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Under the Hill - Fourth Circle: Greed [IC]


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Ixidor winced and was alarmed by the gunshot that Bonnie has fired.They definitely got the boys's attention. The artist listens to the plan, everything seems to be perfectly fine as Ixidor feels like he's in an ocean's 11 movie as these group of robbers scheme their way in getting in the bank. hmm ,this Gestas fellow sounds to like greedy tyrant and i would do anything to overthrow this corrupt official. Ixidor thought to himself and nodded at the group.

"Okey dokey, i'll help you, i'll be drawing an army of stickpeople to aid you in storming the bank once the security system went off. Also i think you can use an upgrade.. so how would you like your arrows mister robin..lethal, incendiary, or explosive?" Ixidor said as he grabs his sketchpad and was prepared to draw something.

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The Alleyway Gang

Robin chucked. "Don't need no arrow upgrades friend. Trust me; my aim is damn good and lethal. Haven't missed a target yet." Taking a moment to look at Bonnie, his face turned serious again. "Let Frankie and your boy do what they want; it's not like they can do each other any real harm. So, nighttime is when the bank is normally sealed up, right? We've got to figure out a way during the day to get in without raising alarms. I'm sure you aren't stupid enough to think that the alarms are off at night even with all the locks." Taking a few moments to think, he exclaimed, "What if we have these magic folk let us in?"


Prometheus stopped, fully turning to look at Edward again. "Friend, you mean to say that you know people in the bank?" A thoughtful look came across the titan's face. "You see, my friends and I are intent on bringing down the greed of those in the bank. We've been trying to break in for ages to disperse the riches amongst ourselves so that we may live as luxuriously as they do, but with no luck." Allowing himself to think for a moment, Prometheus seemed to choose his words carefully. "Could you convince this friend of yours to help us? We all work in the bank during the daytime, and if you could find her and convince her to help us... That could help the bank's downfall come much swifter and without as much bloodshed."

The Bank Gang

Rose stopped caring for Enya for a moment and looked up at the three men still standing in the lobby of the bank. "What are you all still doing her? Gestas is going to get upset if he only has Kenny that followed him!" she scolded them, ready to forcibly freeze either of the two strangers should they give her a reason to.

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"Alright," Ethic said after Rose scalded them all, flipping out his Zippo once more and looking at Marcus. " But remember, Killer, Fire burns. and you too over there," he pointed to the stranger who may or may not have been Mr.Taylor "I got plenty for both of you if you decide to act up, even a little bit. Now get moving, I'm gonna be counting to ten as I get closer to the hallway, and if you two aren't there by the time I get to one..." He flicked the cap shut and stowed the light again. "It's self explanatory." With that he began slowly walking backwards towards the hall Gestas and kenny had just headed down, counting out loudly as he did, eyes glued to the two men.

"Ten...Nine...Eight" He was almost to the hall. "Four...you better get fucking moving already, boyos!" He kept his hand tucked against the lighter at all times...

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The Alleyway Gang

Bonnie smirked at Robin's suggestion. "Precisely my thoughts. Then, if it is all settled, let's just wait Theo arrive and fill him in. After that go get some rest dearies, you'll gonna need it for tomorrow's work"

((Free time while Prometheus finishes up with Ed and the Bank Gang finishes their briefing. Feel free to interact with one another or the NPCs while you wait))

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Ixidor tucks away his sketchpad and shrugs as Robin refuses his offer, i'm just saying it would be easier to just nuke the bank with explosives, Along with the people inside it, like a terrorist would. Rather than to infiltrate it from the inside. It's not like that building is going anywhere. but meh, if mister robin said so. then so be it. they're the professionals after all.

Ixidor turns his attention to the boy and Phantom, "So, we'll be working together huh?" Ixidor scratch the back of his head, he already know what Phantom can do and he seems to be enigmatic taciturn type. so i'll just leave it that. The artist divert his attention to the new kid.

"I believe i haven't seen you in hell before, what's your name and what powers do Minos give you?" He ask and offers a handshake with his non-amputated hand to the wimpy kid.

Edited by typhlosionrulez
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"Could you convince this friend of yours to help us?"

"Um... :| Well, I'll try. I think you may have misunderstood me and thought she WORKED at the bank, which she doesn't, so I don't even know if she's like, a prisoner now or something. But yeah, if I see her, I'll definitely see if she wants in." Come to think of it, she was kinda fickle in the five minutes he had known her...

Wait, he heard voices. He flew ahead a bit, and spotted miss yellow text (apparently Bonnie) in an alleyway, with five guys. One of them looked normal, one of them looked only a bit older than Edward himself, one was... French... yeah, that's all I can describe him as, French. One was the Phantom of the Opera, and the last was either Robin Hood or Peter Pan (probably the former considering the setting).

This place just keeps getting better and better.

