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Today I Learned


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TIL that sometimes being a stubborn asshole actually works out in your favor, huh. I was wondering how Neo did so well in life

There's a whole lot of sociology and psychology that goes into that and a whole lot of nuances to be aware of.

But yeah, I totally understand what you're saying.

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Well, I was mostly referring to an LoL match where I picked JG Quinn and this other guy insisted that she wasn't a jungler and picked JG Jax. And if I'd gone ADc and let him JG, we could have had a workable team comp. But I decided to be a stubborn asshole about it (and so did he), and we did really well and won the match pretty easily, even if he did steal all the farm

Edited by KosherKitten
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TIL that killer whales were actually named whale killers by the spanish. And that the name may have been reversed in translation. I knew they ate dead whale carcasses but did not know they actively hunted whales.


TIL that sharks react the opposite of of the way ants (and humans, I suppose) do. They flee the death of their kind instead of swarming the perpetrator.

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