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Pokemon Showdown


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  • Is this something you want to happen? Or would you rather stay on PO? Why?

If we did move to Showdown what features or other support would you want to make sure we retain, or would otherwise miss?

What other concerns do you have?

Anything else we should know?

  1. I'm personally against this, if only because I've gotten to know and enjoy the software for what it is

Keep everything. I'd hate to have a feature of the community cancelled because we had to transition to Showdown.

Compatibility with mobile browsers/clients. Quite a few of our visitors and regulars are on Android/iPhone, but I reckon there's an Android app out there. Also what MMM said in regards to usernames

Nothing I can think of right now.

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I too am supportive of Showdown for similar reasons already stated, however I'm not entirely sure that my opinion should hold clout in this decision. Mainly, I believe this because I've not been around PO long enough to have grown attached to it, nor have I been part of this community for so long either.

So overall, take that as you will, haha!

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just because of the animation effects for certain moves?

id say that even adds more hype to the battles

Even without animations, it's generally slower. And PO has animations anyway.

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I'm fine with both PO and Showdown. The latter is at least little more appealing, so I get why many want the transfer.

As long as our little Reborn family has it's cozy corner in a Pokemon battle simulator I'm all good.

Oh no! My main nickname is taken on Showdown! nuuuuu...

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My only concern is that some of the users on PO only have access through mobile. Will the move to showdown be possible for them?

I don't think there is a mobile client but I've been able to access Showdown from my web browser on my phone. Battles aren't top quality exactly on mobile but they can be done. Chat functions perfectly fine though.

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My only concern is having our own server, and I'm not sure about how back channels or anything of the sort works, or if they even exist. That's something that will /definitely/ be missed.

That said, I'm biased, but there's no stopping it if it's what you want to do.

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My only concern is having our own server, and I'm not sure about how back channels or anything of the sort works, or if they even exist. That's something that will /definitely/ be missed.

That said, I'm biased, but there's no stopping it if it's what you want to do.

I could help with that, I have experience running but not hosting a few showdown servers.

"backchannels" are just different rooms on the server where separate auth privileges can be given to those in charge of them n_n

And the Jelly ninjas are real

Also, what I do like about the Showdown servers is distinction between rankings. I never really figured it out cause I just thought that the + meant you were an admin or something and I didn't know how to the pokeballs distinguished ranks or anything. On Showdown there are clearly stated ranks with set privileges, authorities, and access to commands. These also differentiate, however, from the main lobby and side rooms. Side rooms have a "Room Owner" who is basically the admin of the room who has access to to every "room command" for that room only, and then lower roles like "Room Leader, Room Mod, Room Driver, etc."

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  • Is this something you want to happen? Or would you rather stay on PO? Why?

I personally wouldn't care if this happened on a whole, but i would rather stay on PO because OH GOD SHOWDOWN WHY IS YOUR TEAMBUILDER SO LAGGY?!?!?!? *ahem* because showdown and reborn have different tiers and we cannot edit the teambuilder towards these changes.

  • If we did move to Showdown what features or other support would you want to make sure we retain, or would otherwise miss?

I'd honestly miss quite a bit, nonary would be harder to run i'm sure and so would many other games, but if we move to showdown the thing i would miss the most is PO's eambuilder, otherwise i prefer showdown as a simulator overall. I would also miss TI's and win/lose messages, those were fun to think of.

  • What other concerns do you have?

showdown is extremely wonky, and if you're on main and reborn you may accidentally close reborn due to the tabs having the same name.

  • Anything else we should know?

not that I can think of, wish I heard of this sooner.

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Even without animations, it's generally slower. And PO has animations anyway.

how is it slower even with the animations?

are we talking about lag here or how the simulator actually works, because I see no difference in terms of how long a battle takes in each:

- by skipping animations and that sort of stuff the battles take practically the same amount of time, bar how long an opponent takes to make a move

- regarding how much time each player has to make a move, showdown has a time limit of 150 seconds, 300 if you challenged someone (which you can choose whether to have it turned on or off). po's time limit is 300 secs.

if you were talking about lag, then that's completely different and it doesn't apply to everyone, y'know?

Edited by MMM
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  • Is this something you want to happen? Or would you rather stay on PO? Why?

I personally wouldn't care if this happened on a whole, but i would rather stay on PO because OH GOD SHOWDOWN WHY IS YOUR TEAMBUILDER SO LAGGY?!?!?!? *ahem* because showdown and reborn have different tiers and we cannot edit the teambuilder towards these changes.

  • If we did move to Showdown what features or other support would you want to make sure we retain, or would otherwise miss?

I'd honestly miss quite a bit, nonary would be harder to run i'm sure and so would many other games, but if we move to showdown the thing i would miss the most is PO's eambuilder, otherwise i prefer showdown as a simulator overall. I would also miss TI's and win/lose messages, those were fun to think of.

Not sure what you mean by the teambuilder being laggy? Never experienced a problem with it to be honest. Because this would be Reborn's private server, the host could adjust the tiers to fit Reborn's tiers, so that's not an issue. While it is true, we cannot fit the teambuilder to these changes, we do have a tierlist on here just in case.

Cow said Nonary is indeed doable. Rooms in showdown act just like side channels in PO. While we may not have the TI's or the win/lose messages, there are many things that Showdown servers can do as well, like create little commands for personal trainer cards which could be used as TI if the mods made one for you.

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