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Under the Hill - Fourth Circle: Greed [IC]


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"Enya, calm down," Ethic ordered. "Now tell me, what are you running from; what are you talking about? who is this he that you're so afraid of?" His gaze was caught by the sight of some hooded figure rushing towards the boy scout with a Scitmar... which seemed completely random... "God damn it, did Rick have to deal with this shit?" He silently cursed under his breath, looking back down at Enya. Look, whatever's going on there, there's a bunch of them and only one of the assailant, they should be able to handle him easily... And I have feeling I'm not going to get a straight coherent answer from her unless I go and actually see what the hell happened for myself.

"Alright Enya," he began. "Let's go find Rose then... You'll have to explain the gist of what happened on the way though."

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Mr. Taylor sighed. It was just like every other circle, no matter what happened, no matter how separated they all were, the group would always get itself back together at some point. And to be quite frank, Mr. Taylor was tired of it. He had simply wanted to find this Gestas fellow, acquire whatever information he could out of him and then find the portal to the next layer. The formerly old man sighed as he slipped away and started traveling away from the rest of the group. He assumed that Gestas would have an office somewhere on the higher levels and so he started to look around for a set of stairs.

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Phantom lowered his sword slowly as both Ethic and the man who looked like Mr. Taylor simply walked away. It seemed that they were not intent enough on chasing Reil to do battle. He had just sheathed his sword when another voice sounded behind him.

"Hey Phantom? Reil? Remember how I told you Ethic wasn't a bad guy? This guy is."

He turned towards the voice, finding that it belonged to a younger boy. He had seen him flying around earlier this circle near Bonnie and Clyde, so he must have been an ally. There was a figure in a dark cloak making his way towards the boy, a hood obscuring his face. He held a scimitar made of some sort of energy in his hand. Phantom drew his own sword as he approached. He could feel his power welling up in his left hand as he prepared a portal. He raised the tip of his sword towards the cloaked man, speaking in his echoing voice.


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Dark Kenny stopped and spoke.

"You all know part of my name, but not all of it."

Dark Kenny then lowered his Hood, his Aura flaring up as coal-black flames, and moved further towards Edward. if one looked, they could see that he was standing on a Barrier that was floating a few millimeters above the Ground.

"Now, hand over Edward or else."

Edited by K_H
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Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out. The child nodded to Mister Ethic and led him back down the hallway she came from. "Something... scary.... Somebody all-powerful... He wants to take Ace away," she whimpered-- she, the ominous child with ominous warnings and the ominous air, afraid of a particularly omnipotent He.

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Okay, so Kenny was a bad guy now. Edward didn't question it, he was well beyond the point of questioning anything down here. "If you think I'd go with you alive, then you've clearly forgotten how little death means in this place." He was pretty sure what the general response was going to be, and he was ready for it. Besides, Kenny was kinda giving off a 'I was gonna kill you anyway' kind of vibe right now.

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Dark Kenny laughed.

"You must think that I'm stupid if you think i didn't know that!"

He then shook his head.

"I did get several tastes of it before now, after all."

Dark Kenny then looked at Edward with a very... discomforting grin on his face.

"What I have in mind for you is much worse."

Dark Kenny then pointed his Hand at Edward, and then Generated Electrons, shooting them toward Edward a la 'Force Lightning' from Star Wars, making sure the Lightning was much more Painful than it was Deadly. Dark Kenny then got a mild headache.

((Eagle, feel free to have Edward look at Kenny with the "Enya Sense". I'm sure something interesting will be seen if you do.))

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"I don't know if you three could fit in one shirt."

"Ooh, right, so you are a funny guy eh? Ok, I'll show what's funny" Said the bigger man out of the three. He walked up to Caleb and grabbed him by his shirt. "Take this off now and I'll consider not beating you to death. Oh, your shoes would be kinda nice now that you're at it, by the way." The man gave him a wicked smile, and the other two closed in from the sides.

Caleb gives all three men a good look, then he laughs. "Are you really going to pick on a kid for a shirt and possibly shoes? I'd gladly give them to you gentlemen, but since you decided to try and pick on a kid, I am now reconsidering." Caleb smile back, but in a friendly way. "If you would so kindly let go of me, I will give all of you, individually some clothes."
Edited by ApatheticPanda
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Yup, pretty much the response Edward was expecting. Something along the lines of "Then you shall face a fate worse than death" followed by a projectile attack. But holy crap, he did not expect the attack to be force lightning! He tried rolling to the side, but of course the electricity sought him out. However, rather than frying him, the lightning was attracted to the end of his metal pole weapon, like it would be to a lightningrod. And like a lightningrod, the pole conducted the bolt harmlessly into the ground.

Edward then did his little vanishing trick, but he didn't intend on hiding this time. Nah, Kenny could probably sense him or some bullcrap like that. This time, he was trying to act faster than Kenny could react or launch another attack. He reappeared to Kenny's left, now with the pole in his hands, and swung it like a Shaolin Monk would a Bo staff, intending to knock Dark Lucario's scimitar out of his hands.

