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I must ask, why a Grumpig? I know that "love is blind" but didn't she like Gardevoir?

1) Because Ame learned to love and appreciate the Grumpig that was given to her on accident

2) #pigswag

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1. Gardevior isn't a cool black and purple.

2. GG is a twat and no one likes her.

TIL YouTube was originally designed to be a dating service. Youtube and I spend so many wonderful hours together... YouTube is best Waifu.

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Really wasn't sure where to put this, but thoughts? http://www.iflscience.com/technology/lasers-can-turn-your-eyes-blue-brown-5000

It seems kinda neat, but I dunno.

That is rather interesting. Of course I like people's natural eye colors because they're always so interesting. I don't think anyone should permanently change... But they can if they want.

The safety is an eyebrow-raising question, but I doubt it's the same risk as laser eye surgery, since it's not even going into the eye really.

...Though maybe if someone did a weird artificial heterochromia...

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that i was supposed to turn heel in 2011 but it didnt work out as planned and now vince kept me as the posterboy for the wwe but that stupid noodle haired idiot roman reigns will steal the spotlight and become the face of the wwe

It's okay, you're dating(married to?) a Bella twin.

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Today I learned body integrity identity disorder or xenomelia is where someone believes a part of their body, like an arm or a leg, doesn't actually belong to them.

I actually watched a video a few years ago about someone who was like this. I forget the whole process but he froze the leg he thought wasn't his in a bucket of cold water and amputated it himself. But I didn't know there was a word for it, or whether it was a documented condition or if he was the only person.

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Today I learned (noticed for the first time) that Wynaut's hands are its ears.


TITY that Wynaut is actually what you think the tail is. The blue part is some kind of (inflatable) puppet to fend off predators of some sort.

At least, that's what I was told.

(TITY = Today I Teach You, you perverts)

TIL I really needed a haircut.

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