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Under the Hill - Fourth Circle: Greed [IC]


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A weird movement on the ceiling caught Edward's eye. It looked like a portal of some sort, moving down the hallway straight towards him. It kinda looked like the portals that Lucario guy was using, but obviously it was this bank's security system. His first thought was "act natural", but then he realized with a jolt- if the ticket machine could tell he was a living human (why else would he not get an ID slip?), then there was no doubt this magic portal camera could! He needed to get out of sight before it reached him!

To his left, there was a worker pushing open a door to one of the vaults. It was too late for Edward to tell if he did or didn't use his ID slip to open it, but it didn't matter right now. He ducked behind a group of loitering workers and apparated, disappearing into the newly opened safe without anyone noticing, not even the guy working in it.

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As he was Remote-Patrolling, Kenny saw Ixidor in one of the Portals, and put it in the center of his field of view. Kenny then Activated his Radio, speaking to Gestas.

"Gestas, We've got a confirmation of Live People other than those in Security. Current number of Live People confirmed: One. Current location and activities of the Live Person: Working alongside the Dead in the A-C Safes."

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"Welp, Minos sentence me for a crime of greed, don't know why tho. " Ixidor said. "I mean.. is changing the world for the better a bad thing? like who wants to live in a imperfect world filled with scums like Gettas? they must eradicated and shouldn't exist. that's the world i envision. my intentions are pure and i'm doing the world a favor" Ixidor said to Villon not realizing his statement alone is greed-driven.

As they walk, Ixidor stop and has an unsettling vibe. "Do you have the feeling we're being watch?" the painter said to the french guy with a whisper like tone.

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Rose and Enya

Rose started as the younger girl opened her eyes. "Oh Enya, I was so worried about you!" she exclaimed, hugging the child close. "Now, we're patrolling the bank and watching the bad guys work, ok?" she told Enya, shifting her weight to carry the child a bit better. As she walked through the lobby again, which was now filled with people, she noticed a group of people, specifically one including Annie and Phantom, near the door. Dashing down a different corridor, she radioed into Gestas, "Hey, uh, there are other people with powers and that aren't dead here. What do you want us to do, exactly?"


Edward was amazed by what he saw when he entered the vault he chose, and stopped noticing all of people following he and the first worker into the vault. Stacks upon stacks of gold were in this room, from floor to ceiling. In the center of the room was a large mound that was covered in gold. As he continued to look around, he noticed all of the workers had begun to polish individual coins, making sure that they shined brighter than Edward had ever seen before. "Psst, boy, you need to start working," came a familiar voice. Looking around, Edward spotted Robin near him, sporting his typical boyish grin. "This vault's overseer is a real grouch; you don't want to get on his bad side, living or not." Before Edward could make up his mind, the vault door closed, enshrining them all in a dim light.


Villon merely shook his head with a smirk. "Mon dieu, it seems like you do belong here with us all." Looking at the boy straight in the eye, he said, "You, my young friend, are far too greedy. I look forward to seeing you here one day, that much is true." Stopping in front of a vault, he said, "Mon amie, this looks like your stop. I do believe that's your name, no?" Sure enough, the vault that they had stopped in front of had in fancy calligraphy the name "Ixidor" on it. Villon began to walk away, calling out, "Use your paper to get into the vault, good luck friend!"

Annie and Phantom

"Well, I'm off to the back. It seems I have cargo duty again friends. Please remember to find us a way to break in here," Prometheus said amiably before heading off to his assignment for the day.

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The child looked around, taking in her surroundings. White. Big bank. Then she noticed some familiar faces as she and Miss Rose hurried past. "Fourth... Circle?" she murmured. Enya listened as the older lady talked on a walkie-talkie of some sort, to a man named Gestas. "Miss... Ellaria? Where is she? She saved Ace and me... I think," the little girl murmured, again.

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Ixidor hesitated, 'good luck!? what's that suppose to mean?' Ixidor thought to himself with a bit of skepticism as Villon left. Strange?.. how in the blue hell does my name got encrypted on this vault, I've never been in this place before. what lies beyond this door? welp there's only one way to find out. the boy shows his paper and taps it against the massive vault.

