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Under the Hill - Fourth Circle: Greed [IC]


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Rose and Caleb

As the speakers broadcasted an announcement that dismissed people to the slums.

"What are the slums and who is this Gestas?" Caleb asked curiously. He had so many questions, but he doubt that she would have the answers to all of them. She was stuck in the same position he is in.

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Rose and Caleb

Slowing slightly now that there was only one way to go in order to reach their destination, Rose looked back at Caleb, eyes troubled. "I'm not quite sure what the slums are," she admitted. "As for Gestas... he's the guy whom I think is in charge of this place. He may be able to get us to the portal to the next world; it's why I took on a job as a security guard."

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Rose and Caleb

Daring to ask her, "How do I know I can trust you? Yeah, you may have helped me back there, but how can I be sure you're not leading me into a trap or using me?" He gave a questioning look after he pulled his wrist from her grip.

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((Ok, so as of this moment, I'm bunnying Mr. Taylor and Reil))

Rose and Caleb

With a slight roll of her eyes, slightly apprehensive of what Gestas said about dawdling, Rose looked at the boy incredulously. "Look, I don't purposely look for injury. Honestly, I'm just trying to save our necks," she exclaimed, frustration seeping through. "You have no reason to trust me and no reason to distrust me," she declared, brushing her reddish hair our of her face. "You can follow me and I'll do what I can to keep you safe or you can go on your own; it's really none of my concern."

With that, Rose started jogging to Gestas' office, afraid for what would happen if she were late. With any luck, Enya will be there, she thought nervously. I don't know what got into that girl...

In the Slums

Discussion was already underway with those in the slums-- or at least some form of it, seeing as a bullet whistled through the air, the dark alleyway becoming silent at the gunshot. "Now, now, remember you said no wasting ammo, darlin'," drawled Bonnie's voice from a corner, Reil laying in a heap on the ground next to her.

"Sorry hun, just starting the meeting," Clyde responded, rubbing the back of his head, abashed by being called out by his girl. "Anywho, what news do we have? I'd like to get this heist done with tonight if at all possible," he declared, glancing around at the others. "What new information do we have? Bonnie and I were stuck moving those blasted gold bars and from the looks of him," the man nudged Reil with his foot, "he wasn't much help either."

Prometheus hummed in soft agreement. "Near the loading docks, it appeared to me as though there are more security measures being put into place," the titan said thoughtfully. "It's going to be difficult to get in without a solid plan. Perhaps Edward was able to find us a way in?" he inquired, turning to look at the aura-user with interest.

At that moment, before Edward could respond, François walked up, nursing a battered arm. "The jewel guard was particularly malheureux today," he explained briefly. "He couldn't understand that I planned to give one of his gems to a belle perle in here own right, oui Mademoiselle Annie?" As he glanced around, François' face became that of unease. "Mes amis, where are Monsieur Robin and Mademoiselle Annie?"

((btw, Notus says hi to you all and hugs for everyone! He's just past Adaptation and is an official student of the Marine Academy!))

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((A Wild Hukuna appeared, it used Force Oneself into the Story!!!))

In the Slums

At the meeting site, they suddenly heard an intense amount of clanking from nearby. Something metal was striking something else suuuuuuper loudly. It sounded as if someone was banging a spoon on an old pot and it was getting closer.

*clank* *clank* *clankity* *clank*

It got closer and closer, soon it would be around the corner. Clearly, whatever it was wanted to be heard and found by those in the alleyway... otherwise it wouldn't be making this much of a bloody racket.

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Edward had patiently waited for his time to speak. He thought he had his opportunity when Prometheus mentioned him, but nope, french guy stole it. As soon as French guy finished his sentence, though, he blurted it out, before anyone else could take his chance to say anything.

"I have a way into the bank. It took me getting burned to a crisp by a dragon and fighting a dark, evil version of a guy I used to be friends with, but I got it: an ability to open a portal from here to pretty much wherever on this circle I want, including the inside of the bank. It only works once though."

He wondered if he could open the portal to places outside the circle, but he knew that if he even mentioned that possibility, it would cause more problems than it would solve.

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Eva shivered, her body suddenly enveloped in dark and then suddenly bathed in light again, her feet landing on solid white marble with an echoing 'clack.' She looked around, reaching back to take her crutches and extending them, lacing her arms through the straps and tapping them against the ground as she looked around. What was this place? She was expecting the same dark, dank cave she'd first entered in. Now, out of nowhere, there was this place. She coughed once, her voice thick and slow. The place was so empty, and she could see no one nearby.


