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Driving, more specifically, the destruction it can cause.....


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Driving can be described as multiple things: Essential, an art, a science, difficult.

However, there is one word that doesn't come to mind until some form of damage has been done. And that would be Destructive.

About a week and a half ago, I was sitting at a red light, waiting for it to change, when some asshole, going about 60-70mph(96-112kph for international peeps) rear ends my moms(not even my vehicle) buick, completely totaling it. Besides the obvious emotional trauma, I have two slipped disks in my lower back, as well as four broken vertebrae in my upper back. Every single movement I make hurts like the burning fires of hell running rampage through my nerves throughout my body. This is more than likely going to impact the rest of my life.

While the damage is pretty immense, it could be worse, I could be dead. And that very nearly happened. So, I am grateful that I had a guardian angel looking over me during that ordeal.

Time will(hopefully) heal these wounds, however I don't think I will be driving for a bit.

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Good luck with recovery man. If you ever need someone to talk to during a down day I'm here man. I am in no means trying to blame the victim so don't interpret it as such because the other driver is 110% at fault BUT ALWAYS keep an eye out for stupid people on the road. You have to be aware to all possibilities at all time.

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Holy Shit man! Sorry for the cussing. It's just...this kind of shit can happen to anyone, but once it happens to someone you know... That's a whole different story. I hope for the quickest of recoveries and the quickest of punishments for the jerk who Total'd you. How can someone so stupid like him be trusted with a car? I can imagine what was going though his mind. "I'm drunk/High/I want it to end." People like that should not be allowed on the road...but...there's no way to spot those people out...until it's too late...

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Thank you everyone!

  On 11/8/2014 at 8:01 PM, Jericho said:

Good luck with recovery man. If you ever need someone to talk to during a down day I'm here man. I am in no means trying to blame the victim so don't interpret it as such because the other driver is 110% at fault BUT ALWAYS keep an eye out for stupid people on the road. You have to be aware to all possibilities at all time.

I did see him in enough time, however I was in a position where I couldn't do anything but prepare for the impact. It was a two-lane county road, with two cars in front of me, with three cars passing in the other lane, I didn't have enough time to move out of the way, so I just prepared for the impact from his F350.

Edited by ShadowDefender
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