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Post Noel.


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Hello everyone.

I just beat Noel.

Now I like my team but, with things to come I doubt it works as it used to did.

For some reason Synergy feels lacking and I can't really switch around weaknesses as much as I would like to.

My current team :

Infernape @ Ironfist (M) - L52

Quiet Nature

-Close Combat



-Mach punch

Noivern @ Infiltrator ( F) - L54

Docile Nature

-Air Slash


-Dragon Pulse

-Boom Burst

Ampharos @ Static (F) - L55 Zap Plate

Careful Nature


-Confuse ray

-Power Gem

-Cotton Guard

Mamoswine @ Thick Fat (F) - L53

Calm Nature


-Ice Shard

-Strength (Thrash was failing :S)

-Ancient Power

Meowstic @ Keen eye (F) - L53

Brave Nature





Azumarill @ Hugepower (F) - L56 Fairy Plate/ Mystic Water


-Aqua Tail

-Play Rough


-Roll out


Venomoth @ Tinted Lens (F) - L44 Bug plate

-Sleep Powder

-Signal Beam


-Quiver Dance

As you can see, I dont have the most optimal of natures and sure, on EV I can still re-train etc.

But I just feel this team is lacking.

I don't really know what I can catch at this point and how to switch up this team.

They simply feel "underwhelming" if they cannot hit Super effective hits.

Noiivern is really strong with a proper kit for instance, but there isnt much that it currently hits for SE so its slightly lackluster.

I fear that this team will not suffice for Radomus..

Help is appreciated.

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Most of these are not bad, but if u want some replacements for Radomus u can get an Escavalir wich is really efective for his team if he sets up a trick room with his first pokes and escavalir is easy to get just go to Azurine island set ur time to mid day (2 pm) and go in the grass to get a Shelmet,than go to Spinel town and trade that Shelmet to a kid in the building near the pokemon center to get and Escavalir when u lvl him up get sword dance x-scissor and i think iron head for his Gardevoar and if u want u can get 2 of them to put in ur first two slots for an easy sweep just start with sword dance and let him set up a trick room and the battle is over...

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