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Today I Learned


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I learned that same thing all of an hour ago...

If you happen to be in my class when you learned that we should totally talk bro, we might be in the same class

Not in your class, sorry man, not even in school. I just look up random facts online. :P

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TIL that Fire Emblem Awakening: Lunatic+ is not as bad as people make it seem. (after ch 4 at least)

The same could be said for every difficulty setting :P

Chapter 4 is like the gatekeeper though, especially if you happen to have any of the golden pack DLC, so yeah, that makes sense

TIL an actual term for a palm reader is "chiromancer"

ty Copeland

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TIL that I actually study best with some alcohol around (not a lot, of course).

No, seriously. I usually have 50 different things on my mind would likely which distract me even when I try to focus, a drink or 2 just clears my mind. I've gotten over 90% on any test I've done so far with this new "method".

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(03:27:27) +Eternal Edge: Ikaru sucs

(03:27:30) *** Jericho cries in the corner. ***
(03:27:41) Jericho: I see how it is.
(03:27:41) +Ikaru: you missd a letter there edge
(03:27:45) +Eternal Edge: Nah
(03:27:46) TheScarletSword: sucs
(03:27:51) TheScarletSword: suss
(03:27:54) +Eternal Edge: Just urban dictionary it
(03:27:56) dbzsonic27 left the channel.

(03:27:57) +Ikaru: no
(03:27:58) +Eternal Edge: I'm sure it means something
(03:28:02) +Ikaru: this isn't going to be another "bame"
(03:28:14) +Amethyst: IM ON IT
(03:28:18) Rosesong: :D
(03:28:21) +Amethyst: Another name for USC, the university of spoiled children, university of second choice, university of sexual criminals, P-USC, U$C, the private school surrounded by the ghetto, producing murderers, rapists, and other types of criminals every day.
(03:28:23) Sir Fla$h left the channel.

(03:28:48) Jericho: Damn what did USC do to you o_o?
(03:29:12) +Ikaru: well
(03:29:16) +Ikaru: that's going in the TIL thread

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(03:27:27) +Eternal Edge: Ikaru sucs

(03:27:30) *** Jericho cries in the corner. ***

(03:27:41) Jericho: I see how it is.

(03:27:41) +Ikaru: you missd a letter there edge

(03:27:45) +Eternal Edge: Nah

(03:27:46) TheScarletSword: sucs

(03:27:51) TheScarletSword: suss

(03:27:54) +Eternal Edge: Just urban dictionary it

(03:27:56) dbzsonic27 left the channel.

(03:27:57) +Ikaru: no

(03:27:58) +Eternal Edge: I'm sure it means something

(03:28:02) +Ikaru: this isn't going to be another "bame"

(03:28:14) +Amethyst: IM ON IT

(03:28:18) Rosesong: :D

(03:28:21) +Amethyst: Another name for USC, the university of spoiled children, university of second choice, university of sexual criminals, P-USC, U$C, the private school surrounded by the ghetto, producing murderers, rapists, and other types of criminals every day.

(03:28:23) Sir Fla$h left the channel.

(03:28:48) Jericho: Damn what did USC do to you o_o?

(03:29:12) +Ikaru: well

(03:29:16) +Ikaru: that's going in the TIL thread

Beautiful. Truly beautiful.

TIL Ame teaches fine things to all of us.

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Keep replies neutral and unoffensive, Tacos.

If I was replying to something I would have quoted. I was simply stating, in the real life situation I was currently in, I was surrounded by idiots.

TIL that no matter what I'm wearing, my mother will always tell me to dress better.

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I've met some girls who can't take jokes... Slaps hurt...

And today you learned that you should be careful who you´re telling jokes to... ^___^

Some people just... react too quickly ^^

Today I learned that I shouldn´t care that much about what anyone thinks about me.

Just 1 1/2 years more and I can be a weird and "special" individual somewhere else, so until then I gotta stay with a bunch of asshats who are too immature to accept someone (as immature and childish as me) the way he is: Just someone who wants to be all happy and cheerful, if he feels like being so :3

Not gonna try to fit in if that means that I gotta change too much o___o I used to think and worry about "my image", but seriously: I´d rather be myself than protect some kind of "image" I gotta have in front of others, even if that means

I´m going to freak out someone somehow because I tend to be a bit jumpy and switchy with my emotions ^___^ That´s what I learned today... or rather I learned this entire week or maybe month. Was a weird phase for me...

That I really shouldn´t care too much about those guys, because I won´t see them in a year anymore ^-^

Edited by UnprofessionalAmateur
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