The place looked pretty much empty. She set her crutches forward and started exploring the place, heading towards a vague sound she heard deeper in the place. The closer she got, the more it sounded like voices. She was really uncomfortable with speech and it felt like swallowing a giant piece of bread each time she spoke, the words thick and distracting, but she tried again now that she was closer.

"Hello? Is anyone there? Does anyone know where I am?"

The timbre of her voice changed word-to-word and echoed around the place like a ghostly call. She shivered again. This wasn't what she'd expected...

(In bank, just as a note)

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((I think i'm finally caught up to start. Cue Noela))

Noela was pissed and confused.

First she goes down into the Hill, expecting some caves with a few bats, maybe a skeleton or two, the occasional trap you had to outwit, like in the movies, not that she spared much time for that kind of shit. She'd only watch it if it included a handsome hero...

But no. Instead she was accused of sinning and shit and boom, sentenced to some 4th circle bullshit. Like, what? Who the fuck are you to judge me, you creepy cosplayer. Like hell are you the real Judge Minos, had to be some trick that her weird ass new skills hadn't picked up. Unfortunately she didn't have time to unveil the ruse as suddenly she found herself blinded with only the feeling of falling face-first into a hard floor hearing only the words:

"It only works once though."

She sat up, cursing and looking around to find a strange assortment of people, but people nonetheless.

"Oh, thank god, civilised people!" Noela cried genuinely smiling for the first time since she entered this damn place.

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It was a good thing Edward had said it when he did, because just after, and I mean JUST after he did a woman fell out of nowhere into the group's midst, and a loud banging sound started coming from around the corner somewhere. Ha, it seemed his promise of an easy way into the bank got the attention of everyone within earshot.

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Rose and Caleb

Caleb watched as she kept running. He quickly thought about trusting her or not, but ended up following her, keeping his distance behind her. He jogged on wondering how long it would actually take to get to the boss's office, who ever the boss was.

He thought to himself as he ran behind Rose, "Gestas, I think his name was. I wonder if I could trust him or not. Heck! I never even met the man or whatever Gestas was."

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"Oh, thank god, civilised people!"

Just as Noela had finished speaking, a portal appeared next to the group and Phantom strode through. His sword was drawn, though he sheathed it as he took a place near the others. He took a quick glance at everyone around him, his masked gaze revealing nothing to them. He recognized most of them. He was unsure of why he had followed them out here. Perhaps he was searching for something... familiar. He said nothing to them, simply standing in place, his eyes glancing from person to person.

(((Getting back into the swing of things here... Sorry for the delay.)))

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In the Bank

Gestas watched as those whom he had employed walked into the room, tapping his foot and looking at his watch impatiently. "I should say it's about time you all got here," he said in agitation. Kicking Kenny's body, the bank keeper looked down in frustration. "Wake up, you're wasting my time," came the impatient response and a snap of the fingers. "I don't have time to wait on you all day." He then looked at the rest of the travelers. "You certainly took your time; I thought I said no dawdling." Glancing about, the security chief tapped his staff on the ground. "Now, why on earth did you bring people with you?" he inquired, looking at Eva and Caleb with a deadly gleam in his eye.

Rose turned around and wanted to roll her eyes about seeing the clueless boy and a new girl there. Deciding that the two of them could use a break, she interjected before either could reply, "Ah, sorry. They're with me, both mortals with special powers," she hastily explained as she walked over to them, unsure if she was telling the truth about the girl. "See, this is Caleb, and he has healing powers," the woman spoke, placing a firm hand on his shoulder. She then turned to the girl, feigning confusion. "I'm sorry, I missed your name, miss...?"

A roll of the eyes was what she received from Gestas, though Marcus began to speak before he did. "Shall I... take care of them for you?" the killer asked with an almost hungry glint in his eye as he fingered his knife.

"No, that won't be necessary; I don't want a mess," Gestas dismissed, noting the angry look on Marcus' face. "Now, can we stop wasting time? What happened during your patrols?"

"Nothing troubling, sir," came the response from the red-headed girl as she moved to Ethic and Enya. "Enya, I was worried sick about you, are you alright?" Looking at Ethic greatfully, she added, "I'm glad you found her, Ethic."

Marcus, rolling his eyes at the sentiment and wanting to put his knife in Ethic, responded, "I found a couple of dawdlers, but nothing I couldn't handle," he smirked, twirling his knife around.

Mr. Taylor responded next, trying not to keep a wary eye on Ethic or Marcus. "Nothing to report here," came the southern accent of his younger self.

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In the Slums.

The banging quickly stopped. And then came shouting as whoever it was around the corner realized his plan wasn't working.

