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Banana's Shiny Forum! (That No One Liked)


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O hai people, Banana here! :Kappa:

I decided to make a whole page dedicated to me (le noob) catching shinies. Why?

Well, I'm only counting shinies that I accidentally find, and don't purposely look for, and I have to catch it (stupid Poochyena!) in order for it to count.

I'm only keeping 3 images at a time on this post, so come early to see the pictures!

I'll just edit this one post when I find one! Wish me luck! :D

#1: Woobat (Oh boy, what a positive start -_-) Image #2

Caught In: Pokeball

Found under the Bridge in the Opal Ward

Nicknamed: Piggy P. (I'm weird sometimes)


#2: Caterpie (I'm not sure if this is really lucky or really unlucky I keep getting terrible shinies) Image #1

Caught in a Premier Ball

Found while leveling "Meow?" in the secret garden place.

Nicknamed: Pok (if you ever see the picture, you'll know why)

#3: Oddish (A bit later into the game) Image #3

Caught in a Pokeball

Found while looking for the Sentret to trade to that one girl (it took me half an hour to find it, and I found this guy along the way) in the Obsidia Ward (in le park)

Nicknamed: Smoke 3 (inside joke of mine about a randomizer I did one time that involved an Oddish)




Edited by Banana
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nice! i caught a shiny sewaddle when i was up in the place with the police department (having a brainfart dont remember wards name) and i caught a shiney pidgey in the same place. both with pokeballs. the shiney sewaddle is now a shiny levany and the shiney pidgey is now a shiny pidgeoto

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I only keep shinies, so the only pokes I catch are shiny :P as well as soft reset on shinies that I want. My team now is: Shiny Swampert, Shiny Luxray, Shiny Flygon, Shiny Arcanine, Shiny Eevee(just got on SR), and Shiny Chikorita :)

I also have lots in my PC: Pichu, Swalot, Teddiursa, and tons of others from SR, and RE :).

Nice Thread

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