to start EV training is as soon as you get that Pokémon, either through breeding or catching it. As soon as that Pokémon participates in a battle in which it gains experience, it will have gained some EVs.

If you were to breed a Pokémon you probably won't be able to battle with it right away, due to it only being Level 1. This is where the Exp. Share item becomes extremely useful. Unlike experience, EVs are not divided up between the Pokémon that gain experience from a battle.

Using our Tepig again, lets say she is currently level 1 and you wanted to give her some Attack EVs. Unfortunately Tepig isn't really capable of beating a Patrat just yet. Put Exp. Share on Tepig and battle with another Pokémon, so that Tepig still gets experience and as a result will also get the EVs from that Pokémon.

In simplistic terms, if a Pokémon gains experience from a battle, regardless of the way in which that experience was awarded, it will receive all EVs it could gain from that battle.

In short: 510 ev's in total, 255 in one stat.

In your example, The 4 remaining ev's should go to where you think it would help, i.e. 4->spd. That being said, I would go to a site like smogon.com for ev spreads for your pokemon. However, my recommendations are as follows:


252->ATT & HP



252->HP & SPD



252->DEF & S.DEF


(this is for those pursuit users, also for bulking this thing up, gets ohko'd to often for me.


252->ATT & SPD



I am completely guessing on this one, as I have NEVER used one

252->SP.ATT & SPD




200->DEF & SP.DEF


(sorta the same reason as Reniculus, gets ohko'd to often.)

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Thank you Shadow! That was very well explained. This seems like the best options also. I am not good at making these sort of decisions because I have never EV trained before. I was mostly unsure of the remaining few points. Would knowing their attacks help in deciding the EV spread for each of the Pokemon? If so here they are:

-Swampert (Torrent)
Hammer Arm
-Reuniclus (Magic Guard)
Trick Room
Energy Ball
Hidden Power(Ground)
-Chandelure (Flame Body)
Energy Ball
Shadow Ball
Hidden Power(Poison)/Curse
-Heliolisk (Solar Power)
Grass Knot/Hidden Power(Electric) --> Not a good choice...
Dark Pulse
-Scrafty (Moxie)
High Jump Kick
Dragon Dance
Ice Punch
-Durant (Hustle)
Iron Head
Hone Claws
Rock Slide
Anyways, thanks for the set up.
Edited by gamesontv
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Just to add, if one of the Pokemon holds an Everstone, the parent will pass on their nature. That said, I'd really say you either get a new Chandelure with HP Fighting/Fairy or give your current one Trick Room. Super-Effective HP Poison is weaker than neutral Flamethrower, Azumarill is the only thing hit harder by HP Poison than Flamethrower, but there's Energy Ball.

Oh, and if you're planning to set sunlight for Heliolisk, Surf gets a 1.5 modifier for Solar Power but a 0.5 modifier for being a Water attack in sunlight, so HP Ice and Surf have the same power in Sunlight. HP Ice also has better coverage, especially since the Dragon gym is still ahead of us.

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You should run 252 Spe and 252 SpA for heliolisk and 4evs go to HP as its rather frail

BTW Etesian, i dont think there is HP fairy. Heliolisk should be dry skin, cause immunity to 1 type is good rite?

HP Fairy exists, but only in Reborn. Also, Solar Power Heliolisk is much better than Dry Skin Heliolisk. If you actually set up the sunlight, that is.

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After so much breeding, I got so many Litwick's (and a shiny!!). I sifted through them all and here are the top five best Litwick's based on their IV's and here they are: http://postimg.org/gallery/3cyf88cly/

Their Hidden Power's are Poison, Dark, Ghost, Ice, and Ground respectively. I am almost (...100%...) guaranteeing that I might (...am definitely...) not using the Ghost Hidden Power Litwick. Ground seems like a good type, but I am leaning more towards Dark. Anyone have any suggestions? Please and thank you.

P.S. I still have to mass breed the Helioptile's.

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That is what I was leaning towards. Thanks for the input. ^_^

Also, I finished mass breeding the Helioptile's. After looking, sorting, and removing, here are the final Helioptile's:http://postimg.org/gallery/1vsls8dxo/

Please ignore their abilities because I have A TON of shards from mining so I can change any abilities using the Ability Capsules. Their Hidden Power's are the following: Ground, Ghost, Electric, Fire, Water, Water, Ice, Rock, Dragon, and finally Electric, respectively. The Electric ones, the third and tenth Helioptile's, are out for obvious reasons. I am leaning towards the Dragon one (9th). I might consider even the Fire one (4th) or maybe even the Rock (8th) or maybe even the Ice (7th). SOOO MANNNNYYY CHOICESSSSS!!! I still think that I should go with the Dragon one. I would LOVE any suggestions that anyone has. Please and thank you.

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That is true, but than what would the next best choice be? I guess the next best one would be Ground one. It is the next one with the next highest speed. I guess I can breed more Litwick's and try for another one. What would the best Helioptile be though?

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The Ground Hidden Power Litwick is fine by me. I think I am going to breed some more Helioptile's. The Ice Helioptile is still going to be in my box, but I might get lucky with some other Helioptile's. I'm just thinking that the Ice Helioptile has somewhat good IVs and I might find another Helioptile with better IVs.

EDIT (11/4/14 10:26 pm): I breed some more Helioptile's and currently have 22 good ones after removing all the bad ones. Their Hidden Powers are all of the following: 4 Ice, 2 Poison, 2 Rock, 3 Dragon, 1 Steel, 1 Ground, 3 Grass, 3 Fire, 1 Bug, and 2 Ghost. What is the best Hidden Power for a Helioptile with Surf, Thunderbolt, Dark Pulse, and Hidden Power? For all of their IV's, I wrote down all of their IV's and Hidden Powers: http://postimg.org/image/btfh0shtf/ Sorry for my bad handwriting...

I was leaning towards Helioptile number 1, 3, or 21, mostly to number 1. Any thoughts? Please and thank you.

EDIT (11/6/14 12:07 pm): I finished finding all the Pokemon that I need. I also researched the best EV's for each of the Pokemon based on their attacks, which I have listed second. The first EV's listed is what was recommended to me. I was asking for suggestions to which one was better or if you have other recommendations. Please and thank you.

EVs: 252 ATT / 252 HP / 4 SPD
Impish Nature (+ATT, -SPEED)
EVs: 252 HP / 252 DEF / 4 SP.DEF
Impish Nature (+DEF, -SP.ATT)
EVs: 252 DEF / 252 SP.DEF / 4 HP
Quiet Nature (+SP.ATT, -SPEED)
EVs: 192 HP / 64 DEF / 252 SP.ATT
Quiet Nature (+SP.ATT, -SPEED)
EVs: 78 SP.ATT / 200 DEF / 200 SP.DEF / 32 HP
Timid Nature (+SPEED, -ATT)
EVs: 252 SPEED / 252 SP.ATT / 4 DEF
Timid Nature (+SPEED, -ATT)
EVs: 252 SP.ATT / 252 SPEED / 4 HP
Modest Nature (+SP.ATT, -ATT)
EVs: 252 SP.ATT / 252 SPEED / 4 HP
Timid Nature (+SPEED, -ATT)
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SPEED / 4 ATT
Adamant Nature (+ATT, -SP.ATT)
EVs: 252 ATT / 252 SPEED / 4 HP
Jolly Nature (+SPEED, -SP.ATT)
EVs: 252 ATT / 252 SPEED / 4 HP
Adamant Nature (+ATT, -SP.ATT)
EVs: 252 ATT / 252 SPEED / 4 HP
Jolly Nature (+SPEED, -SP.ATT)
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