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Well, Edward didn't need to be told twice. There weren't any magic portals in here, so hopefully, if he just kept working like everyone else and didn't bring attention to himself, he could go unnoticed. He reached into the pile of what he assumed were the unpolished coins, and pulled out two- but there was only one in his hand, the other was already in his pocket. He now had his souvenir for the circle. He started polishing the one in his hand, pretending it was the only one he picked up.

The coin in his hand had rough, uneven edges, indicating it was fashioned by hand and not a factory's machine. on one side was a face of some guy on it, probably the ruler of the time it was made in, and the image of a bird (either an eagle or a hawk) on the other. There were also a bunch of letters in some language he couldn't identify, much less decipher. This thing was clearly from an ancient era, and the fact that it was in such unnaturally pristine condition meant it would be worth a fortune back on earth! He wondered if the coin in his pocket looked the same.

So anyway, this is what a day in hell is like? Honestly, it's not that bad. Then again, to do this every single day, with no hope of ever doing anything different, for all eternity, would probably be maddening. Still, he'd take it any day over actual torture, though he had a sneaking suspicion that torture would involved down here if people slacked off.

He finished his polishing, took out a new coin, and just like last time sneaked a second coin into his pocket. Well, now he was starting to get greedy! If he kept this up, he'll get noticed eventually. He'll stop at three- no, four, so that he has three spares.

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Phantom stopped in his tracks as a young woman rounded the corner. He recognized her from the other circles, but he was perplexed as to why she was in the bank. She held the little girl in her arms, who appeared to be waking up. A look of alarm appeared on her face as she spotted Annie and himself, and Phantom needed no more proof that something was up. He had seen how dangerous some of the others were; their abilities were far more destructive than his own, and he had no desire to do battle with them. He could hear the woman calling out to someone as he disappeared into the mirror dimension, leaving no trace behind.

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"What are you doing here, Ixidor?" Ethic demanded as he rounded a corner and approached from behind the boy. "I've been tailing you and the weirdo Frenchy guy since I saw you two walk right past the corridor I was patrolling..." If the boy turned, he would find the Guy had his blade Drawn, Black as night as a pair of Aviators covered his eyes, blocking any display of emotion the older teen might've shown right now. It seemed that Ethic had either forgotten or just simply stopped caring about what was said or what happened during the last encounter he and the Artist had been through back in the Gardens.

"What, aren't you gonna speak up?" he pressed, reaching down to his jacket and speaking quickly into the radio. "Gestas, We have a live one here, somewhere in the A to C corridors, right in front of a vault." then he paused for a moment, giving Ixidor the once over....

"You know what?" He asked into the Radio. "Sir, I'm probably gonna need some serious backup."

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What? i got caught already? man i suck at this heist, hope the others are doing better than i do, wait..did he just said Gestas? Ixidor looks startled as he saw Ethic calling in for back up. "So you're working for Gestas" Ixidor release a small chuckled. "tell em that i'm the least of his worries." Ixidor calls a threat.

just before Ethic can react, The boy quickly wave his hand in thin air as he draws a box-shaped figure, Four transparent glass walls magically appear in an instant around Ethics feet. trapping the arcana user in a glass prison,it's the same trick he use at Robin hood. "I wouldn't move too much if i were you, those glasses are not very sturdy and could implode and shatter on you at any sec." Ixidor said as he leaves his former friend inside his death box. the boy wasn't planning to hurt anybody this early on, but hey these things happen. lets just hope the others are doing their part.

without waiting for a respond, the boy opens the huge vault with his name on it and went inside, the painter has no where to go and was trap inside the vault, not knowing what's inside it.

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The next thing Ixidor knew, he found himself inside a Box of Barriers outside of the Safe near Ethic,who was now outside of the Glass Box. Kenny could be seen in a Portal that came down from the Ceiling, smiling gently.
"Ixidor, Ixidor, Ixidor. You do realize how much of a mistake that was, right?"
Kenny then radioed off to Gestas.
"Gestas, send a security detail over to Ixidor's Safe, we just had an Incident concerning the young man."
Kenny then got a minor headache, but recovered.

