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TIL that the mobile game 'Send Me To Heaven' involves throwing your phone as high as you can in the air. The creator said he made it with the hope of destroying as many iPhones as possible, but Apple banned it from the App Store.

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That's news to me too. I have no idea what he is referencing.

YIL (yesterday I learned) that the forum slums he was referring to was something to do with dirty toasters and Russians.

TIL I didn't really understand.

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Apparently, two-thirds of people under 50 are infected with the herpes virus, according to WHO.


Multiple strains of herpes virus. Some are pretty tame, but the famous strain... watch out.

HSV-1 causes fever, blisters, and cold sores. contracted through saliva, usually during childhood. le tame.

HSV-2 is the genital herpes, std. can be contracted through skin contact

HSV-3: chicken pox and shingles, causes pustules to form, casual contact transmission

They're all herpes viruses, but really only the second one is a major concern.

Note: I'm taking microbiology at the university and we just happen to be covering microbial pathology these past few weeks. ^ is straight from my notes

Did you know that an estimated 20% of cancers are caused by viruses and that the estimate is growing as scientists do further study.

only about 1 in 100 people with polio ended up with partial paralysis as a result, a certain viral infection or other immune suppressed conditions are generally required for this to happen. US President Franklin D. Roosevelt was one of the unlucky few. According to world health people, polio was eradicated in Africa as of 26 Oct, 2015- yes, this year- and is now isolated to Afghanistan and Pakistan. and to think I was in Afghanistan for 9 months...

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TIL that I actually CAN study, despite the fact that the thought of it makes me want to rip my skin off, stick poisoned, rusty tacks through it and use it to whip everyone. x.x

TIL that a Juu with rusty tacks is to be avoided.

My list of Juus to avoid

- fanatical Juus that believe in Juudaism

- Juu with knives

- Juu with fishing rods

- Juu with rusty tacks

List 2.0

- Juu with pencils

- Jude

Edited by SkyRunner
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It didn't happen, but you didn't have a juu with fresh, crisp paper on your list. Til that I'm a hypocrite that hates hypocrissy. Ponder that for a moment and hate me (I just happen to contradict myself depending on my mood. Hypocrissy annoys me no matter what mood I'm in though, and yes, I hate myself)

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