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Under the Hill - Fourth Circle: Greed [IC]


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"This is going to just be a visit, right?" Ethic asked taylor cautiously, taking out his radio and making sure that the thing wasn't on right now; wouldn't be very good if the Denizen overheard any of this. "So long as we aren't going to try anything; we don't know who's actually running this place or where the exit is, and quite frankly I think our priority should be playing nice until we figure out the latter, not trying to off some asshole who probably deserves it anyway. Aside from that though, what do you have in mind? We're likely going to have to have some justification just to even get a meeting with him..."

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"Of course it's just a visit." Mr. Taylor snapped at Ethic, mildly insulted by Ethic's insinuations, "We need information and if that boy is to be believed he wants you. I don't believe we'll have a better opportunity than we have now. All I'm saying is we go see him and see what sort of information he'd be willing to give us."

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"Sounds like a long shot, but alright," Ethic said, seeing no real reason to argue against it. "Let's go see the greedy bastard then... you have any idea where he might be though? we could try checking the briefing room from earlier, but I doubt he'll still be hanging around in there if he's as busy as he claims himself to be. Or should we just go for a straightforward route and radio in for a conference?"

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Phantom stopped in the other dimension as he rounded a corner. There were three presences that he could sense here, though one of them appeared to be fleeing. He could recognize them all. The fleeing presence was the boy who had been with The bank robbers earlier, while the other two were the man he had helped in the first circle, and Mr. Taylor, who Phantom had traveled with for a time until being left behind. He supposed he had made a deal with the robbers and that he should try to prevent the other two from hurting him. It was strange. They hadn't struck him as particularly violent people like some of the others, but the boy, Reil, was running from them. He extended a hand, opening a portal between the two men and Reil as he stepped back into the real world.

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"Hey Ethic," Edward piped up, "are there any floors below us that you know of? Because Gestas might be down there... He might've kinda just used a trapdoor to kidnap Kenny..." It had happened just after Edward "recharged" himself with Kenny's powers, JUST as he was about to turn away. It was a good thing it happened then and not a moment later, otherwise he might have wasted his new powers again before realizing he had lost his chance to replenish them.

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As Reil looked back and saw the masked man from last night standing before the guards. Where did he come from he didn't know but he did know that he was help. The guard said something about having a crew and all Reil knew was that his crew was the people he met last night. "Oh hey there! Maybe you can help me with something.. er.. Phantom was it?."

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Phantom glanced around the area as he exited the portal, finding himself between Reil, the man from the first floor, and some other young man. He had been sure it was Mr. Taylor's presence he had felt, though perhaps he had been mistaken... This was definitely not the old man he remembered.

"Oh hey there! Maybe you can help me with something.. er.. Phantom was it?."

He turned to face Reil. So he was being chased by these two. He wondered why.

"Yes..." he began, drawing his sword from its sheath and leveling it towards the other two. "I...help..."

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Only when Phantom had appeared, had Edward realized he remembered the guy Ethic had been talking to earlier: It was Reil, part of the team of thieves he had gone along with (joined isn't exactly the word). And now that Phantom was here, it seems they want to fight these guys! Ethic hadn't turned to him yet, so he quickly waved his hands at the other two mouthing "they're not bad guys!". He had no idea about the whole "team deathmatch" thing that this circle had going on.

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Inside Kenny's Mind:

Kenny woke up in a dark space, bewildered as he recalled the events involving Smaug and Edward. As Kenny focused more and more, he was able to see where he was: in the middle of a Battlefield, between two Armies, one clad in red, the other clad in blue. they were currently at rest, but Kenny could feel the tension in the air. as he stood there in the No-Mans-Land between the Armies, he saw his Aura manifest itself as a second version of him. however, it looked much different this time, having many wounds all over it, even having its' right arm in a sling, as well as one of its eyes being covered with a bandage. Kenny and his Aura then started conversing with each other.

"Where are we?"

"Inside your Psyche, if i'm any judge."

