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Heeeelllooooooooo *feel like White-Zetsu*


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Hi everyone, Giolbat is here, but you can call me Gio if you want. I'm not involved in many forums, this is only the third time I introduce myself and every time I dunno what say xD, so uhm, let me think..

I found pokèmon reborn (the game), at random, one day on the net, and when I played I found it incredibly fantastic. For me, it is the best pokèmon game ever created, the guy (or guys) who created it is a genius. It is finally the definitive pokèmon game, with a plot appropriate for a public less childish, and even the mechanics and the events are great. I wanted to say "thank you" to this forum, cause every time i have a doubt, I come here for explanations, and in the end I decide to join it.

Well, I like videogames in general, I play every pokèmon games since RED, looong time ago, and I like manga, anime and japan's things in general, as you see. If you have question, ask me :)

Oh! Yes, I'm italian, so every time I'm writing in english I imagine to make many errors, and the people who'll read it, will think I'm stupid LOL so please don't kill me if I make mistakes :)

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Hello there, Gio.

First thing's first, I'm glad you enjoy the game, but it actually was created by a girl. Nonetheless, I'm sure she'd appreciate your enjoyment and thanks. (GG, Jericho and Sheep, GEE. GEE)

You're not the worst Italian who has written in english on this server. This was fairly legible to me.

Anyways, welcome to Reborn, I'm HIlda, and yes, don't hesitate to ask questions.

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Hihi Welcome welcome~

I'm Eva nice to cya

I'm fairly new here too but I hope you enjoy your stay here!~ not like you can leave anytime soon anyway

As for being the only Italian, that is not true.

  On 11/9/2014 at 7:17 AM, VoidStar said:

I was born in Italy but raised in Canada since I was 1.

So yes, yes welcome and be sure to not use too many ninja smoke bombs

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Generic greeting:


Welcome. If you could keep an I on your soul that'd be great. Be certain to grab PO and head over to the Reborn server, that's where nearly all the action is about here. Then kick off your shoes, discard your soul, and get ready for a long stay, you won't be leaving anytime soon

Be certain to spam Tempest and Vinny Dan and Sheep with short n00bish questions (to make certain they're doing their jobs right) And watch out for Alice, she's nearly as likely to kill you as I am

As always, have a nice day, get on the server, and be careful where you leave your soul. Vile ^^

Okay now that I've got that... Woman, yes, Ame is girl like me owo (Well, technically I'm a cat but shh)

Also she's less great leader and more just leader o.o Though she does give great backscratches (Ame, scratch my back, now. Meow~)

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First: Thank you all :)

Second: I'm sorry if I wrote that Amethyst (right?) is a boy, was not my intention, I didn't know his gender so with "guy", I intended boy or girl. Now I know xD. Sorry Ame.

I was born in Italy but raised in Canada since I was 1.

Oh, really? A funny coincidence, where were you born exactly?

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I was born in Florence

6 years ago my parents took me on a little trip to Rome, so Rome is all I really remember of the boot country.

It's a small world compared to the infinite void

So I wouldn't really call it a coincidence ;p

Edited by VoidStar
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Welcome to the reborn forums, Gio!

Have I missed something, because I don't see the normal welcome information anymore?

I'll just be on the safe side and do it anyway.

  • If you have any questions Hilda, Sheep and Spiderdan are normally willing to help. (And apparently Jericho too now)
  • If you're interested in RPing Hukuna is the guy to talk to as he runs the RP section of this place
  • Download Pokemon Online to battle, chat and hang out with us
  • Explore the forums to find stuff that peeks your interest
  • We can't forget ye olde "Leave your sanity behind. You won't need it here"

Have fun

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"Ye olde" something that really annoys me as Y was a symbol used for "th" so its not pronounced Ye old"e" it should be pronounced "the old" (relentlessly ranting at absolutly nothing as u can tell my sanity was left at the door :0)...... ://

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"Ye olde" something that really annoys me as Y was a symbol used for "th" so its not pronounced Ye old"e" it should be pronounced "the old" (relentlessly ranting at absolutly nothing as u can tell my sanity was left at the door :0)...... ://

It's...Uhm...Weird. Hahah I'm sorry for your sanity xD


Thanks Arkhidon :)

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Hello, the Name is Hukuna Sensei!~ Mik already mentioned what I do around here, I am the Head of the RP Sub-Forum. If you have any questions don't be afraid to ask, I don't bite! ((cause Crunch has way better Base Power.))

Also, you English is pretty good, even if there are a few errors I still know exactly what you are trying to say. Anyway the more you use it the more you will get used to it. ;)((totally isn't a plug for you to come visit the RP forum.....or is it? your soul is mine.))

Enjoy your stay here at Reborn, Hukuna Sensei out!~

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