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Experience Grinding Guide - Training Spots



Hi guys, Every once in a while I will come across a thread that has something to do with looking for places to grind for experience. In said threads I -also- will see "SEE NOTUS' EV TRAINING GUIDE"

...so, there's my advertisement for you, Notus. Unfortunately though, Effort Values and Experience are not exactly one and the same ,and therefore I wanted to start this community effort thread to put together a guide that will help people find places to gain experience. Is it a good guide that mostly gives you a place to start? Absolutely.

If you have a suggestion for any point in the game, here's how -I- would like to see it (and yes, you will be credited for it in this post!)

Prior to Nth Badge


Key Items you -might- need

Explanation on Pokemon, distinct advantages, why the area is better than most others in the game, etc.

With that out of the way, I'll get the ball rolling.


Prior to 1st Badge: Julia

Locations Opal/Peridot/Underground Railnet, Peridot Alleyways

Key Items: None

- For those of you that are just starting Reborn, you will notice a distinct lack of tall grass, which can only be found in front of the Grand Hall, or in Mr. Seacrest's Garden at this point in the game. This makes the many Pokemon Trainer encounters throughout Reborn City your FRIEND. Before battling them however, try getting your hands on the Old Rod (Peridot Ward house with the fisherman near the Western shore) and gaining access to the garden (north from the Fisherman's house) and the Reservoir (another house in South Peridot), as well as picking up the PokeSnax from a house in the Peridot Ward (an old man resides in the home). It's very easy to just give your Starter pokemon all of the valuable experience from these battles, but if you have a semblance of a team before going on conquest, you will have a nicely lower teen's group of pokes by the time you reach Julia after helping her stop Meteor. If for whatever reason you need the extra experience, the Alleyways are your best bet, but the Meteor episode, battling Fern, Cain, and Victoria, and every other trainer in the wards should be ample preparation enough.

Edited by Minerva
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Don't look at me man, after seeing so many responses about looking at his thread, I know that it's valuable, but the title probably attributes enough to warding off people looking for experience as much as ignorance does...probably.

I just had the thought that maybe having a thead that has -grinding- somewhere in the title would make it a little more clear, and I also feel like it won't look too much like -his- guide in structure.

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  On 11/11/2014 at 12:24 AM, Sheep said:

Why can't people just look at the level of the pokemon included in Notus' guide? That's what I'd do...

Yeah well you can't fix stupid lazy.

Prior to 2nd Badge (Florinia)

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Rooftop Garden

(West of the game corner)


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Key Items: None

(Must beat Fern before gaining access to the Rooftop Garden)

This is fairly easy to train electric, fire, and psychic types. However fighting types will struggle greatly here. While electric types aren't going to be particularly useful against Florinia at this level, they can level up easily against all the birds here. Maybe a pokemon like Electrike could thrive here? Fire types handle all the grass types and bug types here. Psychic can deal well with everything except the occasional Kricketune, but this area as a whole probably gives the most experience for your time as a whole.

Obsidia Alleyway

(South-southwest from the Candy shop)


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Key Items: None

(Must have cleared the Obsidia Park Meteor event)

Plusle and Minun are not terribly common but you will see them and they are easy to kill for a fairly high XP yield. Koffing and Trubbish are easy to manage for special attackers but physical users may find it a bit more difficult. This area has a high XP yield compared to many others.

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Well I have seen a lot of grinding threads pop up too so hey I'll pick one of the only times I grind ever.

Prior to 3rd badge: Shelly
Location- Below the Grand Stairwell
Key Items/moves -pokemon with sweet scent -a flying type

-After you've saved Victora from the meteors, this place works just fine for new team members. That also means its perfect for helping you get your team a bit closer to the level cap. To speed up the process have something like an oddish, carnivine or combee use sweet scent to quickly switch train against the unknown. The danger you'll have to watch out for is hidden power, which is impossible to prepare for since it could any random type. You might be lucky to have a pokemon with high special defense and attack power to help with the grind at that point in time. As your weaker pokemon grows it should be able to speed up the process by taking out the unknowns by itself.(unless your using diglet then good luck with sucker punch 5 times and a quick run to the pokemon center. They all pack levitate for stopping ground type moves.)

The thing about this area is that it's a great spot to train right after beating Shelly as well. The experience the unknown give is very large even for some of the lower leveled ones. I think it becomes less efficient before aiming to obtain you're 5th badge where macargo's are available.

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Prior to 4th badge (Kiki)

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Pyrous Mountain
(South West of the Apophyll Academy)

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Key Items: None

This area is GREAT for training anything ground or water type. Magcargo's give quite a bit of experience for this point in the game and you can keep killing them over and over. Just leave the cave and come right back in. Rock and Fighting types can also do well here, but Magcargo does have a high defense. With a pokecenter in the vicinity to, this can be used to train very easily on end.

Previous Locations to consider:
Under the Grand Staircase (Unown)

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