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TIL that Doctor Barry Marshal was convinced that H. pylori bacteria caused stomach ulcers, but no one believed him. Since it was illegal to test his theory on humans, he drank the bacteria himself, developed ulcers within days, treated them with antibiotics and then went on to win a Nobel Prize.

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TIL that Japanese tourists often find Paris so disappointing that they get physically sick. This is called Paris Syndrome.

They're also very xenophobic and xenocentric and many believe certain restaurants like McDonalds and Red Lobster originated in Japan. LOL.

Then again, the French overhype Paris and I can totally understand the absolute disappointment as a result.

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Well, technically it's hemolymph, not blood, 'cause, you know, bugs don't have a closed circulatory system....

But Hemolymph doesn't carry gases and doesn't have haemoglobin, so it should NOT be red. That's why a gooshed bug oozes a clear greenish or even bluish white liquid plasma.

Maybe it was some other pigment, or maybe it was a blood-sucking bug which had the blood of another animal in it. Squished mosquitoes do leave a red smear for this reason.

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TIL that a decapitated viper' head can still bite, move its eyes and in general do everything that it could have done while still whole, for as long as 30 minutes after being severed.

Who needs zombies, right?

For whatever reason that makes no sense to anyone, Miyazaki applied the same attributes to wolves in princess mononoke so that a wolf head squirmed and bit off the arm off an important woman. *bscoughbs*

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