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Today I Learned


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TIL I can't drink a whole bloody mary because the ones Sport Corner makes are loaded with celery, a pickle, an olive, a shrimp, and a cheese cube and it's too filling.

The first three sips are like "oh this is cool," and then after that it's like "nah this is just peppery alcoholic tomato juice." 7 dollars wasted :(

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Wow, there are certainly a lot of interesting facts and information I've learned just from this thread alone! But I shouldn't get off topic now, haha.

Today, I learned the that the Piano was first invented in the early 1800's and that the very first Harpsichord is still fully functioning after such a long time.

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Huh, this topic exists... Let's catch up... THIS WEEK I LEARNED

I learned is my Grandma's secret Chile Recipe.

I also learned some Gorilla Zoology from Mael, the alpha male of Gorrilas is called a Silverback.

I learned how Fighting Game terms and Skills relate to IRL fighting terms and skills.

I learned what IRL people I should seek help from if I wish to ever become batman For realsies.

I learned that Clams can Hiss.

The current Legend of Korra Villain is voiced by Robin William's daughter.

Lastly I learned that my Niece is learning to walk.

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TIL turtles can breathe through their butts and pee out their mouth...fancy.

I learned that same thing all of an hour ago...

If you happen to be in my class when you learned that we should totally talk bro, we might be in the same class

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