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Today I Learned


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Today I learned that calling someone shit here was not some type of endearment, apparently people are ignorant to foreign language.

Im surprised no one corrected me on it here when I called terra bae... she kind of is shit to be honest. BTW who the hell decided that shortening babe to bae was a good idea and confusing the public.

Today I learned not to repeat slangs at all even if I want to fit in with people my age here.

You can that African American Vernacular English for the term 'bae'. Granted, it's been Columbused, so nobody actualy uses it anymore.

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Every day next week will be the same backwards!!:









That's only if you write the date like a proper plebian.

This is how you write dates like a boss;










But really, that's pretty awesome, Comet.

But guys... It's June. (The 6th month...)

TIL that EMA, from Attack on Titan's soundtrack, stands for Eren Mikasa Armin.

Did not know. I am enlightened.

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TIL sales can delay the shaving I need.

Bad day, or for the style?

The style

Come to New Mexico. We shall learn to box together.

Hell Yeah~

TIAL that plastic flowers are better than real ones since they don't die every week.

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TIL archery isn't as fun nor easy like I used to think, now on the other hand~ throwing knives is fun and easy.

For me archery is easy after like 3 lessons i was already able to hit the center of the target

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TIL: girls (well, in my school) can, one day hate you and the next day want to date you... life is weird.

i declined her offer. bruh i dont have teh money right now for a 'relationship' lol

Logik. TIL sometimes on payday 2, some people don't know how to control an area and it annoys me to the point of rage.

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TIL: girls (well, in my school) can, one day hate you and the next day want to date you... life is weird.

i declined her offer. bruh i dont have teh money right now for a 'relationship' lol

This is actually a lot of girls. They can feel one way one moment and another the next.

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story time please :3

Oh man, okay. My cat Shynikey sheds badly so I have a few lint rollers for after he lays on my bed and drags half my clothes from my closet and it doesn't make me long to go through one and he usually bats them around and plays with them, I'm use to that. But it turns out that isn't what makes him so possessive at times and mad when I use the lint roller.

Turns out that he uses them for his own personal pleasure as basically a sex toy to rub against. All new lint rollers are going to be under lock and key in my kitchen.

Never again. Never again.

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