"HEY!!! BANGING ON A POT OVER HERE TO SEE IF ANYBODY IS LISTENING!!! I GOT THINGS YA WANT TO HEAR ABOUT THE BANK INCLUDING A FLOOR PLAN!!!" came a rather Boston accent. "MAYBE THISSSSSS WILL GET YOUR ATTENTION!!!" and with that a rocket came whizzing around the corner. It hit the wall in the alleyway causing a loud explosion and mostly likely knocking down anybody at the meeting with the aftershock of the blast. Whoever shot it ((cause one would get the feeling that the shouting guy and the guy that shot the rocket launcher are probably the same overly volatile person.)) still hadn't come around the corner, but he was clearly still there. As he said in a more normal not yelling tone "Now, How about we do business."

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Noelas mood continued to darken as she ended p on the floor for the second time in a minute. "How about you keep your fucking explosives to yourself for a minute you damn lunatic. Noela Chimdale does no business until she knows what in the worst kind of hell is going on, capiche?" She stood up, dusting herself off. "Now, if I may give an actual introduction for myself, as I just said my name is Noela Chimdale, at your service. For a price." She said to no-ne in particular.

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When Gestas snapped his fingers, Kenny's joints unlocked. He then spoke, relating what happened on his Patrol after meeting with Gestas for the second time.

"After our second encounter, in which you messed with me without getting my permission first, I encountered Edward again. Evidently, he's working for the other side. In any case, we got into a... small fight, in which I came to my senses when my hand was severed. You are quite greedy, and nothing good will come of it. In any case, you cannot count on my Loyalty any longer. I Resign from this Godforsaken Security Force!"

Kenny then Portaled out of the Room, saying only one thing in a sassy tone before he Collapsed his Portal.

"Don't even bother coming after me, Usurper."

Kenny then Portaled to the place where he'd entered, and then Portaled through the Roof, coming out on top of the Building. He then made his usual Transportation Platform, and used it to hover in midair, heading out over the Slums. Even though he got a mild headache, he kept focused and maintained the Platform, allowing the Portals to Collapse behind him.

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In Gestas's Office

As Gestas eyes pierced right through him, he felt very intimidated. Caleb thought to himself, "Why am I scared? He seems bossy and impatient, that's all. Just my nerves. Hopefully he knows a way out of this place. Me coming here. A total mistake. I should've thought twice." Caleb turned to look at all of the other people who were stuck in the same position as him.

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((Cal has super senses, Eva does healing ^^ ;))

In the Bank

Eva choked on her words a little, worried about how many people were there, and how strange they looked. Mortal? Powers? She did remember cutting her hand on a bit of rock when she first entered the caves and it healing almost immediately, but that couldn't mean much, right? She couldn't have some strange new ability, just for entering this place? What would that mean for her? She blinked and chewed on her lip to attempt to speak.

"Ah, I'm Eva. Eva Sharpe, sorry. I hope you don't mind me asking, but what is this place? I entered some caves and explored a bit and then I was here? This place doesn't seem...natural."

She lifted herself up a bit so her feet hovered a small space off the ground, hanging limply. She liked doing this and balancing on the crutches, because it took pressure off of her weaker legs and transferred it to her much stronger arms. She stared about, trying to pick up information. People were talking about 'patrols,' of some sort, as well as fights and battles. She thought of the small knife in her bag, not enough to battle another being in the least, barely enough to filet a fish. She wished she could pull someone aside and figure out what was going on, because it wasn't normal in any sense. Of course, who was she to speak of normal, with her strange style of transit and her choice to do what several able-bodied people had feared. She shook her head and looked to the person who'd first spoken of her, at the least, and acknowledged her. Maybe she could pull them aside a bit later to ask some questions?

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In the Bank

Rose hugged the younger girl tightly, soothing her in hush tones. "It's all right Enya, no one can harm you now," she murmured, adding, "Or Ace," as an afterthought. "Who exactly saw Ace, and why would they take him from you," she tried to ask the younger girl. Looking up at Ethic, she mouthed, What happened to her?

Gestas rolled his eyes and tapped his foot impatiently. "This sentiment is getting on my nerves, and quite frankly is wasting my time," he said with more impatience than normal. "Plus, I have that fool to deal with... Ah, of course, why didn't I think of this before. Morgana!" he called with a tap of his staff, and in a puff of smoke a young woman appeared.

Her jet black hair was pulled into a bun, showing her pale face with a scar crossing down her left eye. The long navy robes she wore swirled around her frame as the air stilled. "You called, Gestas?" she inquired in a low, monotone that could send a shiver of fear down the toughest person's spine.

Looking rather pleased for once, Gestas clapped his hands. "It's time for you to make up for trying to steal from the weaponry vault. Bring the wayward aura user back to his vault; it's time he learned a lesson."