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The Alleyway Gang

While Ixidor tried to talk to Reil, Clyde noticed Edward when he appeared over the building. "Oh hey, it's Flying Boy. Would you get down here for a sec?"

((Note: Annie is with them too))

((Bank Gang, please wrap up things there, Gestas is waiting))

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The Alleyway Gang

Prometheus appeared shortly after Edward did and used his enormous hand to lightly bring the boy to the ground near the others. "Friends," he spoke with a gleam in his eye, "this boy says that he might know someone in the bank, though this person doesn't work there. I'm sure that he could be beneficial to our goals, regardless, though."

Robin leapt up. "Good god boy, you mean that you might have an insider?" He clapped Edward on the back and turned to Prometheus. "Fella, you got us a real gem. I can't wait to sic an arrow into that fool Gestas." He then looked at Phantom and Annie. "So, what can you folks do? It must be good if you were recruited."

The Bank Gang

Rose rolled her eyes in agitation, and concentrated on Marcus first and then Terry, wincing in satisfaction as both disappeared from the main lobby of the bank. Gently pulling her jacket from under Enya's head, she pulled in on with a shrug and stood, taking a moment to steady herself from the brief fatigue. The young woman then gathered Enya and Ace gently into her arms, and walked over to Ethic nonchalantly. "They wouldn't leave, so I teleported them to Gestas," she said with a faint smirk. "Come on, let's go." With that, she grabbed onto her conscious companion's arm and began dragging him through the bank to find where their new employer had gone to.

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"I'm Ixidor." The artist release a small chuckle. "You remind me of my friend, your ability is quite similar to hers, but she's not here..." Ixidor took a short pause and wonders: why are the others are not here? there only 5 of us present. "anyways.. pleasure working with you, i'm sure you'll do great"

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The Bank Gang

Strolling up to Terry seemingly with her only care in the world being the unconscious child in her arms (and the still missing Ellaria), Rose idly explained, "You weren't moving, so I teleported you and him," jerking her head at Marcus, "to where we needed to be." With that, she let go of Ethic's arm and turned to Gestas. "Alright, we're all here and ready to work, sir-- the girl is still ill, but I'll take up both her duties and my own until she's well."

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The Bank Gang

"Hehe, nice trick girl. If you lot can pull stuff like that then you might be even more usefull than I thought." Gestas said, with an eyebrow lifted, after understanding what Rose had done. "Right then, let's make this short and sweet, I've got more important things to do."

"The bank will open in about one hour and a half. Your first duties are to patrol the corridors and look for any abnormal attitude from the workers. If you see anything suspicious you can call me using these." He waved his hand and suddenly 6 handheld radios appeared floating in the air in front of the group, waiting for being picked. " Get familiarized to the place, you'll need it for future operations. Careful for not getting lost too, it is huge in here. If you need you can use lethal force. It's not like that's a big deal around here, if you get what I'm saying. Any doubts?"

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"None here," Ethic said, stepping forward and taking one of the levitating Radios, stowing the device in his pocket. He tossed one last glance at Not Mr.Taylor and the Killer, then satisfied that not even the murderer would likely be bold enough to try something right now after he left, began to head towards the Exit.

"If there's nothing else for our Briefing, sir," he called back to Gestas, stopping just before he was about to reach the way out of the room. "Then I think I'll get started now."

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The Bank Gang

Rose went and grabbed two of the radios, securing one to her waist and the other to Ace. "We'll serve you well," she promised, whirling around and passing the other three men without so much as a glance. Upon exiting the room, she went in the opposite direction from Ethic, trying to make sure that they would be able to cover as much ground to find the exit-- assuming Ethic wanted to find the exit, that is.

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Ethic headed down the corridor from the briefing area, no real destination in mind, he was simply taking a look around the place. He had to admit though... this was all rather weird... but not much weirder than what he had already seen down here.

"Didn't Dante write something about a bunch of people jousting with huge weights on their chests?" he muttered to himself as he went. "Hell, did the guy even actually ever set foot in this place? I didn't see any violent storms in the Circle for Lust...which I honestly would've preferred to those Damn Loving Dead. And I saw no castle in the first circle, though... eh, maybe the Library was inside the castle... but still, the inaccuracies are so obvious that you'd think the guy was drunk off his ass and only half awake when he came down here..."

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"I'm able to alter myself and others physical forms. For example, I could increase my strength. Make my body elastic. Smaller. Taller. Comes at a price of causing self injury, requiring drawing blood as well." She then knelt down, picking up a stone and holding it in the palm of her hand. She closed her hand, attempting to crush the stone. She opened her hand, showing it had barely cracked. Then, she brought her free hand to her mouth, biting on the thumb and swallowing her own blood, hating the very taste in her mouth. Then, she quickly closed her fist and opened it a second later, revealing a very fine powder before throwing it away.