"But why? I had no idea i was this torn-apart!"

"It normally is a bit more... peaceful than this. however, there is currently a Power Struggle going on inside of you, and it's because of something you've been doing recently."


Kenny's aura looked at him.

"You know."

"I do?"


Kenny then thought for a while, finally looking up, horrified by his realization that he was letting his anger control him, even trusting it with control of his body at times, leading to incidents like how he reacted with Cerberus, or even more recently, with Smaug.

"no... it couldn't be..."

"But it is. be brave, and face yourself."

Kenny stopped all at once, and it all went black as he fainted from the shock of the realization. He wouldn't wake up in the Battlefield though, because that location had served its' purpose, making him acknowledge the truth he was trying to keep from himself since the Battle against Byron's Shadow in the First Circle, when he'd first used his Anger to fuel his Aura.


Outside Kenny's Mind:

Kenny was lit up by a blue light, and stood up, his Aura manifesting in the form of a set of floor-length Indigo-colored robes, with the Hood down. Kenny then spoke, his voice not corrupted by anything, not even his Aura.

"Gestas, we meet for the second time since I entered this Circle. I must say, your Bank is quite impressive. However, if you don't mind, I'd like to be on my way."

Kenny then tried to open a Portal to Ethic and the others, but failed. Instead, his hands crackled with something that looked like Indigo-colored Electricity. This was noticeable to Edward, who could sense a much fainter echo of it, due to the the fact that a piece of Kenny's Aura was fused with Edward's Aura. Kenny then spoke to Gestas, somewhat irked that his Power was currently inoperative.

"Very well then, since I'm currently unable to get out of here, what do you want me to do?"

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"Oh, finally awake, sleeping beauty?" Gestas mocked Kenny. "And already wanting to leave the party? Sorry, but that won't do. Here, either you work for me or you work against me, boy, and I think you already accepted to be on my team. It was really dumb of you to try and fight Smaug only to protect a filthy thief but lucky for you I'm a nice and understanding person. I think you just need a little push." With that, he took a step back and gestured with his arms to the vault. "You see this place? It's your safe, Mr. Holmes. You are one who longs for knowledge right? So here it is: all that is to know about the world, heaven, Hell, people, time, anything. Generally I couldn't let you in here that easily, but if you do your work right... I might consider that, you know?"


As Caleb approached the bank's exit, he realized that the heavy metalic doors were closed. Over it, there was a countdown clock, slowly ticking towards zero as the work day passed by. As the boy looked at it, realizing there was no going out just yet, three sillouetes aproached him from behind.

"Heey you there. It's a nice shirt you have there matey, mind if we borrow it?" They were three kinda battered looking man, probably slackers. One would actually pitty the state of their clothes and body if it wasn't for the no-good look they were giving Caleb.

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Kenny gave Gestas a serious look, slight tones of Corruption leaking into his voice from the Buildup of Auric Energy that was happening because Kenny couldn't vent it in the usual way: Using his Aura. Edward could feel this as well because of the piece of Kenny's Aura that was fused to Edwards Aura, and it felt like a very small static-like feeling on his hands.

"Gestas, I only was working for you because my hands were tied due to your pointing a Machine Gun or six at my face, as well as threatening to lock me and my friends into a Vault. You forced me to either help or hurt you, and gave me an incentive to not hurt you. Hardly what I'd call being given a choice."

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"Well, you do have a choice though. You can obey me, get your knowledge and perhaps get the hell out of here... Or you can stay here forever while I use you to vent my anger, boy. The good thing about human punching toys here is that if you break then they'll come back you know. So, you have five seconds to give me a proper answer. If you don't, well, I can start playing right now." Gestas answered to Kenny with a not very pleasant kind of grin in his face.

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Kenny looked at Gestas Impassively. When he spoke, his voice seemed to get more and more corrupted as Kenny's aura started to reach its capacity, which Edward could notice as an intensifying of the Static-like Feeling.