With a smirk that could have passed for a grimace, Morgana nodded. "I have told you it's just Morgan, right?" she said icily before heading to Kenny's redesigned vault. There were books that lined the walls, with computers in the center of the room. Rolling her stony grey eyes, the sorceress snapped her fingers and, in another puff of smoke, appeared Kenny once more. "Don't bother with your aura, boy," she droned. "This room was made specifically so that you couldn't use it." Once she was sure she had the boy's full attention, not wanting to repeat herself, Morgana continued, "You've been told that this place has the answer to everything. It seems that you've earned your stay for eternity," Gesturing with a stiff hand, she stated drily, "Welcome home."

Gestas looked around once again as Morgana disappeared, the impatient look coming back to his face. "Now, finish reporting," he ordered, looking at his watch. "We have other things to do."

Rose gestured for Eva to come to her, whispering, "We're in hell, literally. This is the circle of Greed," she explained, a twinge hitting her as she remembered Ellaria. In the midst of all this, she had forgotten her other companion, though the girl in front of her bore a striking resemblance in personality, it seemed.

In the Slums

Bonnie was on her feet and had her pistol cocked and at the ready before anyone else. "I suggest you come out here, sugar," she called, taking aim. "My trigger finger's all itchy and it would be a darn shame if I were to waste my ammo on you."

Meanwhile, Clyde took the time to observe Phantom and Noella's entrances. "Hey, spooky boy, glad to see you made it back. And you, little lady... Welcome to hell. This here's the circle of Avarice, Greed, whatever them yellowbellies call it." Prometheus and Francois stayed in the background as introductions were made. "Name's Clyde, that's my girl Bonnie," the bandit proclaimed with a smirk. "Then ya got Prometheus and Francois over there. As for pay," he eyed Noella with slight disdain, "You help us into that bank, you'll get all the pay you want."

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"Well we got a slight rat infestation," Ethic began, deciding it wouldn't be veyr beneficial to piss off this asswipe any more than he already was. Rose would simply have to wait for a little bit to get her answers. "And by that, I mean we quite literally have a man-sized rat running around here dressed up like some gunslinger from the oldwest... or at least certainly acting like one. Aside from that, we have even more rats to deal with; I came across three individuals today whom had no placement on our little security detail." He gave a quick, barely noticeble glance to Taylor from behind the lens of his aviaotors, knowing damn well the man would know what he was talking about; and knowing damn well the guy had refrained from mentioning it... fine, Ethic would merely cut him out of the account. "A shady looking kid in a hoodie with a travelers pack whose honestly more skittish than a deer caught in headlights when you actually confront him. A boy, about mid teens or so, kinda reminds me of a boy scout with how he acts- has some type of strange ass powers which I can honestly only compare with Kenny's, and a masked man wielding a sword whose capable of apparently appearing out of nowhere whenever he so pleases. Quite obviously, we've been compromised at least 4 times today, and there's no telling how many others are working with these individuals, and yes, they are working together, as one of them rose to the defense of the other when I accosted the shady kid I mentioned already. An incident came up elsewhere however and I was forced to leave the... disposal of these individuals in the hands of Kenny, who had appeared to detain one of them anyway, and I left in order to go respond to the other scene. though, I'm guessing from your treatment of him just now he failed miserably. That is all... sir."

Had he just ratted out a man who had saved his life before? yes. Had he ratted out the kid who looked like he had been about to piss himself when Ethic spoke to him? yes? he had ratted them all out. But was it his fucking job right now to do that and more? yes, it was. Was he sorry he had done that job and snitched? hell no... he wasn't about to let them get thrown into a damn vault.

But was he sorry he had fabricated some of that report? Nope. The mother fucker had gotten the bits and peices that were important, so what? And plus he was threatening all of them, so... maybe Ethic didn't feel very inclined to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth. and technically that was the truth depending on how one looked at it... calling this bastard Sir though left a bad taste in his mouth... especially give the fact that he was being bossed around by the Impenitent thief himself.

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Noela latched onto the word pay, though the mention of greed stuck in her head. Not that she really believed it. Only a fool would take a stranger at their word. That said though, she did like the offer Clyde made. "Fine by me Hun. What do we have to work with? And don't think i've forgotten you Loudmouth!" Noela yelled, addressing Clyde and then the area where she figured the man with the exposives was. "Wanna show your face?"

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"No, I don't, but fiiiiiiiiiine." he said. A giant snake man thing slithered around the corner. He was holding a bazooka in his right hand which was unloaded for now. He was dressed rather exorbitantly. It matched his attitude loud and explosive. He wore a purple hat out of which stuck a huge pink feather. He looked quite ridiculous.

He flipped the bazooka back over his shoulder, and preceded to put both hands on his hips. "So, we getting to business here or what?"

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