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Team questions~ (Again!)


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For the time being, new playthrough is veeery easy, but I wanna change some poke's;
Now I got:
Meowstic (look down for info)

Roselia (that shit is amazing with leech seed, growth and giga drain)
Ampharos (Confuse ray, thunder wave, power gem and waiting for discharge)
Swampert (well... Waiting for good moves)


And now is the question. I am about to face Aya, and I know that some good pokes will be/are available.

I kinda wanna change Camerupt for other fire one, I was thinking about Tepig evolution line (I belive they are ez to find), but I am open to some good advices.

I am pretty sure I will catch Aron, he is just soooooo good in my opinion.

But... I want to replace Meowstic also. And... I know Inkay with Superpower is pretty overpowered, but Gardevoir... Gardevoir is fun, Gardevoir is life. With one to choose?

Thanks for the help, always newbie pokemaniac.

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also even you found a older episode, you have to deal with fairy weakness that completely destroyed its usefulness for aya(plus long time to evolve,putr any 6th in your pc and don't access during your time in the old episode)

Edited by OmegaRa1der
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I need levels and movesets, buuuuuuut, The main thing that I'd say would be is to get another fire type (though it isn't going to help much cause EVERYTHING has something to kill fire types). Tepig, Growlithe, Houndoom, or Ninetales.

Main thing I'd recommend would be that Meowstiic and Swampert. Those are going to be your main players.

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