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Depression and Alienation


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Lately I have been extremely depressed... over a video game, of all things. I play the infamous World of Warcraft, and recently it has been getting the best of me. Without going into too much detail, I'm pretty hooked to the game, and as a result I like collecting things. One particular item I want drops from the last boss of the currently hardest content in the game. He always drops two copies of the item for a 20 player group... as of now. I've killed him several times, but I can never win the rolls on that item. And in 3 days, when the expansion pack launches and the boss who drops this item ceases to be hardest, the drop rate on the item will be reduced from 100% to 1%.

This has been causing me to feel extreme despair because it just feels so unfair. I killed the boss like everyone who got the item, but soon I'll probably have to deal with the 1% drop rate anyway. 1% drop rate items can take people literally years to get. It makes me feel downright worthless to have to deal with being denied the item I worked for unless I tolerate working for years to get it.

To make matters worse, almost no one else, including other WoW players, seems to really understand how I feel about all this. They treat it as ridiculous because what has me upset is an item in a game. That makes me feel incredibly alone and hopeless.

Because I have lots of issues IRL, I pretty much rely on the game for social interaction, so if I quit just to get away from Blizzard's psychologically abusive loot system I will lose all my friends. It just feels like there is no good way out of this situation. My thoughts have been getting very dark lately...

I know this might all be a bit incoherent, but I just felt like I needed to get it off my chest...

Edited by Undying Phoenix
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i guess its not a tradable item as you probably would have bought it by now but dont focus on what ur losing but think about what ur gonna gain from the new boss and what nice sh1t he might drop :) we all have our vices to distract ourselves from our problems i too play an mmorpg i wont name due to my embarressing addiction to it even with its lack of updates or support , but it isnt the end of the world u can always get something else its only a distraction its not something thats necessary , its striving to be successful where you wouldn't have success elsewhere because you think you arent good enough or something, it wont be as satisfying because you will only want the next thing to get that buzz of success again i know where u are coming from its hard to deal with it but u gotta focus on the positives. this is only a moment in your life , time heals all wounds and soon u wont remember this item and in 10 years you prolly wont even think about WoW so think about the future dont concentrate on what u dont have now . and sorry for the long winded post hope this was of some help if not im open to talking about it with u if u need a shoulder

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I may not play WoW but I can completely understand how you feel about this drop rate, as it has happened to me in other games as well. Players do not understand how you feel when the drop doesn't come, likely due to them have receiving it at one point, but, hey.

I was addicted to FIFA and used to beat myself up about losing and the referee 50/50 decisions that never went my way. I always felt like it was my fault and that I could do something better, but I really couldn't. That was just the game. Now I play FIFA casually.

But your case is different because droprates and stuff, so. Maybe something you can try, that I can think of here is to not try as much, if you've increased the frequency of the boss fight? I mean I know there's 3 days until the new expansion pack however if you tried with a lesser frequency than you are right now, it might help you feel better because you've gone and done other things in WoW which have you in a sense refreshed for the boss fight, and then you fight and you may get the drop. For me, decreasing the frequency of things that I'm determined to do generally helps when I'm feeling negative about it. I'm not saying to cease playing WoW, but maybe don't attempt the boss as much and do something else and then come back to it, you know? That way you can still use WoW as an escape but do other things aside from the boss fight. You will get that item within the next three days, I believe.

It's okay to get everything off of your chest too, incoherent or perfectly coherent. People need to get things off of their chest.

I'm sorry if my post didn't make sense. I only just woke up and saw your post :x

Hopefully this helps out and if you want to talk more individually, feel free to send me a PM.

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The thing about WoW is they like to prevent you from doing the same thing too often. Each of my characters can only attempt that boss once a week, and only two of them are strong enough to fight him. So I have only two more shots and then I am damned to impossible drop rates. Plus other people are getting desperate, too, so some foul play might occur...

