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Fire Mono


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Many fire pokemon available are faster like pyroar, fire starters except emboar , chandelure ,arcanine & many more .. If you want bulky slow fire type i would suggest camerupt and flareon . I don't remember any other bulky slower fire pokemons.. You can use chandelure with TR without ev training in speed.

Edited by Sharath Bhat
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I'm just curious but why does no one ever use darmanitan?

I blame it's Speed (although it's defenses are nothing to write home about either). Not high enough to be considered fast, not slow enough to be Trick Room material, it's...weird. In comp, I have no trouble using it with a Choice Scarf, but otherwise...

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I'd suggest against picking Tepig as your starter thanks to the fact that you can get one in Apophyll later in the game. I suggest the Blaziken line for the next best thing (or probably a Fennekin). It also isn't all that fast (if you don't get a speed boost variant) with only a base 80 speed. However, it is not very bulky either. Fennekin follows suit as well--it is probably not what you're entirely looking for because of its speed and its lack of bulk.

As for strong fire types, the first-gen options that you can get mid-game are Growlithe (save all the police officers in Jasper / Beryl) and Vulpix (short mini-quest in Obsidia Ward). Early you can get a Litleo (mine came THROUGH really well after it evolved--flamethrower wrecks house m8) and late game in the Lapis Ward you can get a Cyndaquil which is an absolute MONSTER once it learns Eruption. Once you reach Apophyll Academy you can rush into the mountain and pick up a Slugma / Macargo (god knows how many shiny slugmas I've stored and killed just EV training in that mountain) or even a Numel / Camerupt which is a slower, bulkier (but also extremely susceptible to water) Typhlosion (really only similar in the sense that they both get Eruption, which is ultimately much more useful on Typhlosion which is hit first kill first).

That's my experience with fire types. Considering Torchic Speed Boost is one of the best starters to choose in this game because of its game breaking ability (Protean Greninja is like this as well), I'd start with that just for survivability. But you do you, man.

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Having done Reborn with a fire mono myself, I'd advise against focusing on bulkier types, as a lot aren't gettable till later in the game. iirc, Your next fire type after your starter is Vulpix, and you need to defeat a level 45 Klinklang to get it (when you're level 20 or so), and after that it's a Growlithe. Bulky types don't really come along for a while, and as said, Tepig is gettable later in the game anyway.

I started on an earlier version, So had 3 fire types before the second gym, but it will be a LONG time (5 Gyms at least) before you have a full team of 6 fire types, and none of them will be Bulky. (Have a look at my sig for my Reborn Fire teams-you'll need to scroll down).

When you get fire Types: Starter

Pansear is early, but sucky. Vulpix just before the 2nd gym is you get INSANELY lucky, or grind up to a point where you can beat Klingklang (by which point you could've beaten it normally anyway).

Litleo is at about the same time...but there are FAR better Fire Types.

Growlithe is right before the 3rd Gym, but you need to do a sidequest to find it.

You won't have a Fire Stone for a while yet anyway.

You can then Grab inferior fire types like Numel and Slugma once you reach the 6th Gym.

You'll get a Fire Stone next.

You're now at about the level to do the Gang questline, which nets you a Ponyta and a Houndour if you do it right.

You can grab an Eevee and turn it into a Flareon...if you're insane.

After that, no more for a while. Litwick and Cyndaquil come much later once you've beaten the 10th Gym.

After that, you have Magby at the 15th Gym.

Darumaka is got via Trading a Luvdisc, and Tepig via event.

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