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Blue Team (Ixidor, Annie, Reil, Phantom, Edward)

As soon as the day started everyone heard the sound of a factory horn, echoing loud and clear through the town. The next moment the alleway were they had been standing was gone, and the little group was in a huge plaza just in front of the Bank, with several turnstiles controling everyone's entrance. A sea of people - most looking like beggars - was gathered there, more or less organized in lines to enter.

Clyde called everyone, got out of the end of the line and went straight to the start of it. He did nothing but to stare at the first person standing there and make a sign for him to move aside, but the battered man obeyed right away, with a glint of fear in his eyes. The robber passed through the turnstile, picked a paper that came out from it, and signaled for the others to do the same. "It's not like it matters to them who get's in first, y'know." Inside, the place was a positively enormous room with multiple corridors open for the workers, signaled with letters

Following him were Bonnie, Villon and Robin. All of them got a paper like Clyde's, but when the adventurers started coming in things changed. Annie passed, but no paper was given to her. Phantom had the same issue, followed by Reil, and as soon as Bonnie noticed that she came to talk to them, surprise written all over her face.

"Hey, you didn't get an assignement?! How weird, I've never heard of that before..." Then, in order to explain things better, she showed them her own paper. It had her name written on it, and a sequence of letters and numbers under it: WD40321 -> KJ73028. It was obvious the first letter refered to the corridors. "These are safe IDs. We are supposed to change carry all the things that are in a safe to another, and trust me, it's a ton of stuff... Now if you don't have one, it means you are free to go anywhere! Jeez, that comes in handy." After that Clyde took her by the arm and waved to everyone. "Well, guess you guys got lucky, but we need to go quick or the Staff will say we're slacking off... And it's not fun when that happens. See you later, have a good tour!"

As the couple went away, Villon checked his own paper. "Oh, mon dieu, not the Jewels safe again... They might be beautiful, but way too heavy and sharp to my taste." He bowed and then waved to everyone too, taking his leave, but not before whispering to them in a playful tone. "I might bring something pretty and shiny for you though, mademoiselle Annie... Wish me luck!"

It seemed everyone was already in their way when Ixidor finally passed through the turnstiles. For his surprise though, a paper with his name popped from it, exactly like it did for the robbers. The painter boy read it (BH5687 -> AA4562) and found out the corridor with the indication A to C, realizing it was the same Villon went by.

((You guys are free to explore alone or tag along with PCs and NPCs alike. Ix though will have to work...))

((Green Team: You're patrolling the corridors as the crowd comes in.))

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Ixidor discretely reads the codes that is given to him, he memorize it as he tucks it away in his satchel for safe keeping. the boy followed the coordinates and simply went there with his sketchpad at hand. the moment that he got to the A to C aisle, the painter tries to locate mister Villon.

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"Get me a green one, please!" Edward shouted back at French guy as he walked away toward the gemstone isle. Okay, now it's time for some exploring. He randomly picked a corridor and almost took off in flight out of habit, remembering just in time that he had to act "normal". He had always been a weird kid and hated acting normal, you know, because first of all it's boring, but more importantly, being "normal" is often what gets you here in hell anyway. Plus, the sudden decrease in speed was just painful, like when you're playing a game where you run around in the overworld and are suddenly forced to walk when you go indoors.

Hey, he just had a thought. There are a limited number of safes, and a limited number of people, but an unlimited amount of work days. He wondered how long it would take a single person to have worked with every safe. Or even crazier, since each work day seemed to consist of working with two safes, how long it would take for someone to go through every single possible combination of safes? Yikes.

He passed several doors that he assumed to be entrances to safes, picked one randomly, and realized he had no idea how to open it. You know what, he probably needed an ID for that. K then, new plan: Find someone else who's already working on a safe and sneak in.

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Kenny was in the main Room, where they'd entered the Third Circle, but he was also, simultaneously, patrolling the Corridors remotely. Here's how he was doing it: just after Gestas had told them they'd had one-and-a-half hours before the bank opened, he'd started to make four Computer Monitor-like Portals, which had started floating around the Corridors near the Ceiling in a patrol-like fashion. Each Portal lead to Kenny, and were arrayed like a Security Display on his end, in front of his face. He could easily sustain and move the Portals at this point, the headache he got from making them having finished fading away about a minute before the Bank opened.

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Villon looked back over is shoulder and noticed Ixidor coming. "Oui monsieur, can I help you with something?" He asked the boy. Then he noticed the paper in the boy's hand. "You've got one too? Interesting indeed... That would mean you have been condemned as a greedy person, but you don't strike me as one." The frenchman said while they walked.


Reil heard the sound of laughter while he approached Bonnie and Clyde. The couple was walking in the same direction, very close to each other and whispering to one another. It was Bonnie who noticed the boy first, and looked over her shoulder to speak to him. "Ooh, so you decided to join us Reil? I can't say your's was the right choice, we have gold bars to carry today." She made a face to show the boy what she thought of that. Clyde pretty much ignored Reil and left the talking to Bonnie.

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