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HI , Nice to meet Y'all :3


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I honestly don't know what I should say... I hate to talk about myself, because I feel egotistical when I do, but I'll give you some details about me that I deem important. #1. I'm gay (well, technicall, as to be explained in a minute) so please, don't be a hater around me (and preferably in general) #2. I don't really consider myself male (birth gender) nor do I consider myself female. don't ask why, I'm not sure either, I just dont X3 #3 I have auspergers, a form of autism, so, though I'm pretty high functioning, I still have some of the problems an autistic person has (most noticably my bad habbit of focusing on things I like and being unable to stop talking about them >.>) #4 I speak a little bit of french, and am Trying to learn some Japanese and Genman, and finally #5 I like to make friends, so if you think you can put up with me, please, feel free to be my friend :3 (<- gotta love the kitty smiles... I use those a lot lol X3)

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Yeah, discrimination is not on around here. If an issue does arise feel free to let me or another member of the staff know about it, but I highly doubt that'll ever happen 'cause we're an accepting bunch.

There are some neat topics pinned in the grand hall that will likely tell you what you need to know about how this place works, any questions don't hesitate to ask someone.

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  • Veterans

Welcome,it's nice to meet you.As others have said racism,sexism etc is not accepted around here so you shouldn't worry too much about it here.If you have questions ask Hilda,Dan or Sheep(and Jericho)

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Yea, I am not trusting a Mawile anywhere near me if they did exist.....nor any pokemon really....I don't want a pet that could easily kill me if it wanted to. But heyo and Welcome to Reborn! I am Hukuna Sensei head of the RP Forum here on Reborn. I will save you the spiel, but if you have any questions about the forums, or want to try your hand at it, just pm me, I will be sure to help you out if I can! Also I don't bite! ((cause Crunch has more base power.))

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