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I'm currently building my original Reborn Team from scratch - and I was wondering if some advice could be given for the following Pokemon:

1. Greninja

- Surf

- Extrasensory

- Dark Pulse

- Smack Down

I'm thinking of replacing Smack Down with another special move... and I'm looking for suggestions!

Should I go for Modest Nature or Timid Nature?

2. Noivern

- Boomburst

- Dragon Pulse

- Hurricane

- Flamethrower

I think I'm satisfied with the moves (if you think of better moves, your advice is welcome!). Same question as Greninja - Modest or Timid?

3. Meowstic (F)

- Psychic

- Shadow Ball

- Signal Beam

- Charge Beam

Should I leave Charge Beam and Signal Beam or replace them with something else? Modest/Timid?

4. Florges

- Moonblast

- Misty Terrain

- Nature Power

- Petal Dance

I think I'm going to get replace Misty Terrain with something else. Any suggestions? What nature should I get Florges?

That is all! I'll be waiting for your responses :)

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Smack Down could be replaced with Grass Knot, Shadow Sneak or a support move like Spikes. Modest would be best, as Greninja is already faster than most things you'll meet with Modest nature.

Noivern's moveset looks good. Modest, same reason as Greninja, is best for Noivern.

Female Meowstic doesn't get Prankster, and it doesn't really get a lot of support moves, so the four moves you chose would be best. I would suggest Timid as Meowstic might need just a little bit of extra speed and it gets extra special attack from Charge Beam anyway.

Florges' Misty Terrain could best be replaced with a support move such as Wish or Aromatherapy. Maybe even both and scrap either Nature Power or Petal Dance as well? Bold (+Def, -Atk) or Relaxed (+Def, -Speed) nature would be best, Relaxed for a slight boost to Phyisical Nature Power moves and Bold for a slight boost to speed. Your choice.

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For greninja, ice beam or grass knot would be better in place of smack down. Unfortunately ice beam is not available yet .

Noivern and meowstic set is good.. replace charge beam with calm mind when you get(not available yet :( )

And for florges , wish would be better .If florges is defensive like if you are hp and defense ev training give bold nature or else modest

for greninja timid is better imo.

Edited by Sharath Bhat
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Thank you for your inputs :) I have a couple of questions though...

Is it currently possible to breed Ice Beam onto Greninja if I go back to E12? Otherwise, I will stick to Grass Knot, like advised.

For Florges, yes I will go with Wish. How should I EV train Florges? 252 on HP and Defense?

And for the natures - I'll go with Modest-Modest-Timid-Bold.

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You can purchase power items in obsidia department for quick ev training.15000 per item and you have to obtain stickers to unlock floors in departmental stores. If i remember well its available on 8th floor..sorry if i am wrong..

You cant breed ice beam into greninja..It can only learn via tm.

This below link help you for ev training:


Edited by Sharath Bhat
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noivern huricane? the worst attack ever...learn him shadow ball or knock off and florges dazzling Gleam should work :D

I'm referring to my Reborn team - not the competitive play one.

Dazzling Gleam is pretty much useless on Florges because she already has Moonblast as its STAB.

Hurricane provides a nice STAB for Noivern - much better than Shadow Ball or Knock Off (especially the latter, as his nature is Modest)

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Aaaactually, for Meowstic... I would go Modest. Compare base 104 Speed to base 83 Special Attack, and tell me which one it needs more of. Especially the female one, because she's an all-out attacker.

Everything else I would have said, has been said already, I think.

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