"Gestas, let's get over this little disagreement and get on with what we were going to do in the first place. I'll work alongside you, but know this: as soon as I am in the same room as the Exit when it is open and I notice it, the deal is fulfilled. Now, let's get to work."

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"Well, but that was exactly what I was asking for! Who'd want to be in this forsaken place forever right? If I could I would get out of here in no time too." Then Gestas grinned and pointed towards the vault's door, which suddenly started to open. "So, as a first job, wy don't you go take down that boy who stole the coins from Smaug? The old overgrown gecko ain't exactly happy about it, not to mention that you owe him one."

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Gestas's Tools and Techniques took hold even further, causing Kenny to cast aside all of his Emotions that could prevent his becoming what he was trying to avoid, which had the effect of "turning him to the Dark Side", so to speak, then giving Kenny back his Powers once he'd done so, thus turning him into Dark Kenny. Dark Kenny then smiled in an extremely scary kind of way and spoke, his Voice taking on a Darker Tone, his Aura turning into what looked like Black Fire, his Robes turning Coal-black, hood rising over his head, and his Turquoise Auric Katana turning into a Midnight-black Scimitar.

"It'll Be My Pleasure. He's Got Something Of Mine That Makes His Theft Of Smaug's Gold Look Like Smaug Voluntarily Gave Part Of His Hoard To Edward."

Dark Kenny then walked out of the Vault, seeking out Edward, intending to do a lot more than just take back the Gold from Edward when he found him. Dark Kenny then prepared to bust through the Floor of the Room above him, where he remembered Edward and Co. being, charging up an Intense Beam of Aura.

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Rose, Enya, and Caleb

Rose looked in shock as the boy she had confronted just stood up and walked away from her. "Excuse me, you can't just--" The young woman was unable to finish her statement, however, because Enya, still shrieking, suddenly tore off through the crowds, away from her. "Enya, wait!" Without giving the disrespectful boy a second glance, Rose began running after Enya. The child was fast though, and soon the older girl lost sight of her in the masses. "Enya," she whispered, distraught. "What did I do? Why..." Unable to cope with the happenings of hell any further, Rose sunk to the ground and backed up to the wall, seeming as though she was trying to disappear. Her hands encompassed her head as she began to shudder slightly.

(Zephy, Panda, you guys figure out what you're going to do in terms of random encounters and stuff)


Kayle looked horrified at Ixidor's words. "Master," she gasped, unable to comprehend being told to go back to the circle of Lust. "We are your creations, perfected by the ideals that you hold dear to your heart. Are you trying to say we should be lesser versions of ourselves, unworthy of being true art?" As she finished speaking, several of the creations also had notable looks of fear. "Master, we have become perfect for you, you must understand this. Why have you changed your mind, forsaken the ideals that you created us on?"

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"cheer up you guys, there's no need to be upset." Ixidor smiles as he scratch the back of his head, a little bit concern as all of his creations their attention and stares at him. "i appreciate the effort of improving yourselves to an aesthetic level, i really do.. but you guys are perfect from the very first day i've created you. it doesn't matter to me whether you have flaws or not. as long as you willing to do good to others that's all that counts." the boy said.

"don't get me wrong, my ideas is still there, is just that...instead of just ravaging the world and creating a new like an extremist would, I've realized, I've should help the world improve itself, help it grow, shape it for the better.. just like i mold you guys. there's a little thing called justice and perfection isn't rush you know.. you should've known that Kayle, i've created you in the image of that." Ixidor said to the Angel.

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Although whatever intruding entity had stopped peering into Enya's soul, the feeling of being invaded, the abnormal fear of Whoever was looking in-- everything that just felt horribly unpleasant and frightening lingered-- no, not just lingered, but seemed to haunt the child. Enya ran blindly, clutching Ace tightly and protectively, chanting "nonononononononononononogoawaygoaway" over and over as if it were a mantra that would protect her from the Presence. Before she knew it and without realizing it, she had run past the mister who was carrying her while she was sick.

