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Under the Hill - Fourth Circle: Greed [IC]


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Noela was taken aback by the snake man, but she steeled her expression. For one, the less she showed people her reactions, the better. Then another guy, un-named. "I'm sorry, I was distracted by my sudden deposit after whatever you said, as well as the Explosion that just broke the wall. Dunno if you noticed." Sarcasm dripped from her mouth. Sarcasm is the lowest and best form of wit.

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"I didn't ignore it friend, I just so happen to have floor plan to the bank perhaps we can choose the best place to get in."

"Huh. Okay, that's cool, let's see it!" He was purposely going to ignore bossy girl over there, he was all too familiar with her type from scouting- the person who tries to take control of all the goings-on, despite having no clue what's going on. Those kind of kids always hamper progress, turning what should be simple tasks into meaningless power struggles. Best way to deal with them is to not pay any attention.

"As for the rest of you guys, all I ask for in return for opening this portal, is replacements for these:" he pulled the four blobs of gold from his backpack. "These used to be gold coins from some ancient era, but during the incident with the dragon they got all melty." He wondered if it was or wasn't worth mentioning that they used to be psychically connected to said dragon, and may or may not still be.

"Oh and, uh, sorry Prometheus, you won't fit. The portals are only human-sized..."

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There was a bit of a problem with Kenny when his body was Teleported to the Vault; namely, he had been killed because his Body was destroyed in the process of the Teleportation. It would explain why his Physical Form collapsed just after Morgan Le Fay Teleported him to the Vault, crumbling into dust just after she finished speaking.

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"Alright." Said the snakeman. He took out a piece of old looking parchment paper, and threw it in the air. As it gently floated to the ground, in the blink of an eye he pulled a small knife hidden in his clothes and threw it into the paper, pinning it to the backwall. He quickly threw 4 more knives into each corner as quickly as the first. He had blinding speed, and perfect accuracy, it was a bit scary considering the other weapon he had already showcased.

"So, I have yet to introduccccccccccce mysssself." he said with a bow. "I am Ssssssimon. But, you can call me Frazzle."

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Phantom watched with surprise as the snakeman threw his knives into the paper. He had never thought of such a tactic before. Without waiting for this... Frazzle to continue, he drew his own sword. In an instant of motion, he threw it at the map, where it stuck in the middle, leaving a much larger cut than the knives. The red eyes behind the mask almost seemed pleased. He walked forward, pulling the sword free from its place and returning it to its sheath.


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"Violence? Chocolate? Hot sex? Speak up man" Noela continued for the man, urging him to speak on whilst she continued to try to figure out the gimmick behind all of this. She was still sceptical of the situation. They mentioned Greed, maybe some high-evel prick she pissed off had decided to drug her whilst she went under the Hill. Wither this was a dream, or a very elaborate construction of a world somewhere and she refused to believe anything else.

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"Hmm, good sword arm. I would be careful though, Throwing you only weapon is a very veeeeeeeeeeeeeery sssstupid idea." Frazzle said to Phantom. "Why a good man keeps sssspares." he said as he opened on side of his purple overcoat. The entire inside was lined with small knives of varied assortment. However, Phantom ((and only Phantom would be close enough.)) could see a special one. It had a small amethyst at the tip of the pommel. Other than that it was different than all the others, nothing else special could be ascertained currently. He closed his coat as he placed a finger on the small knife in the center of the map, this place right here is where you want to open your portal too, it is out of sight of all the security, from there we would move to the vault easily, and efficiently. The rounds should be easy to track as they pass through here." he said pointing to the hallway in the plan. "However, they don't enter this room. It is not on their rounds. Why you might ask? Because it is a wassssshroom. So, it miiiiight get a bit cramped.~" he said twirling Phantom's sword in his hand. He removed it from the map, and now handed the man his sword back.

"Don't lose that blade kiddo, that is a gooooood sssword. Well balanced, and light as a feather and yet, deadly." He added.

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"Uh, well if you can only do it once, what's the escape plan? Surely you should save a portal for a hasty escape , right?" Noela asked. She also thought that this whole group seemed rather a ragt-tag group of people. And what was even in the vault, just money? I mean, that'd be fine by me, but if they have things like snake men and historic figures here, something has to be up...