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Ixidor was surprise as he found himself inside the box of barriers. what in the blue hell just happen? Oh its Kenny, don't tell me your part of this too. Ixidor sighed."Things change Kenny, there are poor people outside who want the riches of this bank. as far i'm concerned, this bank is just a greedy corporation." Ixidor said as he was standing face to face with his 'buddies' from the first circle.

"Are you still gonna arrest me?" he asked the two.

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"Not if you wake the hell up from whatever propaganda has been shoved down your throat by these 'Poor people'" Ethic said, going so far as to sheath his blade. His specs still hid all signs of emotion, his mouth set in a stony line that revealed little to help. He honestly didn't really care that much about the incidents in the past. Mainly because of Temperance and Justice nulling his wrath somewhat, but also in part from the fact of the memories he had regained in the second circle... The why of it wasn't important, however, just the fact that he stood before the boy now and honestly didn't feel the urge to wrap his hands around his throat and strangle him.

"This is hell, Ixidor," he reminded the kid. "As in, Dante's Inferno version; though from what I've seen, I think Dante may have been high or drunk or even both when he ventured in here." He reached up and lowered his Aviator's a little, revealing his eyes and peering over the rims at Ix as he went on. "You do know what the fourth circle of hell is, right? The one we're standing in right now; Which sin it belongs to?"

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"Thanks for clarifying it to me, i can see it now" Ixidor said thinking its the other way around, Gestas robbed those people! the world is a better place without him. as far im concern he is just a hoarder who likes to keep riches for himself. he's an impenitent thief. "i surrender." Ixidor answered and plays coy as he puts both hands on his back, this isn't the method he expected to get close to Gestas. but meh whatever.

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"Oh really?" Ethic asked, not at all convinced that the boy meant it, considering how easy this conversation had been so far. The kid had seemed to have gone native just a minute a go, and now he's just gonna Heel-Turn-Face, just like that? "Not bloody likely, Ix..." Ethic pressed on, ignoring the boy's surrender, it's not like that was even the response he was looking for right now. "I don't believe you for a second; now answer my question. What. Sin. Does. This. Circle. Represent?" he stressed every word of the inquiry, Aviators back in place, glaring deep into the boy's soul

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"No." Ethic refused, taking a step back. he shook his head disappointedly. "You still don't get it, you little twit... there are two types of greedy people in the world, the Hoarders, and the Squanderers, And it doesn't matter what either thinks of the other type, they're both equally as bad, Ixidor." He reached into his jacket and retrieved his Radio.

"You see this?" he held it up for the boy to see clearly. "I'm only carrying this damn thing around because Gestas threatened Me, Rose, Enya and Kenny with being locked in a vault for eternity if we didn't comply with his orders for us to work for him." The radio went back to where it had been stowed before. "all of us are only working for the bastard until an opportunity presents itself to bust the everloving fuck out of here and get to the next circle... but until one does, we all just have to settle for playing nice with the man's wishes. My loyalty belongs to no denizen of this literally God-Forsaken place." He looked hard at the boy.

"But you look like you've really gone native... Ixidor, you have to realize something; In Greed, those sent here were punished by being forced into a continuous, never ending jousting competition using heavy weights that symbolized the wealth they held or sought or wasted in life. Emphasize on Never ending, Kid, We DONT MATTER here, Ixidor, the damn thing is going to just keep resetting itself regardless of us or what we do here. The banker people, who probably represent the Hoarders, and whoever these poor guys you found are, they're probably the Squanderers by the way, they're going to keep at fighting each other for eternity, as is their punishment. All us live ones are doing is passing through and complying because we don't have much choice but to right now..." He paused for a minute, choosing to let that sink into the Artist's mind before going any further.