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I can certainly understand how you feel, in the idea that the hard work you put in thus far coud just be "Rewarded" with more hard work. Whenever that happens, it's always a bitch and a half. I've found the best way to deal with this is to make sure you enjoy the work, and what you are doing. In a game like WoW, i' sure you can have fun, right? That should be all that matters, but if you don't get that item, that's gonna sting, so feel free to rant.

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I can certainly understand how you feel, in the idea that the hard work you put in thus far coud just be "Rewarded" with more hard work. Whenever that happens, it's always a bitch and a half. I've found the best way to deal with this is to make sure you enjoy the work, and what you are doing. In a game like WoW, i' sure you can have fun, right? That should be all that matters, but if you don't get that item, that's gonna sting, so feel free to rant.

Sometimes I have fun, but at other times it becomes a mindless grind. The stress associated with this decrease in drop rate has made something that should be fun pure misery. It's worse because others just have the item fall into their laps. My friend got it first try...

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dont focus on what every1 is doing dont think about foul play that will only make you more and more paranoid that your not gonna get it or people will try to screw u over and that 90% of the time really isnt the case like i had real probelms with thinking people were constantly trying to scam or hack me so i changed my password nearly daily and had everything on lockdown 100% of the time , it got so bad to the point that i wouldn't answer any personal questions just incase they would guess my security question or something like that. Good Luck I Hope you get what ur looking for but please dont do anything hasty if you dont its not worth ur pain.

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The thing about WoW is they like to prevent you from doing the same thing too often. Each of my characters can only attempt that boss once a week, and only two of them are strong enough to fight him. So I have only two more shots and then I am damned to impossible drop rates. Plus other people are getting desperate, too, so some foul play might occur...

Once a week bleh, I thought it was like there and you could go in whenever or wherever. Ugh.. Yeah, with desperation comes foul play. It's luck based unfortunately, by the way it sounds considering your friend got it first try. Is there a way to determine who gets the two drops out of the twenty players?

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bribery?(sorry no dont do that if u can avoid it) or just use a group of close friends that have it already or with one other that needs it considering its 20 people it could be rather difficult but i suppose its worth a shot. if the leader decides who gets it that suggests its tradable, if it is why dont you buy one i know it kinda takes the sense of accomplishment but its a handy last resort (or sorry if i dont understand how WoW works in a raid)

Edited by HyperKiller
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Do you play in a guild, or do you do raids with random with the the raidfinder?

I played WoW from Beta until the end of the Lich King expansion... (with the death of Arthas it just wasn't the same anymore... and I REFUSE to acknowledge that some stupid Orc is stronger than the motherf*****g Dragon Aspect of DEATH!!!!)

And these random rolling are the reason I NEVER raided with randoms...

I had the same issue in classic back then as I played a Paladin... the only Tier-2 Set piece that I was missing were the shoulders.. they NEVER dropped(! I'm not kidding here, they literally NEVER dropped) when I was in the group...

After 4 month raiding I couldn't attend 1 raid because of family plannings... and these damned shoulders dropped... TWO TIMES!

I was sooooo frustrated and angry.

(with WotLK I soloed that damn thing so often and they never dropped either...)

If you play in a guild:

explain your situation to your raid-leader.

If you are raiding random:

ask in the looking for group if there are people (who already got that item prefarably) willing to help you get that item.

(after defeating the boss, remind them about it and roll NEED!)


and now that I brought back these memories... I also quit because my guild "sold me out" so many times... It wasn't even funny anymore: that's when I learned - Trust No one! If you want something TAKE IT!

The only one who was on time for the raids were me, myself and I... after a raid when we wanted to do the 1-Boss-Raid I waited 1 1/2 hours before the damn entrance before the raid leader suddenly canceled it, and everyone was doing some other instance immediatly...

God I could rage myself into Bloodlust here recalling all this bullshit again...

Edited by Cepheus
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I don't know about WoW, but as someone who has played a lot of borderlands, I can say that getting that one drop is stupid hard, especially if a raid boss is the one to drop that weapon. The only advise I can give is to not let it get to you, if it does go do something else. Or get a buddy or two to help you out, I was able to get all the orange weapons on Borderlands 2 by sticking to a schedule, I would fight a boss for one hour and if it didn't i would play pokemon to ease off the disappointment and try again later. You just got to keep at it, it will take some time but you'll get there eventually.