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"All powerful? what is this?" "Did this 'all-powerful he' happen to have a name then?" Ethic asked, following the girl down the hall from where they had both come from. He made sure to keep the death link in his mind as he saw a fight brewing with force lightning and... damn are things getting even more ridiculous around here. he thought to himself simply, shaking his head and sighing. "I mean, it was ridiculous before, but now this is just getting old with the random ass super powers and everything else that's constantly going down... maybe I'm really the one whose high right now, and Dante is actually the sober one..."

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Dark Kenny saw the Bo Staff coming, and replied by merely tilting his Scimitar so that it would slice Edward's Pole in two if he continued with the "Knock It Away" maneuver.

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"H-He... He..." From whispers, her voice escalated to abrupt shrieks. "HE! THE ALMIGHTY ONE! THE LORD OF LORDS AND KING OF KINGS!" If Ethic looked at the child, he would've seen her eyes unnaturally wide-- if that were even possible, given how big her eyes already were-- with her irises reduced to blue dots, eyes like a white sea with tiny blue islands. The girl continued screaming incoherently, shuddering in her place, rambling in what sounded like a myriad tongues and languages, some ancient, some familiar.

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As Enya shrieked, Dark Kenny reacted in an unexpected way: He balked, threads of Blue flashing momentarily through his Irises, and small blue Sparks appearing in his Aura, his Scimitar (Which slimmed a small amount), and his Robes.


As Enya Shrieked, Kenny's True Soul found a momentary Weak Point in the Demon called Dark Kenny, getting mild control over himself back from the Demon that had taken over him. However, Kenny's True Soul was soon cast back out of Power by the Usurping Demon.

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Rose and Caleb

Rose slowly stood up, realizing that her panic wasn't going to help her. Taking a few, shuddering steps, she began to walk back to the front of the bank, occasionally ordering people back to work. As she slowly made her rounds, she noticed a commotion near the door and went to investigate, finding with some annoyance that the banana-eating kid was part of it, seemingly in a confrontation with three much larger, stronger looking guys. Summoning her courage, she walked over to them. "Put him down, now," she frostily demanded the three buff men. "What exactly is the problem here and why are none of you working?" With that, she crossed her arms and stared at the three men in front of her, deciding that the boy could wait to be questioned until he was out of danger.


"Master," Kayle said sadly, "You drew me in the image of the girl... Mia, was it? You needed me to protect you in the circle of Lust, and that is what I must do now." Nodding her head at the manticore and the djinn, Kayle turned back to Ixidor with a look of sorrow and trepidation. "Please understand, I do this for your own good and to protect you. We want your ideals to have come to fruition; perfection must be apart of the world no matter the cost." With that, she bowed her head and stepped back, allowing the two creations to advance upon Ixidor.

Ethic, Enya, and Annie

The two were walking, looking for Rose, when the flash of a rat tail caught their eyes. Almost as quickly as it had appeared, however, it had disappeared. Before the image could fully register, they saw Annie, looking frustrated and put out over something.

Mr. Taylor and Marcus

As Mr. Taylor started looking for a staircase to the upper levels of the bank, a person stopped in front of him. "Ok Taylor, what's the deal? If I recall, we still have a bargain, or did you forget?" Marcus drawled, looking at his knife in boredom. "You're supposed to be luring those other fools into a trap so that I can kill them. I know your memory can't be that bad." The killer smirked dangerously at Taylor. "If I don't get to sink my knife into that pain," referring to Ethic and leaving out that he already had Reil looking for him, "I'll have no problem letting my knife find a home in you again."

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If it were under any other circumstance, the metal pole would have probably snapped in two. But since it was being held by Edward, someone who had absorbed Kenny's powers before, the results were different. Instead, the pole conducted the auric energy that the scimitar was composed of, as if it were electricity, into its wielder; the blade itself shrinking out of existence as it was absorbed.

Edward hopped back a good twenty feet as the energy he had just stolen started to take effect. "Oh, NOW I know what you meant by thievery, you weren't talking about the gold... By the way, why do I suddenly feel like murdering everyone I see?" He shook his head. "Eh, I'm over It. Anyway, how do you expect to beat me if your energy attacks don't work? You'll need a physical weapon for that- like this" he said, hefting his metallic construction material turned weapon. He suspected that if Kenny could make lightning, he could throw fireballs, but he was confident that at this distance he'd have plenty of time to avoid them.

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Kenny Smiled, having come up with a Countertactic to the Pole.

"Aren't You Forgetting something, Edward?"

Kenny then Portaled behind Edward, grabbing for the Pole, intending to Absorb Auric Energy from Edward once he'd grabbed the Pole.

"Rule #3 of Auric Combat: Any Weapon You Use Is A Weapon Your Opponent Can Use Against You. "

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Ethic lowered his index finger as the tail, surely that of Quincy, slithered out of sight before he could use Death and fire off as Life bullet at it, grinding his teeth a bit as he drew back the power he'd been welling up in his wrist and palm. "The bastard's lucky he's so damn quick..." he said, the multicolored glow fading from his hand gradually. "I was about to fire off a whole damn silo of shots...sever his tail like his name was Despero." It was only then that he noticed Annie not far from them, ignoring the fact that Enya was still 'Broken' as the child continued spouting off nonsense in for what he could interpret was pure gibberish. He could see the look on her face, and given what he had just seen, it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out why she seemed so pissed.

