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Mirror B.


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I did searched and it seems nobody has talked about this before. I think since the jukebox says nightclub - mirror ball he might be the last trainer to be battled? After all, he is the best character from anything related to pokemon ;). Can't wait when he gets implemented because XD is far my fav game. Beat it like 10 times when I had a Wii. Hope that is what the devs are planning to do. Bring out Mirror B is such a fashion with all lvl 100 ludicolos XD.

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No Miror B in game. I mean. Maybe as a cameo in the nightclub? That would make sense. Probably won't have him battle though. There's going to be enough going on there as is

The nightclub songs are just a collection of dancey-pokemon music I was going to put into a general playlist for the Nightclub but I may not go through with that idea.

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The nightclub songs are just a collection of dancey-pokemon music I was going to put into a general playlist for the Nightclub but I may not go through with that idea.


In layman's terms, it would be stellar should this be added in-game.

Also it's Miror B, everyone.

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