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Can I just say, congratulations to Lt. Surge

Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

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My mission has 4 critical points, soldier.

1. To hold down the fort in all RPs hosted by Stratos on the Reborn Role Playing Subforums and act in a administrative capacity for them, as he did, in order to keep the plot and things going smoothly in his stead.

2. To help provide for the defense and ultimate victory of Vermilion City and It's Alliance force, and Zap those who seek to destroy it or assault it into utter submission, which Stratos himself pledged to shortly before his departure. (The protecting part, soldier, not the zapping part)

3. To develop "Surge Story" as much as is possible before January 16.

4. To in general maintain a presence on the site for Stratos while he is away trying to hone his writing skills at an undisclosed location.

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