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Eva wiggled back and forth on her crutches and nibbled on the inside of her lip on the left side. Hell? As in, that place where people thought they'd be sent if they so much as deviated from some abstract "Master Plan?" Was she hallucinating? She allowed herself, for a mere moment, to look around and found that things she'd ignored were strangely out of place. The big banker dude was a major grump and his...his assistant? She appeared in a puff of smoke like some kind of corny magician! She shivered visibly again, her brain unable to catch up. She decided she'd wait until the meeting of sorts was over and would draw this kind girl who was helping her to the side to figure this stuff out. In the mean time, she worked her way over to one of the great marble walls and lowered herself to the ground, an aching pain entering her legs and a soreness attacking her shoulders. She suddenly wished for her wheelchair, as much as she could justify abandoning it. That girl had mentioned her penchant for healing, and Eva had started healing in small ways since she got here, but it just didn't seem plausible. If she could heal herself, why was she still in so much pain, just as she'd always been? This whole ordeal was starting to wear on her. How was everyone so casual about all of this?

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In the Bank

Gestas looked around and was about to say something when his radio beeped. Holding it to his ear, the chief of security looked faintly disgruntled before telling the others, "Alright," he said, getting off his radio, "it appears that there are intruders here that didn't leave when we were closing up, so I'm off to deal with that." He strode off, stopping to give a quick reminder. "I really don't want to clean up any blood, so be mindful of what you do."

((feel free to talk with other PCs, the slum folks will trigger the next part of the story))

Kenny's Vault

Morgana looked at the pile of dust that had been Kenny's body with disdain. "Fine, I'll wait," she said to no one in particular. "Not like you can do anything anyway," she muttered.

In the Slums

Bonnie and Clyde drew away from the group slightly, murmuring to each other in hushed tones. "Darlin, I don't trust this guy one bit," Bonnie started, sounding worried but keeping an eye on Frazzle. "Those fools all trust him though... What do we do?"

Clyde took Bonnie's hands in his. "Dear, we'll have to be on guard. After all, we both know that this is the best chance we've ever had. Francis and the giant boy can help us watch out too." He gave her a quick hug, something he only ever did when he was worried, before moving to the others, whispering, "I'll let them know what's up."

Bonnie sighed and moved in front of Frazzle. "Ok sugar," she said wearily, the strain of the work day catching up to her quickly. "Why in the sam heck should we trust a guy that says he has a floorplan out of nowhere, and then shoots at us with a bazooka?"

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Phantom retrieved his sword from the snake man, returning it to its sheath. He turned his gaze to Viola. Some of the words she had said to him earlier had a certain familiarity to them, but their meanings were just out of his reach.

"...Violence." he muttered, thinking more to himself than anyone else.

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"To answer your question, we don't." Noela said to Clyde and Bonnie. "But, I can vouch for him. I have a knack for weeding out lies, and this snake doesn't seem to be." She leveled her gaze at the snake-man now, not remembering hi name. A thing like him shouldn't even have the right to a name anyway...

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Fortunately for Morgana and Gestas, her Teleportation Spell was a bit quick for Kenny. This led to the Barrier collapsing in on itself when he was Teleported, resulting in the Barrier turning into a piece of Primal Matter. The Primal Matter then fell into the middle of the Group in the Slums, resulting in an explosion when it hit the ground, leaving a small crater. Kenny had Respawned in the Vault, and when he respawned, the dust started to glow, fountaining up and into Kenny's Shape, Turquoise/Black Aura and all. Kenny then Coughed a little, getting the rest of the dust out of his system, and then spoke to Morgana.

"Thank you for nothing, you Daughter of a B****. Next time, could you do it a bit slower?"

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"You know," Ethic began simply, looking at Marcus after the cheif left, keeping Temperance at the ready all the while and his hand on the hilt of his blade. "That was real fucking low what you tried out there. Next time you wanna send a hitman against me, make sure the little bitch actually has some balls so that he doesn't start pissing himself the moment I confront him in the corridors." He gave rather crooked smirk, fingers drumming on the handle before he stopped himself, shaking his head as he recalled that this wasn't the place or the time for any of that... "Don't even bother trying to deny it, there's no one else around here who would have a motive to do it besides you... but that's alright, I see the game you're playing. I've already dealt with a couple freaks of nature a thousand times more of a threat than you could ever pose, and come time, I'll deal with your sorry self as well. One of us ain't making it any further than the black shores of Dis"

Meanwhile...in the Arcane Sanctum... ((Been a long, long time since I've written anything for these sociopaths...))

Waite stood before an open vision port looking down in split screen veiw of the fugitive and the traitor, shaking his head in contempt as he watched both men... these individuals who had so easily defied and began destroying the system and the way of things... these individuals who had brought the entire screen of reality down upon their heads- who had shown them that they too were capable of dying still... and that when they died a second time, there'd be nothing waiting for them.

"How many do we have left in our ranks?" he demanded from the window. Within an instant a voice began to list them one by one. Some names stuck ouyt to him more thna others- those who might still be capable of killing Ethic and Maxwell and winning this damn war... but even amoung those, there was one name in particular...

"The Fool, Chirstopher McCandless."