((Ethic, you've been chosen by Legion!))

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Caleb turned around to see who had asked him the question, only to find three silhouettes, "Uhh, I only have one shirt, but thanks for the complement." Caleb said smiling. "I don't know if you three could fit in one shirt."

(Rose, I'm so sorry! I didn't even know you were talking to me!)

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Before he could even respond to anything Edward had said or get any response from Taylor Ethic found himself being run right past by a familiar girl holding a teddy bear...None other than Enya. "Enya? shit, she must be getting chased by something..." he said, perplexed as he established the Death Link and his Life Saber blazed to life in his hand, not wanting to waste time drawing his black blade as turned on a pivot step and prepared to strike down whomever was pursuing the obviously frantic and terrified child... only to find a certain man in a long coat and mask holding a sword pointed at his face.

"Wait, you?" He asked, pausing mid stroke before the saber could take off Phantom's head. "you're the guy from the first circle who saved us from the wolf..." He paused as glanced behind the msyterioso and spotted the kid in the hoodie not far away, then back to Enya as she continued to hurry down the corridor, lowering his life blade "What the hell is going on around here? where did you come from, and why is Enya running off like she's being chased by some psycho- Oh screw it, I'll get more answers if I actually go stop her rather than standing here asking you two..." With that said he turned around and sprinted off after the girl, easily outpacing her before long with his longer gait and past practice of having to run away from situations at high speeds...who ever said being a Leather Tramp had no benefits later on?

"Enya, stop!" he called after her, sliding to a stop a few meters down her path and withdrawing his saber back into his palm so as to avoid any accidents. "what the hell are you running from? Where's Rose?"

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Dark Kenny was about to unleash the Aura Beam, but then remembered about the Portals that he had in his Arsenal. then, Dark Kenny used said Portals to go into the room above, seeing Ethic heading off towards Enya, as well as seeing some mysterious masked man and his Target: Edward. Dark Kenny's robes hid his face from view, so it would be difficult to Identify him as being Kenny.

Dark Kenny then took out his Auric Scimitar, advancing towards Edward in a determined fashion. He wasn't going to let anyone stop him from getting to Edward if he could help it.

"There you are... You're in for a world of hurt because of your Thievery, Edward."

Dark Kenny then sped towards Edward, Scimitar at the ready.

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At the mention of "Rose", Enya stopped abruptly. "Miss... Rose? Oh no, I left her behind, didn't I?" cried the little girl in panic. "He might get her, he might look into her! We have to keep her safe!" The child rambled on, still mad from being seen by Someone.

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"I don't know if you three could fit in one shirt."

"Ooh, right, so you are a funny guy eh? Ok, I'll show what's funny" Said the bigger man out of the three. He walked up to Caleb and grabbed him by his shirt. "Take this off now and I'll consider not beating you to death. Oh, your shoes would be kinda nice now that you're at it, by the way." The man gave him a wicked smile, and the other two closed in from the sides.

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Edward suddenly stopped caring about what was going on, as his Enya sense told him she was getting closer. And there she was, running around and screaming like someone was chasing her- but no one was. Okay, now that she's here he could...

But before he could think about exactly what he was going to do, Kenny happened.

"There you are... You're in for a world of hurt because of your Thievery, Edward."

Because of the drastic change in look, plus the covered up face, Edward didn't recognize his adversary. He assumed it was a minion of Smaug or something. Wait, if Smaug knew to send a minion here, then does that mean his psychic connection to the gold still worked? Edward couldn't be sure, since maybe Smaug had recognized the area through the portal, and told his minions to check there first. After dispatching this guy, he'd have to move somewhere else, and if they STILL found him, then he'd know.

"Hey Phantom? Reil? Remember how I told you Ethic wasn't a bad guy? This guy is." He kept his eye on the approaching figure and his sword, but did not move. By the way, he was getting his wish wasn't he? He said to himself earlier in the previous circle that he wanted to get attacked by a demon with a sword...

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