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Mind if I as what boss we're talking about here? I've been playing for a few years and might have some knowledge as to what's going on. By the sound of it it seems like you're talking about Garrosh but I wanna be sure.

PS: You should add me on Rea ID <3 Turaiel#1712

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For those of you who know WoW stuff, yes, the boss is Mythic Garrosh and the item is the Kork'ron Juggernaut. I have just been PUGing Mythic Garrosh; my guilds don't raid above normal.

I am starting to behave erratically... I cancelled my WoD pre-order and felt good at first, but not anymore...

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Yea I thought it might be that thing. Unfortunately pugging Mythc is generally not gunna turn out in anyones favor except the raid leader. hey'll likely abuse the loot drop system and keep the mount themselves. I'm only 3/14 on mythic otherwise I'd help you, but I'm also out of practice.

I don't think that quitting WoW is going to help much at all if it's your area for social interaction. You might not get this mount but think about the possible cool mounts Draenor will bring along, and you'll have much more time to get those. PLUS once you get decently geared in Draenor I'm sure SoO will be easily soloable, if not duoable.

I understand not getting the item you really want, believe me. Back in Cata I wanted to get my Legendary Staff but my raid group sort of fell apart, so I'm working on it now just so I can have it. I also wanted the special mount Heroic Firelands (I think?) had and that'll never be mine because they took the achievement away. However, I kept looking forward to what the next expansion would bring for me.

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Just hard for me to stomach having to tolerate an uphill battle dealing with 1% drops that require killing 14 bosses when I killed the boss as current content. >.< Plus I seriously doubt Mythic SoO will be easy to duo or solo until the end of WoD. it's hard to not get depressed over that...

Also, the Rag mount is available on both difficulties and can still drop. I've been trying to farm it. >.>

I added your btag, btw. <.<

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Well man, sorry to hear you've been depressed over a matter like this. Never played WoW myself, but I do have a little experience with situations like this in Pokemon. I have no good breeders in my party and it pangs me when I do something like pull a shiny and it has the wrong IV's or nature.

If WoW is your social outlet, just play in another area to blow some time, think it over, and possibly take a whack at it every few days. A 1% drop just means a 99% chance of not getting it, which means you'll get it soon.

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I am getting more and more stressed out... >.<

Each character can only kill the boss once a week. If I don't get my item today or tomorrow and let it drop to 1%, doing the math reveals it would take me 230 weeks (over 4 years) to have a 90% chance of having the item drop at least once.

And people wonder why I am so depressed. This is just plain abusive...

Edited by Undying Phoenix
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Think Positive ur gonna get it , Go GET IT , You Can do it , I believe in you :P you shouldnt have any problem getting it there is all the chance in the world :) lets look at it mathematically , the leader of the group is likely to have it down to 19 ppl in the raid , add in 5 more ppl with it already that dun need it down to 14 , there is 2 from the mob drop , 1/7 chance but u got 2 chances to get it so 2/7 aprox 30% and the ammount of weeks you been doing it statistically this is your week :3 or just try fill the group with more and more ppl who dont need it and even throw a couple of your alts in if you have a couple spare accounts to put to odds in your favor :3

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It's not that simple. Probability is a jerk. Runs done in the past do nothing to increase my chances in future runs. Right now I'm finding it hard to find a group where one or more mounts isn't reserved...

Edit: Yeah, it's all over, every group is reserving the item I want. This is impossible now...

And now my thoughts go down an irretrievably dark path...

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Know that, while I cannot relate to your situation, I will try to understand. As has been said before, keep your chin up. Possibly even join a guild to increase your likelihood of obtaining the item.

For the sake of helping, I'm going to play Devil's Advocate. I mean absolutely no disrespect.
Once you obtain the item, then what? Life will continue on as normal, with the exception that you now have this incredible item. After you obtain this, where do you go from there?

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