"Stop." Waite ordered, thinking it over... there were so many glaring similiarities between the two of them, so many courses of action they'd both chosen. Both of them had left home due to daddy issues- even if Ghalen's were far more tangible than Chris's... they'd both adopted outlandish psuedonyms, had both wandered the country as vagabounds... but then there was the differences- Ghalen had been looking for something the entire time. Christopher had just been in it for an Odyssey. Ghalen was forward driven by a mission... Chris just went wherever his feet carried him. and ironically enough, they both ended up having something to do with all this... but the biggest one was that Ethic had been clever in his travels, had evaded death over and over again in even the most tense of situations... while the first time Chris had actually been in any real, deep trouble, he had died... perhaps from bad luck, but one had to admit, there had been a fair amount of stupidity contributing to the incident; Alaska was not somewhere the fool had needed to go- and he'd ignored warning after warning... but it didn't matter, the decision was already made.

"Call him here.... It's about time he do some actual service on the front... and i know just the place..." He gave a snap of his fingers. The viewing port faded from Ethic and Maxwell's perspectives and shifted into a map of the fifth circle, the water of styx highly visible... "Yes... I think this might work...quiet well..."

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"Well, if no one has any objections, then here we go" Like I said before, he was purposely ignoring bossy lady. He envisioned the bank's restroom in his mind, held out his hand, closed his eyes, and... well, pretty much just hoped that when he opened them, the portal would be there. Almost to his surprise, it WAS there, a rift in space and time through which he could see the stalls indicative of a public restroom.

"Okay, portal's open, everyone i-"

And then Kenny happened.

The force of the explosion didn't damage him, it would take a lot more power to do that, but it sent him flying- into the portal. He crashed headfirst into one of the stalls, tearing through the wood like it was that stuff that separates your ceiling from your attic, (thankfully he didn't get his eyes gouged out by the splinters), and ended up with his face in a toilet. THANKFULLY, whoever used it last had flushed, and the water was clean.

As he pulled his head out sputtering, he had a horrible, HORRIBLE thought. What if that blast, whatever it was, had disrupted his consciousness or something like that, and caused the portal to close, leaving him trapped in the bank alone?! Slowly, dreading the sight, he turned around. The portal was still there, thank God, and through it was the slums, where everyone seemed to be more interested in the... whatever just happened, than the fact that a free door to the innermost part of the bank had opened right in front of them.

Then, Edward realized... He kinda had to use the restroom himself...

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"Scout's honor!" Frazzle said, putting his hand up giving the boy scout sign. "This is an honest to rights floorplan of the bank. How did I get it? Well, I got slippery fingers and know jsut where to find nice things to steal."

"Also sorry for shooting at you, no one was paying attention, Had to make sure you didn't pass up this well, Opportunity."

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Kenny detected a small tingle when Edward Opened the Portal, and smiled. He then spoke to Morgana.

"Actually, I take that back. You're not anyone bad, simply..."

He then walked towards the Vault Door. before he reached it, he stopped, speaking again.

"What's the word for it? oh, that's right! You're simply misguided. I highly doubt that the Impenitent Thief is the true Overlord of this Circle, because I've only seen the Squanderers being punished. The Hoarders are all in positions of power, probably because Gestas put them there after taking over."

Kenny then chuckled to himself, and then spoke to Morgana.

"You can go now, you obviously have more important matters to attend to."

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In the Bank

Marcus stepped toward Ethic, the all too familiar gleam of blood lust in his eyes. "Good thing I know to kill that annoying brat next time I see him," Marcus said lowly. "He didn't do his work, for shame." Acting as though he had just realized something, the killer hardened his gaze. "What's to keep me from killing you right now?" he questioned, taking his knife out.

All of Marcus' motion, however, froze as Rose quickly pulled herself to her feet and called a quiet, "Freeze." Without taking her eyes off of Marcus, she stepped in front of Enya and called to Ethic, "Hurry, I can't hold him forever." Hardening her green-eyed stare at her target, she asked, "Who did you threaten? Is he one of us?"

The killer made some muffled noises, and Rose mentally rolled her eyes. Clearly he wouldn't be speaking for awhile.


Gestas walked up a corridor in agitation, and found, to his great disgust and displeasure, a giant rat-like creature and two girls, all dead. "Well, well," he sighed, looking at his watch in aggravation. "Seems like you've gone over hours. Now, get out." With that, he tapped his staff and snapped his fingers, causing the floor beneath the three to spring up and out of a hole in the ceiling of the building that had opened, closing as soon as the three bodies were out of sight. "That takes care of that," Gestas muttered, heading to talk with Smaug about the new security measures that had been suggested by the bank manager.