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Mr. Taylor had been trying to keep a low profile on his patrol duties, but he couldn't pretend not to hear the conversation between Ethic and Ixidor anymore. He finally decided it was time to make a move. He rounded the corner and made himself seen. "Everything honkey dorey here fellas?" He asked doing his best to keep up the accent.

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Ixidors listens to Ethic's side of the story, the boy gets the idea and all, and what position both sides are in. But the fact of the matter is, it doesn't change anything, this Gestas person must be punish and it even motivates the painter on how much he wants to erase this guy from existence.

"I see, it seems we have a common enemy, perhaps this is the opportunity you've been waiting for getting back at Gestas. for you see i'm not alone in this mission, there are others like me and those 'squanderers' you we're talking about who wants a piece of that tyrant as well.." Ixidor said.

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Rose and Enya

A flash of pain crossed the older girl's eyes as she heard what Enya said. "Ellaria... saved you? Saved you from what, Enya?" The younger girl didn't respond, instead asking a question about if Greed could divide them. Taking a steadying breath and vowing to find their other friend, Rose turned to Enya. "Are you asking about those that are alive? If you are... then anything could divide us at this point, I think. The prize that awaits us at the bottom is something that any person would jump at. Anyone would want to have their deepest desire granted to them." Suddenly feeling a bit curious, she asked her young companion, "Enya, why are you here? What drove you to come to this place?"


"Boy, you do realize you could explore, right?" Bonnie questioned Reil with a bewildered look. "Once you start this, you're stuck here until night falls and all the workers are kicked out of the bank." Seeing the boy start to load his arms with gold bars, she shook her head. "How in the hell did you get down here? Clearly you aren't that greedy if you're willing to give up your time to help others."

Ixidor, Ethic, Kenny, Mr. Taylor

Before anyone spoke further, Gestas' voice came over the radio. "Ixidor... You mean Ixidor Mctracy? He needs to work today, send him into his vault immediately." Without waiting for a response, he continued, "If he doesn't want to... Use your imagination. Remember what I said about the lethal force, though I won't be cleaning it up." After that, the radio went dead, leaving the new bank employees with their orders to stare at the radio in amazement, trying to figure out what had just happened.


As the boy continued to sneak coins into his pockets for souvenirs, the gold mound in the middle of the room began to quiver, coins sliding down in droves. Workers began to shake in terror and point at the mound, whispering in hushed tones. One of the workers near Edward said, "Oh no, he never wakes up. What's happened, has someone made a mistake?" just loud enough that the boy was able to overhear.

Before he could ask the worker's meaning though, a great beast arose from the pile of gold, it's reddish-golden scales glistening in the pale light of the vault. Its wyvern-like body made its way out of the gold with ease, and piercing yellow eyes with the faintest tint of red glared at all the workers, who cowed in fear at the sight of it. "How dare you," it spoke in a deep, guttural growl, "attempt to steal from me?" His eyes searched the room in anger. "I, who know every piece of gold in this room and can tell when it is not in the open air." The great dragon then lowered itself to Edward and glared at him with one fierce eye. "Well boy, what do you say for yourself?"

The worker near Edward that had spoken before breathed a couple of words that only Edward could hear. "Smaug is not one to be trifled with."

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"Ace wanted me to come here ~ Ace says that there's something really nice waiting at the very bottom," the girl explained in a singsong voice, having completely missed the question about Miss Ellaria. It seemed that the child was all better now, her sickly pallor gone, voice no longer hoarse, her skin cool.

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"His vault?" Ethic asked, turning to examine the one right behind them all. sure enough, it had the boy's name on it. Literally. "Wait... this is his...? Oh wait, that's right. Minos." He turned back to the boy, ignoring the presence of his two fellow Bank hostages.

"Like I already said," he sighed. "Just waiting for an opportunity, that's the only reason I'm doing any work for the ass hole. But this is your circle, Ixidor, and it's also Kenny's too. Remember the sentencing back at the library? This vault is obviously here for a reason..." he didn't feel that he actually needed to express to the boy that it would likely prove useful for answers if the Artist ventured inside.

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