"Eh, Annie, if you're looking for him," Ethic called, holding his palm out in front of him and taking out his lighter as the multicolored essence that was his life force began to shine brightly there. All the while he was nodding his head towards where he had seen the blur of motion just moments earlier. "I think I saw him head this way!"

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"There's no need to be upset Kayle. I know you serve me well and for that, I am truly grateful for all of those times you protected me in the second circle. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you." Ixidor said to his guardian angel. "but you must understand, the world is full of compromises and my ideas isn't as perfect as I thought it would be."

the boy then turns his attention to the two of his most dangerous creations, the djinn and the Manticore. maybe they have something to say in all of this?

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Rose and Caleb

"It's alright miss! We're just playing around! They just needed some clothes. Their clothes are in bad condition you see?" Caleb smiled in a friendly manner. "We'll be sure to get back to work!" Caleb didn't want the three desperate men to get in trouble, so hopefully his persuasion could make the lady view the situation in a different perspective.

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Raising her head, Ixidor could see that Kayle's eyes shone with a deep passion and determination. "You two," she called to the manticore and djinn, whom had still been advancing to Ixidor with a slow pace, "we must help knock sense into Master, it seems he's gone delusional. Get him." With those two words, the creatures leapt forward toward the young artist in attack. Kayle watched with sorrow in her eyes. "You say your ideals have changed Master, yet we still live as we are. How can I believe you?" she asked herself quietly in a sigh.

Rose and Caleb

Rose looked at the boy, clearly unimpressed. "Fine, if you're going to give them clothing, hurry up." She tapped her foot, waiting for the larger men to put him down. Deciding that she didn't have time for games and needed to find Enya quickly, she turned her attention to them. "Look, either let him down or I'll be forced to make you." Her eyes narrowed as she added, "I'm really not in a good mood either."

The man holding Caleb laughed, tightening his grip on the boy's shirt. "Hey boys, look at this. The funny guy needs a little lady to help him out. Perhaps we should teach her a lesson in minding her own business." His cohorts chortled as he looked her over. "You know, little lady, I wouldn't mind that bag of yours. It would come in handy to carry some loot out of this place for once." Dropping the boy, he loomed over Rose and launched a fist at her, intending to knock her out. "Don't let the boy leave," he said. "This is going to be ca-"

Before the man could finish his sentence though, Rose had already frozen him and was now holding her nose where the man's fist had connected from her slowness. "That wathn't nithe," she muttered, glaring at the greedy man and his friends, who were also frozen at this point. "I think it'th time for you all to leave," she glowered, adding, "Teleport," under her breath. Falling back against the wall, the red head placed a hand to her head, slightly dizzy from the headache and getting hit in the nose. "Tho kid," she addressed Caleb, "What'th your name, and how did you end up in thith thircle?"

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And Kenny's opening a portal. Figures, that tied with fireballs for most likely thing he'd do next. As Edward watched the rift slide open, he could already guess where Lucario was gonna grab: at his pole to try and take the energy back. Well then, let's see how well he grabs THIS!

He spun the pole in his hand like a gigantic, deadly baton, at speeds that could pass for helicopter blades. If anyone touched that, they would get a bunch of broken bones at best. More likely they would lose whatever body part made contact.

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Kenny had only been seeming to grab for the Pole, when in actuality he'd been doing that as a ruse. His actual target was one of Edward's legs, which he grabbed ahold of when he ducked, and began pouring vast quantities of Auric Energy into Edward in an attempt to overload Edward's Aura, even if that depleted his own Aura to nothing.

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Mr. Taylor raised an eyebrow at the young psycho killer. "Don't question me, lad. If you head down that way you'll see most of them fighting. amongst themselves. Now, don't tell me you can't handle those fools in that state..." Mr. Taylor looked at the killer dryly and talked as though he were scalding a child. "Now, if you're all done I have business to attend to." Mr. Taylor said no more, he simply turned and started to walk in the direction he was heading, continuing his search for Gestas.

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Phantom lowered his sword as the fight between Kenny and Ixidor began. They were both moving quickly, leaving no room for a strike from his sword without running the risk of hitting Edward. He turned from the battle, sheathing his sword and holding out his left hand. He walked forward, a portal slowly materializing in front of him. He glanced back one last time before stepping through the portal, leaving Edward to deal with Kenny on his own.

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Mr. Taylor and Marcus

Marcus strode after Mr. Taylor, almost admiring the man's confidence and courage. Almost. Catching up to him, he took the man by the arm and shoved him against the wall, making sure that a little of his now inhuman strength could be felt. "Listen, we made a deal, and you are going to come through, understand?" The killer seemed calm, but was vibrating with fury on the inside. "I want that aggravating kid that sticks his nose into everything, got it?"

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