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New RP(Kinda-ish) [Interest Check]


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Aight, so, you read the title, new Rp, kinda. Some of you may remember that I tried my hand at writing, and after toying around with the idea, the setting and such is ideal for a new RP, and I'd like to try hosting because hooray for juggling activities!


Actually reading the first two chapters is the best primer I can readily give you. The Rp will take place in a fairly simple fantasy setting with minimal technology, but the city is supported by the presence of the Gifted. The Gifted is who you guys will be playing.

This is where the idea could go fantastically or horribly.

So, what I want to do with this is allow people to be somewhat more sueish than is generally allowed in the sense of feeling overpowered. This is because I'll be letting you guys choose your own Gifts. With this, you have to use some common sense, so that means no powers that give you god mode without a severe limit, like, use it twice in a day results in Death kinda steep. Furthermore, no necroing, going back in time over an extended period and other gamebreaking shit.

Anyways, you shall play various different Gifted with motivations of your own, trying to achieve these goals whilst being whirled away into a world of espionage and backstabbing and good fun stuff like this as you all inhabit the city of Trevalus.

It's a vague idea as an RP, but I can transform the original plot into something much more interactive should this garner enough support.

As for PC interaction, there will be various factions that you can join, depending on how you act and whatnot. For example, if you get in good with the law enforcement, you'll likely be brought into that group, perhaps even a branch of the military if you show potential. Or, for those of you who want a darker group, there will be a crime syndicate working behind the scenes. Naturally, those factions determine your friends and foes, and you'll have to work with the people on your side. For this I highly suggest Faction PMs, with me involved so I can naysay anything I need to.

More deets as we go~

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I'd love to partake in this RP! While I'm never that much of a fan of "competitive" roleplaying, I'm more than willing to give any new experience a try, haha. After reading your writing regarding this setting, I definitely see the potential within the setting. I'm going to present a few questions that I hope won't come across as annoying to answer, haha:

1.) What is the approximate "tech level" of Brailen?

2.) Since there is a school for all Gifted, am I to assume that we'll be teenagers that are currently attending said school?

3.) Is being Gifted hereditary?

4.) Would you like a short backstory for my character (when this is all official, haha) that will read similar to your demonstrated writing?

There, that seems like a sufficient amount of nagging, haha! Though I only ask these things because I'm very interested in this!

Edited by GotWala
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Hmm, good questions. Lemme answer:

  On 11/10/2014 at 10:27 AM, GotWala said:

1.) What is the approximate "tech level" of Brailen?

Think just before steam machines and the industrial era. A fantasy world on the verge of industry, if you will. The various Gifted abilities would have accelerated the process, but people who despise the gifted naturally refused their help, so they aren't as advanced.

  On 11/10/2014 at 10:27 AM, GotWala said:

2.) Since there is a school for all Gifted, am I to assume that we'll be teenagers that are currently attending said school?

No. The school is simply where most characters, unless specified otherwise, would have learned how to use their abilities. However, this does not mean knowing how to break physics in an overly complicated way to counter any and every attack or situation. PCs don't have to have gone to the school, but they must either specify another reason why they understand their ability, I.e a mentor, or forfeit that right.

  On 11/10/2014 at 10:27 AM, GotWala said:

3.) Is being Gifted hereditary?

No specific powers are hereditary, but chances of having a Gift and having a similar concept for that gift is common amongst families. For example, if a father can manipulate fire, the son/daughter may be able to breathe it or something else fire related.

  On 11/10/2014 at 10:27 AM, GotWala said:

4.) Would you like a short backstory for my character (when this is all official, haha) that will read similar to your demonstrated writing?

A short backstory will be required, but I'll explain more on this if I put up sign ups.

As for writing, so long as it's understandable, write however you like. Just note, better quality posts are just better for everyone period. Everyone has their own writing style, so find yours and rock out with it.

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Ah, 5 people. I'll get to work on the sign ups tomorrow then. If you have an idea for a Gift, feel free to say it in the sign ups, unless you're unsure if you think I'll revise it, then PM me if you wish. This'll only happen in cases where the power is designed for any and every situation though or there is no drawback to it and it's fairly strong. I.e you can fling homing bullets of light as much as you want.

@Huk, that'd be great. Just fire away at me in a PM.

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  On 11/10/2014 at 8:57 PM, GotWala said:

I believe it might be prudent to allow Hukuna his poking before I may or may not ask many, many tedious and obnoxious questions about the minutest details of Brailen, haha.

No, feel free. Something I never find IRL is someone willing to or wanting to ask those questions. If you feel you need to know these small details, fire away. No spoilers though, you'll remain in the dark, just like all other PCs.

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Well, World Building is something I am super good at, so uh.....I am sure I can ask the important questions. Also Wala the questions you asked so far, pretty good, probably would have been early questions I asked. ((though I would grill him further on the tech stuff, I want to know if the tech operates on Magic, or if it is legit tech. Like in my World, Graterras, Technology exists because Magic advances tech faster than in the real world, however they have Steampunk level tech, mostly in one area of the world. It has spread to others, but isn't easily replicated there, they keep the secrets behind that tech secret. there is Bio-tech [highly similar to auto-mail in the Full-Metal Alchemist series, however it mech limbs infused with a artifical nervous system, magic is used to connect the severed nerves in the user's arm to the machine. It is a tough magic to use, since it ties the fibers of the nerves to something different, and must do it in a way that isn't harmful to the user.))

Basically, I would try to figure out the basis of tech, and many other things in this world, that way we have an idea of how it functions and flows.

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True, I should've been more specific about "Tech", but it seems that Gifts haven't affected the growth of technology to quite a ridiculous degree, since many people hate/fear the Gifted.

At least, if I understood that right, haha!

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Oh that doesn't matter, I am a world builder, I could care less if that question would actually even affect the RP. I would be asking questions to make the world richer, more interesting rather than direct RP related stuff. It off-shoots into the RP, because if something works a certain way, the players can be affected by it.

EDIT: think about this, if Machines use magic to run....rather than just being plain old tech....there is potential for things to get interesting. Like what if people are harvesting Magic in nasty ways? ((like capturing souls and using those to power machines...)). Not only can players personally have a stand against this, the Factions they join would to. And if their Faction has a stance they don't agree with, it adds a layer of doubt and other things to that character. Has their life been a lie? Or do they try and change their faction.

Even the small stuff can make interesting interactions happen in an RP, and this is what I strive for.

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Yes. Due to a lot of prejudice in the years leading up to the RP, and the fact that this prejudice only started to dissolve recently, means that Gifted were very limited in what they could do with their abilities. This means that the potential growth of the rebuilding society was stunted and isn't anywhere near as advanced as it would be normally. I'll detail this more in the OP of the OOC as a primer though, so look out for that.

And Hukuna is right. The richer a world, the more immersive it it, and the more factors a storyteller has to play with. Very useful in a scenario like this.

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