In the Slums

Bonnie and Clyde shared one last, uncertain look before Bonnie twirled her gun and stashed it in its holder effortlessly, clearly having practiced several times. Neither had seen him before, but neither had an outstanding reason not to trust him other than their instincts. "Fine sugar," Bonnie drawled. "Just remember I still have a real itchy trigger finger for you."

It wasn't a moment after she had finished her statement that a huge explosion happened, causing all gathered around to fly backwards, dazed. "Dagummit," Clyde swore, getting to his feet slowly. "What in the nine hells was that?" Clyde's question went unanswered, however, as the bodies of Quincy, Ellaria, and Annie fell straight into the hole of the explosion.

"Ma cherie," François gasped, immediately rushing to her aid. Looking around, he asked, "What happened to her?"

Clyde shook his head. "Damned if I know," he muttered, looking around at his comrades, then to the open portal. "All I reckon is we best get in that portal unless we want to wait on this heist." Grabbing Reil, he strode through the entrance.

Bonnie sighed and slung Ellaria over her shoulder. "Poor thing'll come back to life eventually," she muttered, following Clyde with muttered curses. François quickly followed suit, picking Annie up gently.

Prometheus watched them. "Friends, come open the cargo bay for me," he said, making his way back to the bank. "This way, I can assist you."

"You betcha big guy," Bonnie called. Looking at Phantom, Noella, and Frazzle, she asked in a huff, "Well, are you vermints coming or aren't you?"


Morgana gave a dry, hollow chuckle as Kenny walked to the door. "Foolish boy," she droned, looking at him in slight disbelief. "You really think I'm going to give up my chance to be free of this wretched bank? No, you're going to stay here." Looking around, she gave an emotionless smile. "Your aura won't work here, aura user. This room was fortified specifically to hold you. And look, everything you could ever want to learn is in your grasp." Morgana flicked her wrist, and a book flew in front of Kenny's face. "Start learning, you've got all of eternity."

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"That, is what, my dear watson," Ethic said snidely, nodding to Rose and taking the opportunity to snatch the knife out of Marcus's possession, blade-first, cloaking his own hand in life force as if he were conjuring his life saber in order to avoid being cut as he grasped the cold steel. No point in allowing a confirmed future enemy one more weapon right? in fact, Ethic kinda wanted to frisk the bastard and just take everything, but... She has a point, might as well put some distance between me and this psycho.

"Remember, The black shores of Dis... If they're going to attack like I think...," He remarked cryptically as he turned and began walking away from the paralyzed killer. He opened the door and gave one last glance, stowing the man's knife in his belt now. He gave a slight smile as he recalled his conversation with the unlikeliest hitman in the world earlier. "Cannibals always get their due, remember that... Gareth." And then he was gone, slamming the door shut and taking off down the hall to fully capitalize on the time he had...

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Kenny caught the Book and then shook his head, smiling bemusedly.

"That's precisely why it's inadequate, madam. It was designed specifically for me from what they knew of me, but they still got a single small detail wrong. they know what I want, but they don't know something about me that makes this attempt at putting a leash on me become a failure."

Kenny then walked to the Shelves and put the Book back where Morgana had taken it from.

"It's like Aby Warburg often said: 'The Devil's in the Details.' I like this room, sure, but I decided to use self-control in my learning after I left College. I prefer to learn things as they come to me. And I can definitely see that the higher-ups think that I'm of the other kind of Infophiliac."

Kenny then walked to the door of his Vault.

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"Well, are you vermints coming or aren't you?"

Phantom nodded, drawing his sword once more as he strode towards the open portal. He knew that danger lurked inside, but this was their chance. He walked past the others without so much as glancing away from the open portal, silently entering.

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Noela paused for a second, wondering what the hell she was doing there. Whilst they had not tried to kill her, none of them had taken the time to even ask her name, let alone explain the situation outside f the vague offer of a reward for help. Why the hell was she inclined to stay? The answer was that she wasn't. Noel focused for a second, forming an illusion that overlaid her body, looking exactly alike her, then layering an illusion that came as close to invisibility as she could manage, resulting in a vague haze in the air and walked off. To anyone unable to see through her illusions, it would have looked like she was just sat still until she vanished into thin air when Noella dropped both illusions as soon as she was around a corner away from all the nutters. How the hell did I even do that? Noella idly thought once more, for the umpteenth time after discovering her power.

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"Okay everyone, watch where you step in there" Edward hurriedly said as he came back out of one of the unbroken stalls, zipping up his pants from the tinkle he had just taken. "Whoever runs the security system in here loves to spam trapdoors, so I suggest you stick to the edges of the room at all times, and stay off the ground altogether if you have flying powers. As for me, I'm not sure whether I should come along or not. You see, this portal's being held open by a mental command by yours truly, so if something happens to me in there and it automatically closes, you're all stuck..."

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